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The Celtic Block

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This card position represents the present feelings, hopes and fears at the time of the reading. It also reveals recent events that have brought the querent to his current level of thinking. In astrological terms, this card placement refers to the 12th house of the horoscope, as it refers to the past experiences of the querent that are affecting him at the time of the reading and are having a deep impact on his life.

0. The Fool.

If The Fool has landed in the past position, you have embarked upon a new venture that has been totally alien to you. You may have, on the spur of the moment, decided to leave a job, relationship or an activity that has not been satisfying to you. While others may have found your activities to be quite abrupt, the fact is that you had been contemplating making some much needed changes for quite some time, but one particular incident gave you the impetuous needed to take the actions required to evoke the much needed change. While some may believe that you behaved foolishly, that is not necessarily the case. What you do next will depend on the success or failure of the new path that you have been cast into, so take care on your new journey in this life.

1. The Magician

If The Magician has landed in the past position, you may have just recently completed a course of study that should theoretically enable you to make much more of yourself in the future. This course of study may or may not have been in a formal classroom environment, but it entailed a great deal of study and reflection upon the subtle intricacies that form the invisible forces of our physical world. There may be a young person involved who plays a significant role in your learning process, which could be either positive or negative, depending on his temperament and personality.

2. High Priestess

If the High Priestess has appeared in the past position, you have just come out of a period of self-imposed solitude that was intended to give greater clarity and understanding of the esoteric aspects of our exoteric existence. A period of celibacy may very well have been involved in this purifying process because the heterosexual act itself involves male energy that may interfere with the intuitive process of enlightenment that needs to be experienced in order to fully understand your place in this life.

3. The Empress

If The Empress has appeared in the past position, home and family have recently been very important to you. Children are highly significant, so if you do not have children of your own, you may have had contact with other people who you care for as your own. You may have recently gone through a very fertile period, which would have been propitious for procreation, if that is what you desired.

4. Emperor

If The Emperor has appeared in the past position, you have recently had contact with an individual or organisation that has put you in touch with some very real aspects of your physical world. You have had dealings with individuals who have the ability to influence your credibility in this world, and it is very important that your activities have been conducted with the utmost authority and diplomacy. Your future status depends on what you do next, so you need to think very carefully about any upcoming courses of action.

5. Hierophant

If the Hierophant has appeared in the past position, you have had a very important decision to make that was crucial to your life path. You have decided to embark upon a path that is one of your life initiation events, something that is an important process of your development along this path of life. The choice that you made was of such a serious nature that you had reached a crossroad in your life, a point where things would never be the same again. In astrological phraseology, The Hierophant is regarded as the YOD, which is often translated as the finger of God because, like The Hierophant, once the YOD has been activated, things will never again be the same.

6. Lovers

If The Lovers has appeared in the Past position, you have recently had an experience that has been very rewarding to you. You may have come into contact with a person or organisation that was somehow destined, allowing you to fulfil some of your lifelong dreams and to experience the sensation of being truly happy. This major event that was timed to enable your soul to further develop does not come without sacrifices, however, as you were no doubt asked to give something up in order to experience the bliss that you craved. The path to true love is not without obstacles, which is something that you will soon discover as future events unfold before your very eyes.

7. Chariot

If The Chariot has appeared in the past position, you have sustained a victory of some kind and have been seen by others as being a successful individual. You very likely had to take a trip, preferably over land. The journey that you took enabled you to gain a better perspective on your particular situation, as you have realised that there are two sides to every story that both need to be taken into consideration before making any important decisions. Everyone has a specific viewpoint, which you may or may not agree with, and you will need to learn the subtle art of agreeing to disagree while still maintaining your alliances. Your recent success has given you greater confidence that has helped you to become more assertive with others, especially when you feel that another’s rights have been violated.

8. Strength

If Strength has appeared in the Past position, you have recently been the centre of attention, exuding all of the charm and grace that you have been able to muster. It is very likely that animals have figured significantly in the situation that makes up your life because you have had more of an affinity to all manner of living beings other than your human counterparts. The reason for this is because you have perceived that many souls have allowed their physical and sensual urges to override their esoteric destiny in this life, which has subsequently caused some of their more negative personality traits to emerge. Animals, on the other hand, are motivated for the most part by their group consciousness that drives their instincts, and their motives are pure and therefore in line with their spiritual destiny in this physical world.

