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E's House!!!

Hi Indiana folks and California People! Welcome to my website. This site has a few purposes. For the most part I am making this website to keep my Indiana family and friends updated on changes in my life and keep them posted with pictures of everything that is going on. Another purpose of this website is to encourage you all in your faith, weight loss goals, diabetic treks or whatever else you can relate to that I talk about on this page. I hope you have a great time looking at photos, reading about my journey of faith, checking the status of my life, and furthering your knowledge of things I know a lot about such as Diabetes, weight struggles, and psychology! Thanks again for stopping by and please sign the guestbook so I know you've been here and pass the page along for those you think would enjoy it! Love you all and God bless you!!!!

California's Top Ten List!

Some Web Sites I find helpful

A great place to make your own website
If you are looking to lose some weight
To learn more about Diabetes
A great place for free email
Vanguard University of Southern California
My California People page!
My Journey to Conquer FAT!
My California Friend of the Month
School and what's going on with it!
