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Thank you for utilizing this site to review current Groups offered by Adult Intensive Services. This site will be updated on a regular basis and notated as such. Below you will find links to the various groups. Here you will obtain information on when and where the Groups are offered. There will be information on what the Group addresses. You will be provided with the name and contact number for the Group facilitator and any specific referral instructions. Another manner of referring your clients for groups is to call the Group Coordinator, Bud Perschek, at: 253-876-3488. Leave him the Client's name, ID number, phone number and the Group(s) you are intereseted in for your client. Bud will then help coordinate the client's placement in the groups you have identified. You will receive feedback on your client's participation. (If you are interested in having your group described here, contact Bud)


What's New In Groups
Self Sabotage Group
Trauma Survivor/PTSD Group
Men's Group
Depression Group
Socialization Skill Building
Men's Depression Group
Hospital Diversion
Vocational Services