9. Hermit

If The Hermit has appeared in the Past position, it appears that you have just gone through a period of solitude in your quest for enlightenment. Although you would have preferred to be in the company of others, you needed to be on your own to find the answers within yourself to the questions that you have had. You may have been seen by others as somewhat of a loner, and these individuals therefore shied away from getting too close to you because they honestly thought that you wanted to be on your own. You are leaving this period of self-imposed isolation, and the cards that follow will reveal in greater clarify your future destiny.

10. Wheel Of Fortune

If The Wheel has occurred in the past position, you have recently gone through a change in fortune. This change was in many ways evoked through calculated risks that you had to take in order to move on in your life. A sudden swirl of events has taken place in many aspects of your life experience, which will enable you to change in a positive direction. In many ways you have been given the freedom to accomplish many of the important goals that have been set for you, thereby enabling you to carry out your purpose for reincarnating into the earth plane.

11. Justice

If Justice has appeared in the Past position, you have recently gone through a period where mediation has been required so that you can approach a difficult issue with a little bit more reason than has been used in the past. You may have endured some legal proceedings, and were not totally sure of the outcome. When handing your private affairs over to others to resolve, there is always the possibility that those individuals will not accede to your particular viewpoint. You have learned that is important to keep a litigious attitude in your dealings with others because a trusting stance is not appropriate at this point in time. If we lived in an ideal world we would be able to place our trust in others unreservedly, but unfortunately we do not live in an ideal world.

12. Hanged Man

If The Hanged Man has appeared in the Past position, you have recently had to make a sacrifice, which has left you with somewhat of a philosophical attitude towards life. You may have realised that you would have to abandon a dream of yours, and this has undoubtedly caused you to re-evaluate your goals and what you would like to acquire in this life. Because you have been forced to relinquish some hope or dream that you have held so close to your heart for such a long time, you have been forced to develop an alternate philosophy of life to accommodate some of your thwarted ambitions. As a result of your new awareness of the co-existence of beings in the universal web, of which we are merely minor fragments of, you may not have the impetuousness that only comes from innocence and ignorance of the opposing forces within.

13. Death

If Death has appeared in the Past position, you have recently sustained a major transformation in your life, which was needed to help you along the path of your true spiritual evolution. You may have been confronted with some information that may have surprised, dismayed or even shocked you. The event that you were forced to acknowledge had such an extreme effect on your psyche that you were left with no other alternative but to make the appropriate changes to your lifestyle because of what has made it impossible for you to carry on as if nothing had happened. Because recent events have been of such an extreme nature, you will need a period of inner healing and reflection, thereby enabling you to emerge a stronger and wiser being for the experience.

14. Temperance

If Temperance has appeared in the Past position, you may have recently had a calming influence that has helped you to see more clearly the inner workings of the universe. You may have had an experience that enabled you to become a spectator of events taking place beyond the here and now, thereby intrinsically showing you that our world is merely one of many parallel spheres of existence that make up the universal ebb, an energy force of which we only have the faintest awareness of. During this experience you achieved a greater understanding of the concept of time, realising that we only perceive the concept that we call time in a linear fashion because that is the easiest way that we can piece together corresponding occurrences in our rather three dimensional minds. For a brief period you were able to glimpse the world through the eyes of a higher dimensional soul, thereby enhancing your exoteric understanding of the universe and helping you to express this heightened insight through one of the many creative pursuits, such as art, drama, music, or writing.

15. Devil

If The Devil has appeared in the Past position, you have recently come into contact with the dark forces that are a natural part of our physical existence. Although you very much have liked to have stayed on the straight and narrow path of moralism and ethics, circumstances have transpired to force you to decide to go the way of the physicalities of this world. You may have had so many financial obligations that the only way to take care of was to engage in activities that you would rather have steered clear of. These activities may not have been malefic, but because they were not something that you would have normally chosen to endeavour of your own accord, you have been instilled with a certain level of sombreness with regard to the issue. Although you may not have supposed that such issues could exist, it is important to keep in mind that our thoughts will manifest directly in our physical world. It is for that reason that you should keep in mind that negative thoughts, projected by you or someone else, will produce negativity in our physical world. It is for that reason that our thoughts need to be policed with just as much efficiency as the written or spoken word, because you or someone you know may have unknowingly been a victim of a psychic attack. Alternatively, you or someone you know may very well be psychically attacking someone else.

