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Virtue Ethics


Virtue Ethics:  in ethics, the position that the moral life should be concerned with cultivating a virtuous character rather than following rules of action.


Aristotle wrote that human beings can be happy only if they fulfill their basic human purpose or function.

bulletHumans will be happy only if we are able to act within reason in the various circumstances of our life;
bulletSince the ability to do something well is a virtue, Aristotle concludes that humans will achieve happiness only by developing their virtues


For Aristotle, a virtue is the ability to be reasonable in our actions, desires and emotions.

bulletWe are not born with such abilities but acquire them by training in our communities
bulletWe become virtuous by being trained to act virtuously in appropriate situations until it becomes a habit.
bulletIt is at first difficult but when we have acquired the virtue, it becomes easy & pleasant.


Through our actions we shape the kind of person we become.

·        If the behaviour tends to produce a virtuous character, then it is morally right.  If it produces a vicious character, then it is morally wrong



What are the virtues or character traits that you believe are important for the morally good person to have in today’s world?  Why are these important?  How would you go about cultivating this kind of a character?