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Orientation Week

Date: 8/28/04 >>> Orientation Week

Howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy. Whats happening everyone!! I'm doing pretty well right now. I'm kinda sick with a cold but orientation week is nearing its end. I sat through all of the boring info sessions and registration lectures and I even participated in a skit in the talent show. We won!!!!! It was really awesome!! We did a skit that ripped on all the students and administrators at Michigan Tech with a puppet very similar to that of Triumph the insult comic dog. Everyone loved it. We got a free T-Shirt for having the best overall skit. I went to the first football game and we won that too! It was like 48 to 6. Michigan Tech Huskies Vs. Northern University. There is a bridge that is like three miles away from my dorm that I walked to the other day with a large group of people at like 11 at night. At night the brillant color of the darkness mixed with the luminous red lights of the bridge and spotlights are a beautiful sight. Everyday I eat in the McNair Cafeteria and see the gorgeous view of the portage on lake Superior. I only hope that I will never get sick of the amazing view.

Date: 10/10/04 >>> Talent Show

Finally the pictures from the talent show got back to me and I can put them on my sight now. I’m walking across stage after telling a joke about the idiot Resnet faculty and the other picture is of our entire team, Team 11. My O.T.L., (Orientation Team Leader), is the one in the back with the BIG PIMPIN’ glasses on. Sorry about the REALLY CRAPPY quality of these photos. They were taken on a disposable camera, as oppose to the rest of the pictures on this site that were mostly all taken on my HP camera.

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