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United Community Center Service



Welcome to the United Community Center -- MUHS Christian Discipleship Project website.  We would like to thank you for your interest in our project. -- Edlin Rodriguez, Dan DeVougas and John Brady

Our Mission

From the beginning, Edlin, Dan and I wanted to challenge ourselves, physically, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually.  Our greatest challenge was not only adjusting to the cultural and economic differences, but overcoming the language barrier.  Each of us had various proficiencies in Spanish (Edlin being fluent), but with teamwork and reliance on each other, we were able to communicate well with the children we tutored.


The United Community Center



Social Issues and Christian Perspective




The United Community Center

    At the United Community Center, we tutor and assist students with their homework for the first hour.  After that, the second hour is split up into specialty activities; we either assist with activities or help tutor the academic probation students.  The students range from 1st through 4th grade.  One of the greatest challenges is the language barrier.  Most (if not all) of these students speak Spanish in their houses, however, they are taught in school in English and a large majority of their homework is in English.  One challenge I've noticed the students have is the difficulty comprehending their homework, especially in the area of basic English and literature comprehension.  The best experience I've had working at the United Community Center is the relationships that have developed over the course of our service.  There are students that look forward to your arrival.  The various staff and volunteers have all been helpful in explaining what to do and assisting you if there is an unruly student.  The United Community Center is not your average service project: it requires commitment, conviction, a government background check and a drug test.  I say this not to discourage, but to help clarify the significance of working at the United Community Center.

    This is Mary Lisa.  She is the director of the after school program at the United Community Center.  She is your contact person and the person that completes the evaluation at the end of the semester.  As an upbeat, outgoing and competent individual, she will always have an activity for you to help with.
    When you sign up apply to work at the United Community Center, you will need to contact and meet with Soraya Cazco.  She is an Assistant in Human Resources.  There is a few sheets of paperwork that are needed before you begin volunteering.  There is a Government Background Check, parking agreement (if you are going to use the designated parking lots), you will also need to schedule a Drug Test through the United Community Center; the United Community Center host their own medical building only a few blocks from the main building. 
    I appreciate your interest in working at the United Community Center.  I hope the information provided on this site may prove beneficial and helpful while you decide your own service project this semester.       - John Brady '05




Facts about the United Community Center

Year Founded:  1970

Number of Participants Served Each Year:  More than 18,000

Participants by Program:  Cultural Arts, 7,367; Human Services, 5,301; Youth, Health and Athletics, 4,337; Education, 763; Elderly, 574.

Participants by Ethnicity:  Mexican, 43%; Puerto-Rican, 33%; Caucasian, 10%; Asian, 6%; African-American, 6%; Other Hispanic, 1%; Native American, 1%.

Annual Budget:  Almost $10 Million

Facilities Funded:  Teen Center, Fitness Center, New Entrance and Lobby, Latino Arts Auditorium, Latino Arts Gallery, Alternative Middle School and Human Services Building.

Read the history of the United Community Center here.

All informational facts taken from the United Community Center Website, 21 April 2004.  United Community Center, Inc..  (c) 2003

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Contact and Web Information

United Community Center

Postal address:
1028 S. 9th St.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
On the Web:
United Community Center Web Site
          Yahoo Maps: In case you need Directions

Marquette University High School 

Postal address:
3401 West Wisconsin Avenue
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
On the Web:
MUHS Web Page
Yahoo Maps: In case you need Directions

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Last modified: 04/26/04