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Date: 9/10/04 >>> K-Day

What is K-Day? K-Day is a gathering of everyone from MTU to meet and greet each other as well as find out about organizations and have fun while doing so. There were numerous events to participate in on K-Day. The booths at K-Day were pretty interesting. There was a booth that showed a type of Karate that you act out in a sort of dance, but no one actually hits or kicks each other. There were all sorts of free goodies to snatch at the booths. For example, if I hadn't already gotten the Sponge Bob Square Pants box of stuff from the University Expo I could have picked one up at a K-Day booth. There were games that I could have played to win things too. There was a booth where you could throw a ball in cups full of water to win a free goldfish. There was a man walking around on stilts who was making balloons for everyone. He made me an alien with a helmet and a ray gun. The balloonist was really good with his hands and could make just about anything you asked for. I didn't even have to ask him to make me an alien. He handed me the alien balloon after he was done making it. Another cool event going on was the air float. It was a huge moonwalk looking thing that you could fly in! The highlight of my visit was getting to hear a band that I like live in concert, SR-71! They were the band that played first and they played till 2:00 pm. SR-71 is a famous band that had a hit single out at one time called Right Now. Not many people have heard of SR-71 before they saw them at K-Day, but I have heard their music before I even thought about coming to Michigan Tech. Their performance was awesome and the vocals as well as the instrumentals were fantastic.

Here are some pictures of what I did at K-Day and the band that I saw.

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