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#Checkin DAlnet homesite. Under construction

I'm Nina and i created da channel #Checkin like 3 mounthes ago. I havent been online much lately but i DO luv you all. All checkin members are my mates :P. If you want to get in touch with me check out my website. I had it Updated a while ago.

Luis is from Chicago, US. He goes to High school and when he's free from school he works in a library. We have been friends since i met baby^nina (founder #nX2k), which is a while ago. He explane himself as a weird and very odd guy. Even if he's weird or not he's my friend, sumtimes you'r confusing me though :S check out his homesite:

Mike is living in Philadelphia, he works and just got an apartment. He's isn't quite busy anymore with his furni and other stuff right now. I don't talk to Mike very often but we'r friends of course. He's a friend of baby^nina, its thru dat link i know him. dats kool with new mates

Jonathan is my UK Mate. We have known eachother for a pretty long time now, since september 2002. Jon lives in Essex, UK. I dunno where it is, but Jon its prolly a great place ;) Jon got this homesite: Jon is also a West Ham supporter, they are'nt doing to well in da league this year, hopefully they wont get kicked out from Premier League tho. But he's more into his local football team Dagenham, which I never heard of before he told me (I wonder

Stich or may I say Micke lives in Halmstad, but originelly he's from Helsingborg , dats my place. He goes to University and study economy, what I'v been told He's doing pretty good so far. congrats Micke :). He has a girlfriend and so far I know they are pretty tight and thats's great news. Her name is Heidi btw. Correct spelled? I have known Micke since summer last year. We are very good friends, we have a lot to talk about as we both are from the same city originaly.

Baby^nina is da nX2k scripter girl from Mississippi. She also run da "nX2k channel on DALnet. She's a successful scripter and nX2k is a pretty good script to use. I'v known baby^nina since like 4 mounths ago its been a while. She's not online much lately, guess she's busy with her carrier, work and school and other stuff. Anyway she's a nice and sweet girl, atleast to me(!). If u want to try her script or contact her follow this link^nina. Go there cuz she's.

Comming up soon...I wanna see even more members...

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Fri 11/15/2002 21:33:36 GMT
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Servers :
Cutie_Yuna Flab Digita|Gravity Stich DexToN
Nikel_Back . Treet . PIT_BULL Dark^Babe . groogle micke|FlaT Flabpack scorpion66 . badboy2k2 baby^nina misanthrope . Juvenille