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7.4.23: mobi`dog.guard/req"insect.guard


6.11.19 todo"bee.guard

. what to do if bugs are getting in while you enter the cabin?
in the movie"alien the humans removed all the stowaway predators
by getting strapped in and suited up for space walking
while the cabin was filled with a vacuum by opening the door
. likewise, all sorts of life are killed in barns by hooking up a truck`exhaust pipe into the building .


7.4.6: bee.guard

. rigid foam panels can be pre-built as halves that slide in after assembly,
. one way to pre-build is to make a bed of plastic sheet,
stuff it with egg cartons, and then spray with handi`foam#fire.block
. this is a good application for the fire.block because it is harder than other handifoams,
although you can somewhat stiffen any variety by disturbing the air bubbles .
. 24hours later,
cut the panels in half to remove them from the frame .
. the boom can be pre-foamed, and the foam can be extended by stuffing it first with egg carton halves
. cheap handifoam is good for this application because
fireblock is most needed in places that need firmness
or when filling the gaps in a fire-resistant vaporbarrier .


2005.11.03:  bees in the shell

. if wasps are a hassle while driving,
 one could use that snow door ( which closes with a draw string )
around the waist which forms an air-tight seal between the head and foot ends of the car
. this would be ok because in bee country the pace is slow so bee trousers are not too hot,
and on the open road where a sweat builds up, there is no bee problem

. a better idea is that the slot is closed with tent fabric that is
shaped to be covering the bike
and also has sleeves allowing feet to operate pedals !

. there is no reason not to have a rigid design;
because, the insulation does not have to be any thicker than a coat
since the key to heat preservation is ventilation control 
-- which is easier to secure when the architecture is rigid

7.1.30: mosquito netting over vents

. if the driver cabin has netting, it should be easily removable
(like with a screen door design)
since under certain conditions it might be difficult to see through
. in the city police might object to it,
but in the country there would be fewer police and more insects .
. to avoid conflicts with authorities about the visibility of your insect netting,
make the cabin enclosed by making the following list all one piece:
( the hard lower shell
, the soft upper
, and the helmit )
. it looks something like a guy in a convertable wearing a poncho and a helmit .
) . it can be heavy material even in the summer time
because of the insect screen in the front below eye`level
. since climbing in from behind,
getting into the poncho is easy as putting on the helmet .
. the underside of trailer must be smoothed so there are no spaces to tempt bee nesting
. also need to foam the inside of the boom
--. I once contradicted the req' of needing vapor-barrier plastic under the trailer`frame,
but I had forgotten about the bee issue .
. the trailer`frame cannot be pre-foamed because assembly becomes impossible,
though somehow, the plastic underside should be backed with an eggcarton-handifoam composite .
. before foaming, finish epoxying the critical points of the dahon connection .

7.2.17: bees in the cabin

. one way to inhibit bees nesting underneath,
is to fill the cavities with pieces of foam,
and then adhere it with handifoam or some other spray-on plastic .