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My Friends

Date: 8/21/04 >>> New Faces

Here are a couple of people I thought you should meet because they already mean a lot to me or they will in the near future. Brian Wichmann is on the left. He is my roomate who insists on meeting all the ladys on campus. I too would insist on meeting all the ladies on campus. There aren't many of them. The woman on the right is my Resident Assistant. Her name is Kate and she is really springy and happy all the time. Not for long anyway.

Date: 8/24/04 >>> My Floormates

These are some of the crazy people that I have to put up with on a daily basis. Matt is on the far left and he is kinda goofy but still enjoyable to have around. Ian is the second to the right. Ian is really cool and hes got a laid back sense of style. He and I are bonding and becoming good friends. Brad, second from the right, seems to be the most sporty person of the bunch. He can play the electric guitar. Paul, on the far right, is the computer wizard in my nearby surrounding area. Nick, bottom left, is my current replacement friend for Gert. I even mistook him for Gert when I was moving into my dorm. Chris, bottom middle, is the person in the group who hasn't opened up to the rest of us all that much yet. I'm sure he'll get around to it though. James, bottom right, is all over campus and I don't get to see him much being that he is one of the only people near me to own a bike. I hope to learn and help you to learn more about these interesting roomies in the near future!!

Date: 9/23/04 >>> Josh

This is Josh. Josh and I were in the same Orientation team and we've been hanging out a lot. We play Counter Strike together and have a few of the same classes. Josh is a really nice guy. He hasn't told me much about himself yet, but I'm sure I'll get to know him better over the year. He is also majoring Computer Engineering, the same field that I'm majoring in! Josh is a neat freak just like me. That is so awesome because now I finally have someone to relate to. He reminds me a lot of one of my old friends Jeff Rodden. We're not friends anymore, but now I have a replacement friend, Josh.

Date: 9/23/04 >>> Mike

This is Mike. Mike is Crazy! Mike and I are becoming good friends. One of my first days here he provided me with an awesome program called AutoCad 2004. This program is VERY powerful and allows me to create all of the devices and parts that I would ever need to create, by use of advanced drawing tools. Thanks Mike. You're The Man. Mike likes to ride his bike a lot and is even into modding his bike by replacing old parts and wheels with new parts and better wheels. I think that this is very cool. Its good to be passionate about at least one thing in our lives. Mike has trouble gaining weight, so I put him on the Non-Healthy Living House Plan. He has to eat all fatty foods and foods that would allow him to gain some flesh on his scrawny body. Sorry Mike, but you need to gain some weight man.

Date: 10/25/04 >>> My Real Friends

These are some of the people who I care about more than others. These are the people who I hang out with on a daily basis. Far left is Brian Bourdon a.k.a. (Big B.) Hes notoriously known for looking like a Mr. Goodbar in his Big Daddy yellow shirt with red letters. His speakers that he has in his room are AMAZING!!!! I HAVE TO TALK REEEEEAAAALLLLLLY LOUD FOR ANYONE TO HEAR ME!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOFFFFFFEEEEERRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On the middle left is Joe Turner a.k.a. (Jersey Joe) Hes notoriousy known for being from Jersey and he has a growing number airsoft guns. These guns are no joke. Yes ladies and gentlemen they actually hurt. So if you ever see him coming for you ya better run. In the middle right is Joe's roomate. Jason Fuller a.k.a. (Jay) is notoriously know for his quiet respectible manner. Sometimes I refer to him as Silent Jay. He speakes his mind when he needs to and mostly keeps to himself unless spoken to. I just love this kids personality and style. He just as layed back as I am and he gets his work done. Jayson is one of my only friends that I have a class with. We both have Perspectives together. Far right is Ian Soule a.k.a. (Mr. Soul) notoriously know for his skills with a guitar and his multiple relationships. Hes one of those everyone's friends kinda guys. I'm most likely going to get a dorm with him next year.

Date: 12/15/04 >>> Lady friends

These are the gals of 519. These lovely ladies are always makin' a ruckus on the 5th floor of East McNair. Though I haven't spent much time with them I know them well enough to be a friend. From left to right is Katie, Morgan, and Liang. I had Frameworks with Katie and Liang. Morgan on the otherhand I haven't had a class with. Morgan is a pretty interesting girl. Shes already had a tangled relationship with Brad ^ mentioned above and they aren't getting along too well right now. Morgan appears to be a really nice person to me and I think that I'm going to have to spend some time on getting to know her better.

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