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A quaint, almost whimsical tudor-style cottage stands just off of US-1 in Rockledge, FL. The building seems out of place in this part of the state, which is dominated by housing developments and strip malls. Railroad tracks run directly behind the building, now a popular pub, and you can feel the whole place shake every time a train goes by.

I wasn't able to find much in the way of a history of the place. My best guess is that it dates back to the 1920's, possibly the 30's, and was originally a house before it was converted into a resteraunt and pub some time in the 1960's or 70's.

It has been on the 'National Ghostly Register' for years, and has also been the subject of professional investigations, and one television show that I know of. The resteraunt consists of a main foyer which leads right to the bar area, and a fireplace original to the building. . There are two staircases, one to the left for customers, the other is a wooden staircase (original) to the right of the bar for the staff. Much of the second floor was gutted, leaving an atrium area with hanging potted plants. The second floor still consits of a balcony above the bar where some tables are placed, and a larger dining area to the right off the service staircase.

Much of the strange phenomena centers around the lady's restroom, a small space with two stalls which goes underneath the service staircase, right off the bar area. It is usually very humid and opressive in there. On the left side of the room, now part of a stall, is a small old-fasioned window with a sliding-bar latch. On several occasions, this window has popped open, even though I latched it tight. Many people report this same anomaly. Others have claimed they see a pair of women's Victorian lace-up boots under the stall door.

The other epicenter of strange activity is the wooden service staircase. Many patrons, including myself, have captured ecto photos of the staircase itself, and the area where the bottom of the staircase, the bar, and the door to the lady's restroom intersect. In fact, there are so many anomalous ecto photos, they have put up an entire bulletin board full of them in the corner of the bar. Some people report feelings of being pushed on the staircase. Sometimes the wine rack over the bar will shake when there is no train going by, and staff have reported flying trays and moving silverware.

In the 1980's, a photographer for Florida Today newspaper claimed to have captured the transparent image of a 'ghostly waiter'. I have seen this photo, and it's highly dubious. It looks too good to be true, and there have never been reports or sightings of a waiter ghost.

There are two legends about the place I have not been able to confirm yet, and many believe these stories explain the source of the 'hauntings'. One legend claims that back when the place was a residensce, a married couple lived there, but I don't know what era or year this was. According to the tale, the husband came home one day and caught his wife upstairs, in bed with another man. He bacame enraged, and killed either his wife or both of them with an axe. The tale also claims that the murderous man dragged his wife's hacked-up corpse down the stairs-- what is now the service staircase.

The other legend involves the tragic spirit of a little girl who was mentally impaired. The details of this story are probably true, although I haven't searched for records yet. This probably happened later, the 1960's at the least, and the building might have been a by resteraunt then. As the story goes, the little girl ran out into the middle of US-1, the busy highway the bulding is located just off of. Some claim that the spirit of this little girl lingers because of her sudden and tragic death, and she has chosen the building as her new home since it was so close to where she died.

I also heard a rumor that the famous witch/medium, Sybil Leek, who accompanied legendary parapsychologist Dr. Hans Holzer on many of his investigations used to live there, but I currently have no confirmation of this.

Pub Investigation & Photos