16. Tower

If The Tower has appeared in the Past position, it seems that you have recently endured some cataclysmic events that have served to change the course of your life. You may have become somewhat complacent, feeling that your existence has reached a plateau, but events that you were totally unaware of have served to wreck havoc on what you believed to be your safe, cosy existence. The Tower indicates that your way of life has been put at risk, which means that your living situation has had to change. It also indicates that there may have been either an accident or a temperamental outburst that has brought about this sudden turn of events. How you handle yourself in the future will be revealed in the cards that follow.

17. Star

If The Star has appeared in the Past position, you have recently acquainted yourself with a person or group of people who have the potential to become lifelong friends. You are full of hope and high expectations for the future, which will only enhance your outlook on life and ensure your popularity in the future.

18. Moon

If The Moon has appeared in the past position, you have just recently been ill, which has affected your ability to function rationally in our physical world. It seems that you have been somewhat confused by the contrasting influences that you have been bombarded with. Because you have not been able to think with the greatest clarity, you have been unsure of your standing in this world, and this uncertainty has led you to question your own inner judgement. As a result of your impaired vision, you may have had some bad experiences with people who you erroneously believed to be your friends. In addition, people who you never counted on being there for you have given you support in your time of need. This whole experience has served to change your whole outlook in life, as you have learned who your true friends were.

19. The Sun

If The Sun has appeared in the Past position, you have gone through a period of heightened illumination where you have gained a greater understanding of why certain events in your life have transpired the way they did. The Sun is a card that represents the self, and this indicates that there are some very egocentric forces at work, suggesting that you or someone close to you is very focused on your own needs instead of the needs of others. Because The Sun represents the pure essence of immature exhibition, children often figure prominently because they have not yet learned restraint and control, something that usually comes with maturity and experience.

20. Judgement

If Judgement has landed in the Below position, you have recently gone through a deep healing process that has changed your entire being. In many ways the experience that had changed you completely to the point that you are now unrecognisable to those people who knew you before. It is possible that you went through an illness that required you to spend time in convalescence, thereby allowing you to reflect on all of the incidents that brought you where you are today. Although your wounds have gone through the core of your being and have transcended many incarnations, you have been given a new lease on life. Having given a second chance, it is important to exercise prudence in your choices so that you can make the most of your new existence.

21. World

If The World has appeared in the Past position, you have recently come to the end of a very important cycle in your life. You have completed a task that was a required initiating process to help you develop your soul growth. In the completion of this important milestone, you have self-actualised, as you realised that you are capable of much more than you have been accomplishing in the past. This apex, however, was short-lived, as it did not take you long to discover that there are many more goals that you would like to meet before your present sojourn on the Earth dimension has reached its natural conclusion. It is best, therefore, to record your experiences in the annals of your mind as you look for other theoretical mountains to climb.



If the Ace of Rods has appeared in the Past position, you have recently gone through a creative spell, where you were bombarded with thoughts and ideas about many things that you would like to bring life to. Because your eyes have been opened to the many possibilities that can be expanded in the world today, some people may have perceived you to be a bit crazy. You were not unstable, but a channel to other spheres of awareness has been opened to you and the experience had left you totally unable to express in words the impressions that you received.


If the Two of Rods has appeared in the Past position, it is quite likely that you have been approached by another individual to participate in an activity that will help to expand the energy that the both of you could collectively produce. This venture would have made it possible to build upon the creative forces and has the ability to bring about an additional income, which would have been very beneficial to the both of you.


If the Three of Rods has appeared in the Past position, you have recently been with a group of people who are creatively minded and look for ways to express their creativity. These people may be business associates or work colleagues because they seek to earn an income through the expression of their ideas and impulses.


If the Four of Rods has appeared in the Past position, you have recently had cause for celebration. You may have landed a job or other achievement, which has enabled you to feel somewhat more secure about your future. You may have decided to move house or make some additions to your home, which have served to give you a sense of well being and optimism for your future stability and prosperity.


If the Five of Rods has appeared in the Past position, it appears that you have recently been in disagreement with others. This difference of opinion has been so severe that you may have had heated arguments that have resulted in physical or verbal violence, which is a totally unacceptable way to respectfully relate to other individuals. The fact is that you have been lashing out, but not necessarily at what the true problem is. Because you are not yet aware of the true extent of your incompatibility or differences with another person, you will continue to squabble over irrelevant issues until the truth of the matter is revealed to you. You will be somewhat surprised when you finally realise what the root of the problem is.


If the Six of Rods has appeared in the Past position, you have recently been very pleased with yourself because you have had a minor victory in what is often a complex web of the drama that makes up your life scenario. You have achieved a long held ambition, which has left you smiling to yourself, gaining more and more confidence after a period of much uncertainty. It is important, however, not to become complacent after one minor achievement in a whole mirade of battles that will ultimately form the struggles that you must overcome before you have completed your life’s purpose. Opposing forces will continue to present themselves to you, and it is therefore essential that you take great care in those you place your trust in.


If the Seven of Rods has appeared in the Past position, you have recently gone through a period of turbulence in your life, as malignant forces have presented themselves to you at a most inopportune time. It is for that reason that you are probably a bit worn down from all the stress that you have been confronted with.


If the Eight of Rods has appeared in the Past position, you have recently made a significant accomplishment in your life, which has left you feeling much more confident than you have been for a very long time. It is quite likely that you have been on a journey that has broadened your horizons in some way, thereby enabling you to carry on even in the face of adversity.


If the Nine of Rods has appeared in the Past position, you have just recently come through a very stressful period. You have felt very defensive and have conducted your affairs accordingly, not placing your trust in others. It is for that reason that you have been considered somewhat of a loner, not caring to engage in the superficial chit-chat that brings people together and formulates more substantial friendships. Because you felt that you had to do everything all on your own, without the benefit of assistance from others, you have become tired and are in need of a well earned break,. Such a period of relaxation which will serve to recharge your internal batteries and enable you to carry on even when opposing forces present themselves to you.


If the Ten of Rods has appeared in the Past position, you have just recently gone through a period of intense work, and as a result are weary from the experience. You my have taken upon yourself a particular venture that you felt confident you could successfully accomplish, only to discover that you did not possess all of the skills necessary, and therefore had to expend much more energy than you would otherwise have been required of you. You managed to accomplish what you set out to achieve, but are much wiser for the experience. It is unlikely that you will embark upon such a grand project in quite a while because you need time to recuperate and reflect on the events that have brought you where you are today.


If the King of Rods has appeared in the Past position, a man who has a great deal of business sense has made a significant impact on your life circumstances. He is a very astute individual who is able to use his shrewdness to his advantage and earn a substantial income. It is very likely that he is involved in several ventures, which allow him a fair amount of free reign in the creation of his own destiny.


If the Queen of Rods has appeared in the Past position, there was a woman with a fiery temper who has figured prominently in your life situation. She has a lot of energy and therefore tries to fill her days with activities that will keep her busy. If she works in the business or professional sector, she is likely to be successful in what she does because she has a sharp eye for detail. Because she is very egocentric and opinionated in her views, she may find it difficult to cultivate harmonious relationships with others who have views that are at variance to hers.


If the Knight of Rods has appeared in the Past position, a young man has figured prominently in your life. He is rather tempestuous and therefore has many qualities that the ladies find to be too charming to properly resist. Unfortunately, he is not yet settled, and will therefore need to undergo many changes before he has the confidence to choose one vocation, home or relationship that he will be content with.


If the Page of Rods has appeared in the Past position, there is a young person who has figured prominently in your life. She has much energy and therefore has a bit of a temper. Although she can be sociable, she is a very me-centred individual and therefore may find it difficult to make lasting friendships. This young person likes to be the centre of attention, which can at times can be a truly testing time for those around her.



If the Ace of Disks has appeared in the Past position, you have recently been thinking of money and finances a great deal. You may have decided to make a large purchase, which will entail using your savings or taking out a loan, all of which will require a significant commitment on your part. In addition, you may have an unexpected expense that you can not easily evade, which has further intensified your interest in money and possessions in general, things that you need to exist comfortably in this material world that you have chosen to incarnate into.


If the Two of Disks has appeared in the Past position, you have recently had several debts that need to be paid for your can progress any further in your physical development in this world. Your finances have been a state of fluctuation for quit some time, and this has been somewhat of a stressful experience to you, as you have been forced to juggle very limited resources to meet your commitments. It is important, therefore, that you keep your financial situation as simplistic as possible, so that your monetary worries do not become genuine problems in the future.


If the Three of Disks has appeared in the Past position, you have recently been through a period of material success, where money and other physical goods have been achieved with much less effort than in previous times. You also may have had some work completed on your home, either in the form or a renovation or an expansion of some kind. You may also have gone through a complete house move, hoping that the change would improve your particular circumstances in this life.


