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7.3.16: mobi`office/ppc


. ppc (pocket pc 2002 on dell`axim x5) is the primary means of conserving energy in a pc-dependent office;
it actually produces no perceptable heat or ozone!

energy-efficient computing

. python could be getting good eno' on the wince platform to make it livable,
which is worth the effort because it cuts energy use by 4 atleast .


complete the tour of python tutorials for upload to ppc

. I missed this during my tour of python tutorials for upload to ppc
"J:\co\addn\addn dev\00 platform-specific\addn dev.python\00 doc tutor\ai from the google guy\
. c files like this should be linked to the ppc/`evc project:
J:\co\addn\addn dev\00 lang c c++ vc++\00 docs\gutenbrowser-

7.3.8: todo"mobi`electric/xpw effic by linux

. instead of buying more gear to be energy efficient,
see if linux -- known for working with smaller systems --
and esp'ly gentoo -- known for using hardware wisely --
can bring xpw`s energy use under control

7.3.6: pos.sto/addn`gear

. if xp2 is sto'd, remove the harddrive
. keep the monitor here until you get the mac running headless,
which can be done on sunday's or after hours when the parking is free
. remember that dr.psychi would think it innocuous for you to work here all night and sleep all day in your lux.liner,
but in the city random bad things often happen to unattended vehicles .


. The openwince project collects free (open source)
software tools, modules, applications, drivers, and so on
for Windows CE platform developers

todo.addn/ppc`gear/case that presses the plug to one side
. the ppc is not useless even without the stereo,
since it is offering a way to read books that uses much less energy than the ppc
. all it needs is a one-sided headset
which is easy to get since I already have mom`s ear muff speakers
which are not really good for music anyway
. but apon exploring now, I find that the loose connection
actually affects both speakers
and would be annoying regardless of headset config
. the only way to avoid opening it to check for loose terminal
is to make a case that presses the plug to one side of the jack and holds it there
. then it would be a great machine for ipodding .


7.3.6: mobi`office/testing printers

I found that vim has no sense for talking fonts to a printer;
but wordpad does, and it can make some very small print with the smallest font of arial narrow
. I asked it to save that format, and found that unlike stupid uses of rtf,
where a seemingly simple file was just full of font codes,
the conversion to rtf was really clean:
it had a simple header of 2lines,
and then it had replaced each newline with (\par)
. the printer was not skipping lines,
and now I wonder if I was mis programming it;
it was acting just as if I had assumed it had a fewer lines than it did,
and had then asked it to formfeed after that number
. this could have been because I wanted to stop between paragraphs,
and had used micro.form.adjust which makes the page virtually shorter
. if other apps were failing too, then that could have been the problem
. when vim or wordpad did the programming this time,
everything was fine .

 find word on programming lexmark,
it says the site has a ref,
and I downloaded something like that? find:
well I discovered that's one mb I don't need:
a dated fat pdf version of something that comes with installation
. test if wordpad can drive the lexmark like it drives the epson
. sometimes the print comes out redish because one of the color channels is stuck,
but after a few tests, it's doing fine print very nicely,
and faster than impact`s draft mode considering that it can whiz through very fine print,
so it`s lines are 3 times the size of draft lines .
. getting openoffice would give you higher features like column printing
so you could make better use of the paper .

7.3.8: todo"mobi`electric/xpw effic by linux

. instead of buying more gear to be energy efficient,
see if linux -- known for working with smaller systems --
and esp'ly gentoo -- known for using hardware wisely --
can bring xpw`s energy use under control

7.3.13: todo.web/addn/ppc/ is pda linux! [promising]

--found in mag"linux for

7.3.16: mobi`office/efficient computing

7.3.16: proj"efficient computing (re: mobi`electric)


. ppc`gcc doesn't come with installation instruction? see project page

. Linux-on-Dell-Axim-X5 project does run from a cf card? see puppy linux for an idea of what that's about
. netbsd does look possible without the missing file .

. python ce is a mess because ce 3 doesn't support anything;

use addx as a virtual os that provides all the things needed for desktop functionality
 Windows CE lacks a C system() function because it lacks native console support
. it does not support pipes, signals, or environment variables

. for netbsd kernel, does it only support iPAQ and Jornada 720 ? 

this should be mixable with something like the co.linux idea .


what can make the ppc a powerful place,
so I can do computing on the road using less power?

