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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!

Conner and Santa at the Youth Center, Dec 11, 2004

Logan and Santa at the Youth Center, Dec 11, 2004

Well wadduhyaknow. It's half way through December and I'm just now updating my site. There's a good reason for that. I have been the busiest person next to Santa Clause himself!!!!!

Ever since Thanksgiving passed I have been gone every single stinkin' night or if I'm home I have something time related to take care of.
The first week was filled with band practice on Monday and a UALR basketball game (which the band plays for) on Tuesday, and the month of December hadn't even begun yet! Wednesday, the first, was my birthday. I am now 27 years old and although I feel like a twenty-two year old (and look like I'm still in high school) I can't believe I'll be thirty soon! Well, it's three years from now but I'm sure that time will go by very quickly. I want to thank my mom for the Barbie movie with my name on it (heehee). I haven't gotten a chance to watch it yet, as you are now learning why. I also want to thank my dad for his gift to Target. I got myself some much wanted clothes and the "Bourne Supremacy" DVD which came out this past Tuesday. Matt Damon is know...:) And Claudia for also giving me a reason to splurge. And Megan, I will cherish you card forever. I mean it. It has it's own shrine. That Wednesday wasn't very eventful in itself. Bryan and I and the kids went out to dinner and then we did a little household shopping. On Thursday, Logan got to sing carols for the lighting of the base's Christmas tree. The kindergarden class got to sing three Christmas carols and then we went in the base chapel for some hot chocolate and cookies and then got to meet Santa. That Friday, I took the kids to see a Christmas play at the First Assembly of GOd Church in North Little Rock. The play was, "The Best Christmas Pagent Ever," and afterwards the kids got to have some fun riding ponies, riding little carnaval rides (including a "teacups" style ride where I bruised my back because the seat was too low), and grabbed all the goodies they could get (cookies, popcorn, peanuts, hot cider and a funnel cake) before returning home. Then on Saturday Conner got to say happy birthday to his best friend Darby from daycare in the morning and later Logan went to his own friend's Coby's birthday party. Bryan took me out later that night for some sushi and saki for my birthday. Sunday we got our Christmas tree.
On Monday I had band practice again. It was dress rehersal for the final concert on Wednesday, Dec 8. There was a UALR basketball game I had to play for between practice and concert. That very Tuesday was the last day of regular classes. Papers needed to be turned in, make-up test given (I needed to take two). Thursday was my first final. I think I blew it. I couldn't remember anything. I studied. I could remember everything about the page the information was on but couldn't remember the information itself. I was very tired. After class, though, I did get to do a little shopping. This is where I spent my dad's birthday present. I had lots of fun. Thanks again, Dad. Thursday night was the first night I didn't have to be anywhere in almost two weeks. Friday night while Bryan took his friend to the emergency room for back problems I took the kids to my colleg's student government Christmas party. I wish I had brought my camera. My kids were playing ping-pong with the husbads of two of the senators, a senator and the VP got into a (fun) food fight with a cupcake (quite messy), and I wanted to just show off the random fun of the night. Oh well... Today (Sat Dec 11), Bryan and I took the kids to have "Breakfast with Santa" where we ate cold bacon, sausage, eggs, and hash browns, colored a picture of Santa for a drawing Contest (both Logan's and Conner's was really good), and got to sit with Santa. Santa even brought real gifts with him. Conner got the "Cooties" game and Logan got fuzzy Spider-Man coloring posters with special markers. He's busy coloring them in right now and doing a really good job too.
Tonight Bryan's squadron's having their Christmas Party. I get to dress up for it. I have a new outfit ready to go. Tomorrow night is my employers Christams party. Free food, gift give-a-ways, and free baby sitting so Bryan and I can do some shopping at the BX. On Moday (Dec 13) Logan has a Christmas program at school, Tuesday's my last final, and that Friday is Hope Lutheran Church's Christmas pagent. Both Logan and Conner will be sheep. Can't wait.

So now you understand why I haven't updated this sooner, or why I haven't called, or e-mailed, or sent Christmas cards yet, or anythign else. We just now decorated the Christmas tree and somewhere Bryan and I need to do some serious Christmas shopping.

I need a vacation.

Anywho, I want to say Merry Christmas to everyone and a Happy New Year. May we all get a chance to relax a bit and enjoy the winter season (even if it is in the sixties down here). I hope we all have positive resolutions for ourselves and do what we need to do to attain them.

What are my New Years resolutions?
1.) More excercise, of course
2.) More time spend with the hubby and kids
3.) To find a new job
4.) And to go through my closet and dresser and get rid of my old clothes and knick-knacks because everything is so messy and over stuffed that I can't find anything when I'm looking for it.

Special shout out to my best friend Megan Paige Duffy in her monumental achievemnet. On Friday, December 10, Megan graduated form the University of New Mexico with two bachelor degrees. She will be attending LAW SCHOOL in the fall. Congratulations and good luck!


I haven't updated any photos yet. Typing this took a lot of my time as it is. Some time after the holiday probably, I will work on it. Until then....

Enjoy what's here!

p.s. Logan's got two loose teeth. Just in time for pictures!!!

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