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the politics of health care

. a new study finds that
fat-wallets-are-normal doctors who think they are god
( and servants of the pharmaceutical kickback )
are the leading cause of preventable deaths in america
( a medical doctor specializing in osteopathy, and preventive lifestyling )

. real health care is prevention
-- using science --
which begins by assuming we're both wrong,
and being open to debate,
to continuously test our beliefs

. the problem with this approach,
is that we may not be at liberty to
talk about the real problem;

for example,

psychiatric patients who are "(helped) with atypical anti-psychotic drugs
may prefer to conceal their medical profile,
but without knowing that, you would not know why
the Atkins laughably-easy diet is not an option;
only real sweaty discipline would work in this case .

patients who tend toward obesity on psychiatric drugs
are doomed to hyper.insulin.emia,
-- and clogged arteries --
unless they are also put on an ultra-low calorie zone diet .

. I feel like there is surrealistic justice in a universe
where a god is puppet-master over us all
because look what the god has directed:

. it was a typical modern promoter of
the fat-is-normal diet,
who also
will likely get osteoporosis
because they insisted on a normal-calorie, normal-glycemic index diet
that resulted in high insulin levels
-- because of [/]abnormal stress or the use of "(normal) processed foods

and who also
will likely die of calcium-clogged arteries
they insisted on throwing calcium supp.s at a
high-insulin, low-magnesium problem

( but it was doctor-recommended !
-- and so was the skyrocketing escalation of america's insurance premiums )]

the politics of religion (6.6.27)

. my idea of the  war on terrorism is
* putting a lock on every pilot`s cabin door,
* promoting collective parenting, marriage to groups in conjuction with individual
(remarriages stay within the group) and basically living at church,
and reserving the personal parties for once a week .
*  for homeland security,
I'm firmly commited to protecting our rights
from the "(good) intentions of today's christian militancy ...

. the hottest christian militant issues
--  such as zionism, homosexuality, and abortion --
are really putting the cart before the horse:

. the authors of the bible (who included generations of well-intentioned patriarchs pretending to be god),
were simply trying to find strength within a weakening sea of
infectious diseases and intrafamilial conflicts
. the christians use of a "(new testament) is really just a mockery of that holy book of Judaism
just as the Mormon bible is a mockery of christian doctrine
and Islam is a reaction against the european arms race to out-colonize the other .

. you can tell that what's really important to the god of our times
these groups should hate eachother for reasons that come from a "(higher source)
so that there is no negotiating,
and no other choice than to evolve technology
-- and the keys to eternal survival .

a constitution for protecting children
--rather than business interests

. I redesigned the constitution to protect the rights of both civilians,
states, and children as well !

. some laws that give special status to the spouse
have been arranged under the assumption that the norm will be that
the married parents decide one or the other will stay home
to take care of the children,
and thereby declaring a dependency on the other parent;

. it is this dependency that the marriage laws seek to accommodate

. the federal constitution should have a negotiable part
that a state`s constitution may override only if
that state`s legislature obtains a supermajority to do so

. the federal`s negotiable part should include this:

. this nation has had a long tradition of bible-based religion;
law is about what can be believed by all of us,
which naturally implies
that if this constitution is to reach a concensus with every religion,
it can be based on the bible only in so far as it
rationalistically interprets the bible as being
concerned with our collective welfare into the indefinite future
(rather than some bizarre notion of an afterlife
-- it should be noted that the christian intention of that belief
has simply been to attract every conceivable superstition under one tent,
-- a noble if not impossible undertaking )

. we recognize that the bible's law was primarily concerned with
prevention of infectious diseases;
any sexual activity that results in the transmission of a disease
will not be tolerated except where a group makes a pledge of marriage
such that the disease they are willing to live with
does not spread outside the group
. marriage is defined as a group's pledge to limit unsafe sex;
it can be extended by adding members to the marriage,
but it cannot be terminated by divorce:

. unsafe sex with someone outside the marriage
automatically merges their marriage groups
unless they are quarantined
( this inhibits newly-created, insidious diseases, the way hiv emerged;
you can't test for what you don't know about yet;
thus, there is no safe way to allow free "(marriage-hopping) .

. there are many reasons why a group would want to declare a dependency
( esp'ly one that designates to each member a primary guardian);
any legal language that gives special status to a spouse
equivalently gives the same status to an individual`s primary guardian
. marriage is not a declaration of dependency;
marriage and dependency are independent legal contracts

. we recognize that regardless of a marriage's sexual orientation,
a parenting group that is allowed to raise children in privacy
is statistically bound to engage in behavior that the public will not condone,
and being subject to the shame of secrecy,
some of these misguided children will be psychologically damaged;
parenting pledges are always made with some public group,
independent of (sexual) marriages and dependendencies

. unlike marriages (which default to self)
and dependencies (which default to one`s childhood guardian
else the state`ombudsman),
requires a pledge to document which public group
is playing an active role in each child`s development

. the chosen public group is the child`s primary guardian:

 they are responsible for ensuring
that migrating parents transfer control to another documented public guardian

. every mother is required to obtain a national id card for each child,
 and to declare a public guardian group at that time
( which defaults to the current state's Child Protective Services );
the national id card contains no information other than
biometrics needed to authenticate the identification,
in order to avoid fraud such as identity theft