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Free Time

Date: 9/10/04

Within the shadows of the deepest darkest hours of the Houghton night...the gamers get together and establish a collective underground of the best players on campus to compete in first person shooting games. Whether we're using AKs, Sniper Rifles, Gatling Guns, or straight out Combat knives we deliver pain to everything that moves.

My free time is very important to me so I have to do things that will help me to be more social. For example, when I play video games, I play with someone from my floor. I'll start a server on Unreal Tournament 2004 or Counter Strike and get everyone in the nearby area involved. Sometimes it gets pretty crazy!

This is a headset/microphone that I use to communicate with my friends during gameplay. Things can get pretty intense and we use the mics to tell each other where our enemies are at and warn each other of upcomming danger. Basic commands that most games come with just don't cut it. Especially if you REALLY want to taunt your enemies. We can also let each other know our strategy for winning and directions for what to do next or where to go.

Here is my team. Josh is first on the left, he is the best on our team and people call him God because of his awesome skills with a gun in his hands, Mike, to the right of Josh is second best and is also a really good player on our team. Josh and Mike have been playing for a while, but the rest of the guys and I have only been playing for a short period of time. We'll get better as we play more and more. Next to Mike is Carl, and then Matt.

Here are some pictures of the games that I have been playing with my "Free Time."

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