I am David and this is my site. I am a Space Monkey, are you?

If you are offended by anything on this site, then fuck you, you are a whining mother fucker who deserves to be shot.

Don't visit any of the ads on this site. They all suck. If you are a hacker, hack those ads, and replace them with pictures of naked chicks.

If you have anything to say email me at sensei_david_@hotmail.com.

Do not click! (25/6/05)

(Removed - 22/6/05) (20/6/05)

Doriya!!! (22/5/05)

Golf (22/4/05)

Helping People can be very beneficial (6/3/05)

Helping People can be beneficial (16/2/05)

The one commandment (I don't apologise for the late update. You can all suck my dick if you want an apology, I'll spray it all over your face) (30/11/04)

IyM @ Fo0Lie s1k KurN7!!11111111 (30/9/04)

Code (28/9/04)

Manga (27/9/04)

Don't believe everything you see (26/7/04)

The Demolition Man (26/9/04)

HOLY FUCK! A spanking new fucking article!!!111 (21/9/04)

My chemistry teacher is a bad-ass mofo (27/8/04)

Rob me? You must have a death wish... (14/8/04)

Hamlet (5/8/04)

What the fuck? (1/8/04)

Character Map (1/8/04)

People (28/7/04)

Porn (25/7/04)

I ate my neighbours' children (21/7/04)

Meaning of the word "Bidet" (20/7/04)

Point of mimes (12/7/04)

Click here to see my apology for disrespecting mimes (12/7/04)

I am nice (8/7/04)

Rageahol (8/7/04)

Shut Up (3/7/04)

I'm going to become a Sacraficial Anode (2/7/04)

Footy Pie (1/7/04)

Disney Respect +1 (1/7/04)

Stupidity of Babies (30/6/04)

Fight Club (28/6/04)

Let's blow up the moon (27/6/04)

Let's all get raped by Apple iPod! (27/6/04)

Sultuna Bran (aka Shit) (27/6/04)

Number of people who have visited my site: