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**A Victory it may have been but...well, maybe it wasn't exactly that good of a night for me. Yeah, OK...Trish had been made to kiss my ass and yes...I had emerged Victorious, evening out my win-loss record to 2-2 - It was those damned Tag Matches...My Single, One-on-One Matches were absolutely fine...but tag matches didn't really work with me. This is where the one-on-one really counted as I faced Sable in a match determining whether or not I get my shot at the Women's Title at New Years' Evil...I dare say Stephanie got the idea from Debra's little evaluation of The Show......And the only problem with the match? There will be stipulations...We don't know what, but there will be...A Diva Roulette Match. It could be anything from a Paddle Match to a Hell In A Cell...Did I care? Did I Fuck! But as was the case last week the match wasn't 100% on my mind no, no...As GTV Made it's illustrious comeback it had to get involved in MY life...didn't it? Iit captures Trish Stratus emerging from Matt's Locker room before our match up...all smiles and happy, kissing him! (I kid you not my friends) And well...she says she was thanking him...I don't know WHAT to think really...I kept watching re-runs of that GTV Segment in my won locker room trying to think of what happened...was she telling the truth or what? I watch...and watched...and watched until I couldn't stand it anymore...I stormed out of the room, going to get a drink of water...maybe cut a promo...the tears filling my eyes as I walked along the corridor...I looked down to the ground so nobody could see how upset I was, so I didn't see someone turn the other corner...I bumped into them, looking up to see none other than my boyfriend(?) Matt Hardy...**

Version One Matt Hardy - "Stacy, whats the matter baby? Are you alright?"

Felino Fatale The Kat - "Do I LOOK alright Matt!?"

Version One Matt Hardy - "No Stacy, you dont look alright. I understand that your upset and might not believe me when I say that nothing happened between Trish and I, but Stacy nothing happened, I swear."

Felino Fatale The Kat - "No DON'T understand...I...This has happened to me before alright!? And...I didn't think it was going to happen again...and DEFINITELY not with you!"

Version One Matt Hardy - "It might have happened to you before Stacy, but it didnt happened this time, I told you I swear to that. Trish and I have known each other for a long time, we have always been friends and thats that."

Felino Fatale The Kat - "Do you REALLY want me to tell you how many times I've heard that before...??"

Version One Matt Hardy - "I dont expect you to tell me anything Stacy. Right now I would understand if you didnt talk to me at all. As much as I would hate the idea of you not talking to me, I would understand your reasons to be apart from me."

Felino Fatale The Kat - "I just...Matt I don't know...I really don' saw my reaction on seeing that tape I beat the living Hell outta Trish...You saw how mad I saw me breaking down into tears in the FUCKING RING!!!!"

Version One Matt Hardy - "I know Stacy, I saw everything. I do want to apologize for what you thought happened in that locker room, but like I said before nothing happened. Trish just wanted to talk things over with me seeing as how we havent talked in forever. Nothing happened between us besides a simple friendly hug goodbye, thats it Stacy, thats all that happened."

**I Buried my head in my hands, breathing deeply...trying to stop the tears...unable to speak for the lump in my throat...**

Version One Matt Hardy - "Honestly Stacy I dont know what to do anymore. The only thing I can do is express my feelings to you, and you know how I feel. I can tell you nothing happened, and nothing did happened, and you probably wont believe me. I dont know what to do Stacy, I honestly dont."

Felino Fatale The Kat - "Look...Matt...I'm not TOTALLY...saying I don't believe you, but so much is going through my head right many thoughts, so many possibilities and it's tearing me up inside more than you can ever know...I just...."

**I couldn't help it as I stopped speaking and I cried a little**

Version One Matt Hardy - "I understand every word you are saying Stacy, and I can understand you dont ever want to talk to me again. You know how I feel about you Stacy, I've told you a million times, but if you are going to let what we have come to and end because of what you thought you saw, than I guess that is what is going to happen. Do you want what we have to come to an end?"

Felino Fatale The Kat - " No! No, no, NO! You know I dont!"

Version One Matt Hardy - "What is going to happen to us now then Stacy?"

**The tears now freely flowing from mys eyes, I sat on a crate nearby and looked to the floor...**

Felino Fatale The Kat - "I don't know..."

Version One Matt Hardy - "You know that I dont want our relationship to come to and end Stacy. We have known each other for so long and just for the past couple of months have been together as a couple. What we have, nobody else can come close to having, I love you Stacy."

**I looked up at Matt, fully aware my black eyeliner and mascara smugded around my eyes...I smiled slightly, I was a sucker for those three words**

Felino Fatale The Kat - ".........I....I love you too Matt..."

