~||Ensura ||~
~||Ensura ||~
~||Ensura ||~

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This is the beginning of a great and exciting adventure!

What is Ensura?

-Ensura is a powerful dominion of existance in which the story of these heros and the historical background of this story takes place. Ensura is also the term used for the powerful conciousness that the planet/dominion soon possesses, which appears to have a will of its own.

What is the Ensura storyline?

The story is centered around two young summoners who are great friends. The two encounter various allies and enemies as the basis for existance is challenged. The two must find a way to stop the will of their planet from destroying all of mankind in it's wrathful vengeance. The two also must find a way to restore the metaphysical balance of their world, as it now seems to be falling apart. Faced with hideous demons from distant dimensions and strangely mystical adversaries of great power, Sanvarlan and Sovilorn don't have much time...

Here are some screenshots fromEnsura
Akuyuta protects the party using one of his "Protection" spells...

The Troops of Kionias are preparing to attack Mathalai Narn.

Sanvarlan attempts to defend the Mathalai Narn Academy from Invasion!

Sanvarlan is ravaged by the attack of Summoner Lusailus...

June 21, 2003-Sorry, I was getting prepared for my prom for a few days so I really didn't have time to update the site. It was really fun, and I am working on a way to get the video up on the site so everyone can see it. Now I should have a little more free time, since all I have left to worry about is graduation. *tear* gonna miss Tech...the friends mostly of course :). I'm working on some new material anyway to put on the site. The next time I update, I should have it all up there. So until then,me at Kara's hanging with my buddies, signing off. Mwuahahahahahah!!!
June 16,2003-I added a "storylines" button, but as of yet it doesn't quite link to anywhere. Also I added a new character in the "Characters" section, Ethias Gairuto.I've added some more screen shots on the main page too!
June 10, 2003-Yes finally Ensura is taking shape. So far I now have the "Character" Section up and the "Characters" button actually has a functioning link. I've added one character's Bio so far, Sanvarlan Akami's. Of course I plan to add many more. Look for more upcoming sections such as the dictionary, archives, and possibly the transformation of this storyline into anInteractive RPG. Click HERE to go to the character's section.
June 7, 2003-I've finally added the "Ensura History Section" and put some information in there along with some pics. Um..I created the "Characters" button, but don't try to click on it, there's no page connected to it yet...sorry. Everythings going well so far for the site, but I still have to decide on the full potential of the site and where I want to go with it. Heh. It's fun to make anyway.
April 29 2003-Basically I have begun formation of the initial under pinnings of the site. I'm not quite sure what I want the site to be about, but I do know I'm going to be working really hard on it. Oh and it's my Birthday today! Happy Birthday to me :)