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Faerie Welfare Agency

Page Title Here

About this Layout

This layout started off as a Painted Pets layout that was going to be kind of baby blue, but as I got more into the coding, it seemed nicer to have purple as my theme. Now it's basically just a full on Pets layout, with two baby pets on either side with colors that make up purple ^^

This is really easy to navigate through. Links are place on the right-hand side, along with anything else you want, such as a chatbox, affiliates, and maybe even a little box aout you.

How to Use

To have a title like the one above, just copy and paste the follwing code:

<p class="head">Heading here</p>

And to have a navigation box, copy the code between the

<!--NAVIGATION BOX--> tags and paste it to where you want to put your new navigation box.


If you use this layout, please leave the copyright section (including the link back to us) at the bottom of the navigation panel. Please don't steal the layout, or modify it without giving me credit. I am sick and tired of thieves so do not even try to steal this layout or you will suffer mass consequences.

Title Here

+ Link
+ Link
+ Link
+ Link
+ Link

Title Here

+ Link
+ Link
+ Link
+ Link
+ Link

Title Here

+ Link
+ Link
+ Link
+ Link
+ Link


Content (c) YOU
Images (c) Neopets Inc.
Used with permission
Layout By Neo-Reality