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Dum d e. e d U M.!!

Here are my thoughts, my feelings, my passion, my anger, my sorrow, my happiness.

January 10th, 2005

Why are you always there when I least expect it?
Why are you always there when I'm there?
You really surprise me.
I'd actually like to think that this is fate,
I'd like you to think that we were meant to be.
Because I want to believe we were.
You make my heart jump up to heaven so many times.
Can you entertain me like that, always?
Until the end of the days?

January 7th, 2005

Here in the library at my school
I'm supposed to be studying but
what can teachers expect?
what can we do except to play?
concentrating when there's something that we can enjoy on the net is impossible.
teachers are dumb :)
and thats good.

January 4th, 2005

Would I be asking you too much,
if I asked you to tell me you care?
Would I be asking too much,
if I asked you to show me you care?
Would I be asking too much,
if I asked you to tell me how you feel?
It's all because of my heart,
it's all because it's in my head,
it's all because I care,
about YOu.
This might be a dream never come true,
but I'd love to spend time with you together.
This will be a dream never come true,
but I'd like to tell you that I care. Yes. I care.
Because everytime I look into your eyes, I see it
I see a reflection of myself, in love.
Because everytime I feel you brush against me, I feel it
I feel my heart JUMP UP to heaven, out to space, towards the sun.
THANKS to you.
"I'm jealous of every girl that has held you in her arms,
because for that one moment, she held my entire world."

The quote explains it all.
I'm in love. With you.

January 3rd, 2005

Won't you please,
talk to me like you used to before,
smile at me and tell me what's up,
tell me all those things you can share with me,
teach me about yourself?
Won't you please?
My heart is swelling up with the pain,
the pain that you caused me.
Talk to me.
Call my name.
Talk to me.
Tell me that you're just not there, tell me that you're just away.
Tell me that you'll talk to me again, tell me that I'm special.
Special or friends, it doesnt matter.
JUST tell me.

You just had to do that didn't you?
You just had to tell.
You just had to tell.
Now you got - not talking to me.
Now you've done it.
You screwed it all.
You broke my heart.
You betrayed me.
The first best thing that's happened to me, this year.
I wish this wasn't true, tell me it's not.
Fuck you.

January 2nd, 2005

Tomorrow it starts again.
Tomorrow it happens again.
Tomorrow I die again.
Tomorrow I'm born again.
Because tomorrow,
is the time when my friends will go to school,
and myself.
Tomorrow I will go, enjoy my time, laugh along and talk a lot.
Not to forget, act retarded.
The cycle of life for tomorrow:
When I get out of my house I die.
When I go inside my classroom, I am reborn.
When I get out of school, I die.
When I go inside my house, I am reborn.
That is the cycle of life, of me.

January 1st, 2005

God Bless the world :)
May God bless the people that was affected by the tsunami that occured lately.
May God bless everyone that has been hurt physically and mentally. Everyone.
May everyone learn from their losses, their mistakes, and their past.
May the world be filled with love this year of 2005.

And may I please be blessed, to suffer less than last year,
from any sorrow, anger and any wrong of friendship this year.

I told you a secret, I thought you wouldn't tell anybody because you promised you wouldn't.
But you did :)
Now it's gone all around the world, what I told you.
Everyone knows, but it's meant to be a secret.
Now it's a fact, because it's not a secret if everyone on earth knows about it.
I thought you could keep a secret.
I thought you cared for me.
I thought you were my friend.
I guess I was wrong. :(

Some people just don't learn.
They just can't learn from people.
They backstab you,
Hurt you,
Spread rumours about you.
When will people stop that shit?
The users, when will they quit doing that fucked up stuff?
When somebody does what they do to them, they get soo PiSSED OFF
and goes telling everyone about what somebody did to them.
You know what?
Those people I just talked about,
they should consider themselves as TRASH.FUCKED UP ONES.