If the Four of Disks has appeared in the Past position, you have spent much time at home, reflecting on your current position in this world. You have kept many thoughts close to your heart, not revealing a great deal to those near you. You have also gone through a period of frugality, not spending the little money that you have had because you did not feel that it was prudent to spend extravagantly. In many ways, you have been in what can be considered a self-imposed state of impoverished confinement, not daring to venture out into the world, quite possibly fearing failure or embarrassment.


If the Five of Disks has appeared in the Past position, you have recently come through a period of deep depression and despondency. Even amongst friends, you feel very much like an outsider because nobody could quite possibly understand exactly what you were going through inside your head. Finally, you just gave up trying to get people to see the depression that had taken over your entire being because you did not even have the energy to do that anymore. Along with the depressive illness that you have suffered from, you have lost a lot of stamina necessary to go out and acquire income, which has placed even greater stress on you. Because you simply have not had the energy to go out and work to maintain a reasonable standard of living, you have consequently fallen into a state of poverty, which has added to the despair that you have been feeling. To put it bluntly, you have been wallowing in your own self pity for long enough, and it is now time to pick yourself up and do something constructive about your happiness and well being.


If the Six of Disks has appeared in the Past position, you have recently gone through a period of philanthropy, engaging yourself in a fair amount of unpaid work. This charitable work has been good for your soul, as you have been giving back to the universe what you have taken, thereby helping those who are less fortunate than yourself. In addition, you have picked up skills that you would not have acquired within the context of your normal paid employment, so the experience has been a valuable exercise in what you can do when you set your mind to something.


If the Seven of Disks has appeared in the Past position, you have recently gone through a period of waiting. Many important things in this reality that we live in cannot come about until a certain amount of time has elapsed to enable a pre-determined sequence of events to take place before fruition can occur. Whether or not that outcome that you anticipate turns out to be successful will depend upon what preparatory work you have accomplished while you were in such a period of stasis.


If the Eight of Disks has appeared in the Past position, you have recently been in a learning environment, where you had to pick up skills through life and work experience. This has been a period of trial and error, as you have had to make a few mistakes before you could achieve a degree of proficiency. You have by now become quite capable at this new skill and are therefore ready to ply your trade. How successful you become will depend upon how personally and professionally you conduct yourself.

Nine If the Nine of Disks has appeared in the past position, you have spent some time in convalescence, a time for you to meditate on your life experiences thus far. This has been a time for you to reflect upon how your experiences of the past have brought you where you are today and where you would like the direction of your life to go from this day forward.


If the Ten of Disks has appeared in the Past position, you have recently had a great deal of contact with your family. You may have assets tied up with other family members, which would make it difficult to extricate yourself from more difficult individuals, even if you wanted to. While your complete involvement with other family members has its uses, it is not necessarily beneficial to your growth and development, because too much family involvement will limit the other social contacts that could be presented to you. It may be time to venture outside of the confines of the support of your family because you need the contact of other individuals to help you advance your soul growth.


If the King of Disks has appeared in the Past position, a wealthy man has figured prominently in your life. He is very affluent, having earned his money in either the professional or business sector. It seems that he has a natural flair for creating income and is always looking for ways to increase his already substantial wealth. He is a very caring individual, but expresses it through giving practical advice that he hopes the questioners will have the good sense to heed.


If the Queen of Disks has landed in the Past position, a woman of considerable means has played a prominent role in your recent situation. She is self-assured because she has the maturity and wisdom that has been acquired through years of watching the follies of others. She has therefore determined that she is not going to do anything to jeopardise the stability that she has worked so hard to achieve, which is why she is reluctant to act in so many life situations that are presented to her. This woman is a very generous person, giving to those who are less fortunate than herself, thereby accruing much spiritual wealth through her generous endeavours.


If the Knight of Disks has appeared in the Past position, a young man has figured prominently in the situation that prompted you to consult the oracle. He can at times be quite moral, possessing a strong sense of right and wrong, thereby presenting a somewhat boring image of himself. Because the physical world is so important to him, money and material possessions figure high on his list of priorities. He has a need to amass great wealth, possessions and property, and if he is not able to achieve this, his self-esteem will suffer until his modest situation is improved.


If the Page of Disks has landed in the Past position, a young person has figured prominently in your life situation. She is likely to be a methodical and slow learner, taking her time to complete any task that she is given. Even though this individual is quite young, she is very strong-minded and uneasily swayed once she sets her mind on something that she wants.



