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OK. Here's how it works: I have set up a series of puzzles, riddles, encryptions, codes, etc. so that once you solve one, it will lead you to the next one. So where is this going?

A prize of $20 for he who completes all 10 parts of the huge puzzle after May 1...

And the grand prize of $100 for he who completes all 10 parts before May 1 (April 30 or before)!!!

Right, no more chit-chat; off you go!

iujhefut ieb ut eyhqchq yc q uyldu o bufqf ut epqtuf dk du esydehjsubu euhhes ut deyssuhyt kj qryhsiu

:) Good luck... you'll need it!

If you have any queries, comments, suggestions, etc. Please email me at However, I will not help you solve riddles!

TIP: Part 1 ends with your email!