Version One Matt Hardy - "We both know how we feel about each other Stacy. But maybe we should spend some time alone. That way you can settle your emotions without me being there, without me being in the way."

Felino Fatale The Kat - "Maybe you're right...maybe I do need to clear my head...and have a word with Trish Stratus while I'm at it...and concentrate on my diva roulette match up against Sable...and you concentrate on your Triple Threat."

Version One Matt Hardy - "I'm not saying that we should spend forever away from each other. Maybe a couple of hours, maybe a day. However much time you need Stacy, you take that much time. Good luck in your match baby, you know I'll be rooting for you. As far as my match goes, I've got it covered."

Felino Fatale The Kat - "Well...Just so we know what's going on...we'll wait till after then, we'll both have everything sorted out and we'll know what were doing."

Version One Matt Hardy - "Alright, that sounds like a plan to me. After my match tonight, let's say we meet back at my locker room?"

Felino Fatale The Kat - " After happens later on...then I won't have to make a quick exit...and hopefully, I'll be celebrating a victory as well as you."

Version One Matt Hardy - "Let's hope that Matt and Stacy can both walk over victorious tonight. Dont forget one thing Stacy.. Dont forget that I love you."

Felino Fatale The Kat - "And don't forget I feel the same...I'll see you later Matt."

Version One Matt Hardy - "Okay honey, you take care."

**So, Did I believe him? I didn't really know...I think I did, but there were other things I had to sort out before I could do anything about it. Like beating Sable to get my Title Shot...I didn't know the nature of having to do that, but I knew I had it within myself to do it. Rena was one of the oldest, most experienced and most respected women in the busines sbut most certainly was not the smartest or the most talented girl on the NWA Roster...that spot belonged to me. I'm not egotistical by any means but everyone knew that much was true. So, I headed toward the ring when I got stopped by the newly re-made Jonathan Coachman**

The Coach Jonathan Coachman - "Whoa, Bay-BEE! You're chest got BIGGER since the last time I saw you??"

Felino Fatale The Kat - "What?? No..."

The Coach Jonathan Coachman - "Hmmm, alright well anyways I was here to interview your hot self...and of course ask you out on a date."

Felino Fatale The Kat - "Interview, yes. Date, no...I'm taken."

The Coach Jonathan Coachman - "Taken by that cheating "Sensei" of Mattitude...can't you see he is so over you and onto that image of hotness in Trish Stratus."

Felino Fatale The Kat - "Coach."

The Coach Jonathan Coachman - "Yes Hun?"

Felino Fatale The Kat - "Get on with the itnerview or get the hell out of my way."

The Coach Jonathan Coachman - "Alright, did Trish's lips feel on that beautiful ass of yors last week..."

Felino Fatale The Kat - "Coach!"

The Coach Jonathan Coachman - "Sorry...I mean, ahem...How are you feeling about facing Sable in a Diva Roulette Match up on Xplosion?"

Felino Fatale The Kat - "How do I feel? I feel ready...Sable..yeah, old, respected, experienced...but cocky, but dumb...but limited on talents...During the past month I've been here I have proved how wasted I was in the WWE...And just as you proved people simply thought I was a cheap whore, thought I was T and A and It has taken me this long to prove that is far from the has taken me so long to prove that unlike a lot of the so-called "Talent" here in the NWA I DO Have some skills in the ring. Trish Stratus for example is apparently one of the greatest success stories in women's wrestling and what happened last week? I beat her, fair and square inside the ring for the one...two...three, and I beat that woman who apparently is one of the best female wrestlers in the business, proving that I'm even better than the apparent best!"

The Coach Jonathan Coachman - "You're saying you're not scared of the match even though it's someone who has been in the business a hell of a lot longer than you?"

Felino Fatale The Kat - " a few extra years on the planet and a few more wrinkles is supposed to intimidate me Coach? No way man, I know what I'm doing probably more than she does. She was the one who started the whole Eye-Candy thing with us women...mainly being used for her body, hell she was in playboy that proves she was simply used for her body...and even you gotta admit Coach, it isn't THAT impressive...her wrestling skills do not exist at all and..."

The Coach Jonathan Coachman - "Whoa!? You're saying I wouldn't have Sable? Hey for her I could have older women!"

Felino Fatale The Kat - "Not that she'd have you but that's beside the point...Coach, the fact is...she can't wrestle and she can't do much else, besides standing by the ring, slapping the canvas and screaming some guys name like the dirty hoe she is!"

The Coach Jonathan Coachman - "And you say that like it's a bad thing...anyway what about the whole Diva Roulette Deal?? No worries about what kind of match it might be?"