. for ppc looked promising -- many of their dev's use that platform to do some coding --
but one of 3 vital files is  "(coming soon) ?  (17: and they likely don't serve proprietaries like dell`axim) ?
[17: however, they do have instructions that make it appear the missing file is not essential ]
well, what about linux on dell`axim specifically:
. Linux-on-Dell-Axim-X5 project got stalled by there being
no way to turn the unit off or get the cf card working
(though apparently they could run from a cf card, so they were able to read the cf?)
. nothing much for dell.linux?
look back into pocket gcc or some other other platform that runs as an application:

. pythonce might have news of a better version;
but, ppc 2002 is not supported, [20: although it did get a recent update]
so my dell`axim is left using some defunct version of python (the one I already have)
--[17: that might not be a bad starting point to making ppc 2002 a better place to live,
if you can read their code; other wise be better off with something built from the ms`dev kit along with books about dev.pc  ]

. finally, if you want to start from the ground up, using c,
pocket gcc  native compiler/toolchain for arm-wince-pe featuring gcc 3.2 and of Binutils - 2.13.
is being actively maintained again! :
2006-06-15 - CeGCC project continues pocketgcc cause
 It is recommened for all interested in pocketgcc to try and work with CeGCC. - pfalcon
[20: the  point of p.gcc is that even if you aren't running linux,
a gcc for ppc could  let you do win.ce programming on win.ce
which satisfies the efficient-computing requirement,
by making the ppc a useful place  since you can develope on it .

7.3.16: mobi`office/ppc/ms`sdk"ppc#2002

gathered the sdk, dep's, and docs

7.3.16: xpw`power/stacked devices to avoid dc converters

7.3.21: ppc/`ce2002 sdk/installation

. need to be admn? make a special acct for them
. eMbedded Visual Tools 3.0 - 2002 Edition
The Microsoft® eMbedded Visual Tools 3.0 2002 Edition
deliver a complete desktop development environment for creating
applications and system components for Windows® Powered devices,
including the Pocket PC and Smartphone.
This refresh of the eMbedded Visual Tools 3.0
contains Microsoft eMbedded Visual C++® 3.0;
Microsoft eMbedded Visual Basic 3.0®,
and now includes the Software Development Kits (SDKs) for Pocket PC 2002
. that means all I need is that evt (key = TRT7H-KD36T-FRH8D-6QH8P-VFJHQ)
possibly new Emulator Images that allow you to
test your applications in all available Pocket PC 2002 languages.

. it says the specified path is too long I:/bin
retry or cancel ... what ?
it allowed a finish after a cancel, and it's furiously using the hd;
maybe it meant cancel the requested change of path?
. it made a fuss during smartphone too (I asked for only the doc's of that sdk)
smartphone installer also says:
 also says internal error 2753. sp2002dps.exe
visbasic said I had nothing to start with,
but c++ is letting me make something new:

A standard "Hello World" application will be created for you targeting:
        Win32 (WCE ARM)
        Win32 (WCE x86)

Main: test.cpp
Pre Compiled Header: Stdafx.h and Stdafx.cpp.
Resources: test.rc, resource.h, and test.ico

oh, it's showing only smartphone? I need the other:
first try installing it separately (it says I haven't installed yet;
.. however, the readme says I have to uninstall smartphone too)
. fatal err during uninstall and can't access help file? close help window and retry;
. says it's unable to write to a folder: I named something with a slash at the end;
mmm, try a rollback
no rollbacks available?!, hand delete that help file;
after a log-out or delete that smartphone seems uninstalled?
(set a recovery rollback point; retry ppc 2002 sdk)
. it seems to be ignoring me? then try uninstalling and redoing the evt pkg;
it says it will fix thing? instead it complains it can't: back;
ok! start a file, check doc's,
read about making a shareable dll

Virtual PC/Windows CE Emulator fails

A driver is installed that causes stability problems with your system
. This driver will be disabled. Please contact the driver manufacturer for an update that is compatible with this version of Windows.

