"How to scam for beginners"
By haxc (11/3/03)

I'd like to notify to everyone that reads this artical that neopets are bound to change somthing within there systems which may provied my artical facts to be wrong. Its not my falt, when i wrote this artical it was current and providied lots of usefull information for scammers alike.

Anyway first of all I'd like to explain the art of scamming. Making another human bean believing in somthing which is not true is very hard to do, and only few can master it with such expertise that anything that comes out of there mouth is believed.

If you want to become a scammer you have to be on the job full time, you have to come home from school and start scamming. When scamming you have to put alot of thought in the scam phrase and not a off the head quik thing. Its those people who do repetive scames gives us scammers a bad name, hay its your fault for being the stupid ass who belevies us.

Neopets was not made for fare play and the goal for all members to become rich, the fact is that it would take you approximately 3-4 years to do that fairly but being a scammer gives you the choices to get that far in a week. To get items you would probably never get through fare play, to have display shop's, to get hidden tower items or start a really good guild with great giveaways cose you're rich and packed with great items, from scamming.

The 3 rules of scamming,

Number 1: Don't do any of the scams posted in Neopets "Wall of Shame" unless you think that it will produce the right results.

Number 2: It's always better to scam with a friend, share ideas and new tactics even np and items.

Number 3: Don't get caught.

The first time I got frozen I lost 150,000 np and many rare items (joeblowys69) of course all scammed but soon after I learned that Neopets security was pretty much log in screen no precautions other than if your under the age of 10 you cant do much. There main focus was on the login security, once you got in there was now way they could trace you or find out who you were.

The most important rule that I learnt was that you shouldn't try to scam a scammer.

The first thing you have to do if you wont to be a good scammer is too, jot down some scamming idea's which are new and not copied. Remember to make sure that you get a new hotmail to scam cose Neopets can scan there system for you main account hotmail and then your frozen. So create a new hotmail to scam with so you can't get frozen. You can get one from here hotmail

Next after you have obtained your new hotmail for scamming go to msn communties and search for neopets. It will come up with all the different neopet devoted groups. Pick one and enter. Next make sure it has a decent amount of people which you can scam off. Then you join with any name you choose and go to the message boards. Place your "new" scam there and wait till people start sending in there passwords.

Once in a while you might get lucky and the account may have 90,000 np or so in it but ordinary accounts have about 3,000 np and some good and bad items. That's why you have to check your hotmail every day to see if any new neopets have sent in there passwords. Normally if they don't get there np strait away they get nerviest and move there items and np into a spare account that's why you have to be fast. Because there are so many people who do believe in what you are saying you should get a notepad and write down all your account user's and pass's to scam so you don't waist time going back and forth.

Now go to neopets login page and choose the first victim. Ok your in, if the account which you are scamming is under that 10 years old limit where they cant have neofriends and chat cross it off and try another account also if they haven't produced a verification code so that they can have more than 1000 np cross that off and try another account.

But if all normal first check how much np they have if its around 0-100 don't bother, 100-300 slight chance, 300-600 good chance, 600-1000 doing good, 1000-3000 definitely look inside for more goodies, and 3000- above there's a good chance at a small or big fortune.

Then check the items, if there are newbie pack items or 1 np worth items cross it off or if you feel lucky check the shop or safety deposit box. If there seems to be good items go to the help section. Click on "change password". Know you're in the scammed accounts settings. Go and change the scammed account's pass to your desired one and change there email to your scamming hotmail which you obtained earlier. Know save settings and log back in. The scammed fello know can't get back into there account and will either get a new account and threaten you to give it back or the might just report it and make sure that there stuff is not taken.

Now you can have a quick look around, check there shop, guild, bank and deposit box. If there's any good items in either there shop or deposit box take them out. Now add your main account as a neofriend. Go back to the items section and send them away to your main account. Now get all the np out of the shop till and bank. Log back into your main account refuse the neofriend request from the scammed account. Put a crap item into your shop and price it to the exact amount of np in the scammed account. Log back into the scammed account and visit you're your main accounts shop. Buy the exactly amounted item so that you have 0 np left in the scammed account. Know delete any new advents in your main account an your scammed account relating to what you just did. And now you can either freeze the stolen account by swearing on the chat board to know that you are totally safe or as I said earlier have a look at there guild they might have some good idea's or code which you might want.

© Copyright of haxc

Do not try to reproduce this in anyway, cut form or whole without written acceptance by me mink13@hotmail.com . If you would like to use this article on your personal or "other" website page just give me an email telling me why you would like to use it, where it is going to be placed and who you are (just some personal information so that I know that you are a scammer or "other" which is interested in what I rite not some little dum shit which is going to post it on there scam hater's page) Also do not pose this as your own if you do there will be action.

you can email me mink13@hotmail.com with any questions about scamming in generaly.

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