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eM Clan


eM=Evovled Magic..................BEST CLAN OUT<<><><><><><><><>OWNAGE<>><><><><><><><><><><><><> RANK MEANINGs Insane Cousil-Best players......they own ppl that start shit...the most loyal members...b loyal and u can get to b show me that u not leaving eM..then u will get up herre fast) Deadly merceneries-2nd best players....same thing^^^^) Player Effects-They train ppl that need work...on anything...they r good players 2...3rd best) Strikers-Same as player get to b a PLayer effect...B loyal to clan..and stay in eM.) Ambassodors-they help us get allies....or clan wars....they will neogtiate or sum this and u will gte ranked up higher..if u make alot of allies and shit..) Gatherers-same thing as Ambassodors...but they gather everything up..and help out the ambassodor) Agents-new to clan not that good getting trained by the player effects) free agents-this is where u go if i have no clue where to put u....(hardly noone goes in this rank tho)) Volenteer CLan Organizers-ONLY IF U WANT TO RANK UP HIGHER OR VOLENTEER JUST TO MAKE CLAN MAPS>>>SITES>>>>>BOTS) HOPE U ENJOY SITE>>>>ND PREPARE TO FEEL THE WRATH OF>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>EVOVLED MAGIC<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Practice is Always on Monday @ 8 eastern