If the Ace of Swords has appeared in the Past position, you have recently had an inspiration to communicate with other beings on a much higher plane than you normally would be incline to. It is for that reason that ideas of expression are overflowing, as you work out exactly how you would like to relay the message that has been sent to you. You may very well have begun a course of study, which will equip you to say in an authoritative manner the message that needs to be relayed. You may have begun legal proceedings to resolve a certain issue that has been on your mind for quite some time. The thing to keep in mind, however, is that the sword is dual edged, and therefore cuts both ways, both positive and negative. It is for that reason that that you need to exercise caution in all that you say and do to ensure that you do not incriminate yourself.


If the Two of Swords has appeared in the Past position, you have had a disagreement with a person or a group of people, and the rift that has been created has become so great that you have been left with no other alternative but to walk away completely. The thing to keep in mind is that you may not have been in possession of all the facts, which means that you may not have been able to speak with as much credibility as you would have preferred. The key here is to do your homework so that you will be prepared for the next debate on a subject that means so much to you.


If the Three of Swords has appeared in the Past position, your heart has been aching over an emotional situation that you simply cannot resolve. There have been many words uttered, and some of them have wounded you deeply. The anguish that you are presently feeling at this time will soon fade, as you come to terms with the fact that sometimes there will inevitably be personality clashes that you have no control over and cannot resolve.


If the Four of Swords has appeared in the Past position, you have spent a fair amount of time in reflection. You may have decided to take up meditative practices in an attempt to quiet your mind and listen to what God has to say to you. You need a period of stillness for a time to enable you to determine your best course of action. The time has come, however, to wake up, analyse what information you have been given, and decide upon your next course of action.


If the Five of Swords has appeared in the Past position, you have been at odds with a particular organisation or group of people because you differed on a particular issue. It is for this reason that you have a bad taste in your mouth and are somewhat bitter about the individuals concerned. You will move on, and this is one instance where it is best to put the past behind you and look to the future.


If the Six of Swords has appeared in the Past position, you have recently left a very difficult time, a time that caused you a great deal of distress. It was very emotional and you may have difficulty coming to terms with many facets of the whole situation that have transpired, leaving you quite confused as to how could you could have found yourself in such a situation. The past experience that has caused you so much angst, however, is something that you would like to put behind you so that you can resume your karmic journey and await newer, better opportunities to be presented to you.


If the Seven of Swords has appeared in the Past position, you have recently found yourself engaged in some surreptitious activities that may not necessarily be advantageous to you in the long run. For reasons known only to you, you have felt the need to be somewhat secretive in your activities, which further reveals the nefarious nature of the situation that you have involved yourself in. It is important, however, to make sure that all of your actions will be above reproach because the truth will one day be revealed, and anything that you do in secret will no longer be hidden from the world.


If the Eight of Swords has appeared in the Past position, you have been stuck in a rut for quite a long time. Perhaps you were not in possession of all the facts to make a decision about what you needed to do with regard to one particular situation, so you decided not to make a decision at all. The fact is that your refusal to chose meant that you did need to make a choice about your life circumstances, but decided to go nowhere, wasting valuable time that should have been spent working you’re your psychical development. It is time now to open your eyes and see with clarity the situation that you have found yourself in. You will then be able to observe the opportunities that will soon present themselves to you as an avenue for much needed change and self-development.


If the Nine of Swords has appeared in the Past position, you have gone through a period of intense mental anguish, which may have even resulted in an illness that required recuperation on your part. You have been under a great deal of stress and have literally worried yourself to distraction, possibly making yourself ill in the process. Because you have had so much mental anguish, it is likely that you have not received a great deal of sleep, thereby prolonging the feelings of despair that have plagued you. Because you are not really in a position to solve your problems on your own, it would be in your best interest to seek help from an outside source who can give you sound advice and ease some of the burdens you have been carrying all this time.


If the Ten of Swords has appeared in the Past position, you have recently been let down by someone who you trusted in a really big way. Perhaps you depended on someone for something that was very important to you, and the fact that he or she turned out to be unreliable has thwarted other plans that you had anticipated on carrying out. It is for that reason that you have reached a point of total exhaustion and need to recover sufficiently before you will be able to trust again. You will move on from this difficult time with a greater understanding of the motives of individuals who have let you down so. In all probability, you will decide to mix with a whole new set of friends, and hopefully they will be people who are not so fickle in their affections and sentiments.