7.3.29: maybe there's another way

What Others Are Downloading
Others who downloaded Pocket PC 2002 SDK also downloaded:
  1. Pocket PC 2002 SDK Emulator Images
  2. Standalone Device Emulator 1.0 with Windows Mobile OS Images 
Setup Tips for eMbedded Visual Tools

. The Pocket PC 2002 emulator for Microsoft eMbedded Visual Basic
is included with the Pocket PC 2002 SDK

. finally, consider that emulators can be replaced by debuggers and having the actual device available to do testing on .

7.3.21: proj"ppc/`evc/getting started

. look for example programs for ce,
found some code for pythonce but not doc's
. unpacked doc's of reinstall kit,
unpacked ppc-related things,
. found a perfect, small example program
at`\Chapter 6 for WinCE\CCeFileFind - File Finder class

7.3.24: downloads done

. now have the docs, code, and bin of the python version that ppc 2002 can use
. refreshed the downloads of stackless and pypy .

7.3.31: todo"xp2/making a laptop expansion:

. see how to kit a pc, and rebuild xp2,
turning it into a portable by separating the power source from the part that needs only 5v .
. as seen in the win95,
it's also possible to separate the drives from the mother board,
 but may need metal housing around the ribbon cables to not disrupt tv, radio, wifi, etc .
. the 2 computers can be ethernet'd .
todo.web: serial-usb adapter for connecting serial device to usb port .

7.3.31: todo.web"ppc/connecting to mac:

. use ethernet card on ppc to network ppc with headless mac?
make sure someone else with ppc 2002 axim has rated it
. there is vnc via wifi
. and there is programming of the serial port like is done by kybd drivers;
and I also have a spare serial jack from a down kybd .

7.3.31: pos"palm/dana idea obsolete:

. with the high cost of palm's,
it's cheaper to reuse the ppc and then spend more on energy .
news.addn/palm/dana .

7.3.31: proj"ppc/dev.c#/yahoo`group

. c# group downloads,
I'm Vitaliy Pronkin, student of Moscow State University/Dept. of Mechanics and Mathematics,
programmer, web-developer, HP1940 owner,
questions/comments/problems.. [@] .

7.4.4: todo.web/mobi`office/ewe

7.4.12: ppc`power#dc:

. the 5.4v ppc can be run on 12v by running other app's in series with it
. another option is to use the dc power supply of some other app;
eg, the cell has a 5.2vdc supply .

7.5.15: proj"mobi`office/ppc/`evc

. find c++ samples that came with sdk; browse library and simple code .

7.5.27: proj.addn/ppc`kybd/cord installation

. the routine has been to have the ppc plugged into a kybd
which then had the look of a miniature laptop;
now that I have to fix the kybd`s electricals anyway,
I would prefer to have the screen closer to my face,
while the kybd stayed near my lap, or was in some position
where my arms could remain straight,
esp'ly since finding that typing with arm`s extremely bent can be bad for the circulation;
I need to add a cord between the kybd`s plug
and the circuitboard driving the kybd
. then I can have the ppc harnessed by a neck.strap [28: and a stand]
in order to keep the screen viewable .

. I can't find the recycled usb cable, so I considered reuse of ethernet cable,
but I noticed ethernet is not shielded so I'm worried that uses software tricks I won't have,
and go back to finding some usb cable
. what I found was a little-used usb extension cable,
which will be great for creating a socket&plug system,
so that if the cable does break, or the device needs to be replaced,
only one half of the system will need repairing

. following convention, I should give the socket-side to the cpu, and give devices the plug-side

. apon wondering how I should order the wiring,
I noted what's already in place for the kybd
 and for a usb device ( a hub ):

kybd`( red: vcc, brown: data, grey: ground),
--. the kybd also has a powersocket for the ac adapter (tip = vcc),
but this will only be useful if preferring that
the ac adapter port have different location

todo.web/usb std:
usb`(red: vcc?, yellow: data?, green: data?, black: ground\shield)
. the ethernet (cat5 csa type pcc) cable is not always shielded, if ever .


. one reason for having separate connections for kybd and power supply
is the kybd`s buggy requirement of being unplugged in order to reset a glitch
. this may be possible simply by unplugging kybd from my usb adaptor,
but this hasn't been tested, and might require pulling my usb adaptor out of the ppc`parallel socket .