Felino Fatale The Kat - "No. It could be any match, a Bra and Panties, Paddle of a Pole. It could be a Hell in a God-Damn Cell for all I care because basically...I will win no matter what the stipulations are and what they entail. No matter how brutal...last woman standing...street fight...buried alive match it wont matter Sable will be the one feeling the effects of these stipulations not me..."

The Coach Jonathan Coachman - "One More Question..."

Felino Fatale The Kat - "That is...?"

The Coach Jonathan Coachman - "Isnt the situation with Matt going to effect how you do in this match up?"

Felino Fatale The Kat - "No. Interview over"

** "The Kat is down and OUT Thanks to Nicole Bass...Sable spits on Stacy Carter's fallen body! How despicable is that?! Slowly she struts over as Nicole Bass looks on satisfied with the chokeslam...the referee finally comes around as Sable steps of Kat's lifeless Chest...1...2..........3! SABLE'S DONE IT! SABLE IS GOING TO NEW YEARS EVIL!!! And what the hell?! Matt Hardy was watching it all from the ramp...and didn't even ATTEMPT to help his girlfriend!? What the FUCK is going on?!
Trish Stratus? What does she want? Sable and Nicole Bass head out of ring quickly thinking Trish is gonna help Kat as she begins to come around but instead Stratus draws her attentions to Matt Kat weakly climbs up the ring, she looks at Stratus checking out her boyfriend on the ramp...Suddenly Hardy grabs Trish and the two engage in a huge lip-lock, both fully aware that Kat is watching from the ring...Stacy Carter sinks to her knees as Matt scoops Trish up in her arms and takes her backstage as the camera fades to kat breaking down into tears in the middle of the steel...cage."

And then I wake Up....Its a nightmare that has kept on going through my mind since...well since I found out my matcha dn watching Sable's little promo just made it even worse...Nicole Bass promising to chokeslam me and the thought of Matt not being there to help me out...what was I going to do? I was going to face up to it like the real woman I was....forget about far as the match went he was not important the only person I was worried about was Sable...and maybe Nicole Bass too...So as I knocked on Tammy's locker room door I smiled to myself as she let me in.. **

Blonde Jezebelle Sunny - "Hey Stacy, what's up?"

Felino Fatale The Kat - "Not much, mind if I come in??"

Blonde Jezebelle Sunny - "Not at all, come in!"

Felino Fatale The Kat - "How you feeling before your match up then hun?"

Blonde Jezebelle Sunny - "Pretty good...Lotus is gonna get her ass KICKED...Seriously."

Felino Fatale The Kat - "Uh Huh...You see my match against Trish last week!? Hahaha...put an end to her damn trash talking!"

Blonde Jezebelle Sunny - "You did you feeling about going against Sable...?"

Felino Fatale The Kat - "Pssh...I don't know. I mean...I keep having these dreams about it."

Blonde Jezebelle Sunny - "Dreams? Like what?"

Felino Fatale The Kat - "Well...I dream that I lose the match...Nicole Bass kinda like kicks the shit out of me."

Blonde Jezebelle Sunny - "Aww that's just pre-match jitters...eveyone gets them."

Felino Fatale The Kat - "No but Matt's been watching everything with a smile on his face...loving every minute of me getting my ass whipped...and well...Trish arrives...and Matt makes out with her while I'm watching after the match...scoops her up in his arms...and walks to the back with her."

Blonde Jezebelle Sunny - "Ah."

Felino Fatale The Kat - "Yeah...What am I gonna do Tammy?? I love him but...I haven't a clue what happened with him and Trish last week and I just."

Blonde Jezebelle Sunny - "Stacy...calm down. Right personally...from what I've seen and heard, Trish and Matt are nothing. The guy really likes you Stace...why don't you just believe him. All the stuff in the past doesn't really have anything to do with it now huh??"

Felino Fatale The Kat - I suppose not. I'm meeting him after Xplosion...if I survive.""

Blonde Jezebelle Sunny - "Oh you will...Like you said yourself no matter what kind of match it is you'll emerge on top like you did with Tori and Trish..."

Felino Fatale The Kat - "Yeah...I guess your right...Sable with this shit with Nicole Bass Chokeslamming me is a scare tactic and Im not gonna let it work Tammy! I'm not...and I'm not going to let Trish Stratus get in the way of me and Matt either!"

Blonde Jezebelle Sunny - "That's my girl!"

Felino Fatale The Kat - "Hahaha, alright Im gonan go do some last minute training...I'll talk to you later, good lukc against Lotus!! Catch you later."

Blonde Jezebelle Sunny - "Bye Chick!"