If the King of Swords has appeared in the Past position, you have recently had dealings with a mature man who has much eloquence and is able to get his point across using a variety of communicative techniques. He is very much a forward thinker and therefore takes into consideration the good of all, as opposed to the good of a select few. He is very much an impartial person and is not prone to sentimentality, so it will therefore be difficult to appeal to his emotions on any particular issue.


If the Queen of Swords has appeared in the Past position, you have recently encountered a woman who is very knowledgeable and has a wide breadth of experienced to back up her views. She is very communicative, and therefore has many people who she can speak to about a variety of subjects. It is quite likely that she revealed to you one particular piece of information that will help you to resolve the specific issue that prompted you to consult the oracle.


If the Knight of Swords has appeared in the Past position, you have recently had dealings with a young man who is very communicative and likes to socialise with his peer group. Although he has within himself the ability to amass a vast array of knowledge and impart what he knows onto humanity, he has not yet gained the experience and maturity to be able to relate effectively to other individuals. In time, he will become a valued member of society because he has much insight and wisdom to give to the world.


If the Page of Swords has appeared in the Past position, there has been a young person who has figured prominently in your life. She has been witty and chatty, bursting forth with new ideas because she has not yet had the misfortune to see firsthand the negative side of humanity. Because she is so communicative, she may very well have unknowingly betrayed a confidence, thereby making things a bit awkward for you or at least one other person.



If the Ace of Cups has appeared in the Past position, you have recently gone through an emotional period that had the potential to give you a great deal of happiness and fulfilment. Perhaps someone put their hand out to you for friendship, and this one act of unselfish love and kindness was enough to restore your faith in humanity.


If the Two of Cups has appeared in the Past position, you have recently had a harmonious encounter with another person that has left you feeling quite happy with your world. The relationship is new and therefore still in the courtship phase of the union, thereby giving you a rush of enthusiasm whenever you think of this new person who has entered your life. How you get on with this individual will be further revealed in the cards that follow.


If the Three of Cups has appeared in the Past position, you have recently attended a social engagement that is very crucial to your present life circumstances. It is very likely that you were put in touch with people who are able to influence your current situation, thereby hastening the process of change.


If the Four of Cups has appeared in the Past position, you have just recently gone through a period of uncertainty. You have heard several rumours and are not sure exactly who you should believe, and what direction you need to proceed in order to achieve optimum results in your life. Even though you are doubtful and unsure of what the future holds for you, very soon all will be revealed to give you an element of clarity in what you feel is an otherwise dubious situation.


If the Five of Cups has appeared in the Past position, you have recently been through a period of disappointment, as you have had to discover that things are not always as they seem. Perhaps you have had your hopes up high with regard to one specific subject, only to realise that things did not work out as you had originally anticipated. You may also have been quite chagrined to realise that people are quite often not exactly as they present themselves as being. The expression, ‘beauty is only skin deep’ is a quite apt reflection in this particular situation, as you have had to learn that you cannot take people at face value. Everyone has secrets, and it is the revelation of those closeted skeletons, which are not so deeply buried in our past that make up who we are today. You will move on, which is the important thing to remember at those times when are seem to be in a state of despair. You do, however, need an appropriate period of grieving before you can contemplate on embarking upon any new endeavours.


If the Six of Cups has appeared in the Past position, you have recently engaged in activities that brought back many of the feelings and thoughts of your childhood. It is therefore important to reflect on the impressions that have recently been revealed to you because it is important to realise what is going on as an adult. When you were younger, you may not have been equipped with the reasoning ability to fully understand certain life experiences, which no doubt caused you difficulties when you set about making friendships with other individuals. As an adult, however, you can reflect on your experiences so that you can build on them and become a whole human being.


If the Seven of Cups has appeared in the Past position, it seems that you have recently been presented with several options from a variety of sources. All of the choices available to you seemed very appealing and had much potential, but you were not sure exactly what path you should follow. Some options were more suitable to your temperament than others, and at least a couple of offers would prove to be fruitless. The cards that follow will reveal to you how beneficial your selection was to your particular circumstances.


If the Eight of Cups has appeared in the Past position, you have recently decided that you were going to have to make a sacrifice and walk away from a venture that was very important to you. It saddens you to have to give up on someone or something, but at this point in time you must relinquish something to continue with your soul growth. You will eventually find that you made the correct decision to walk away from the emotive situation because other more worthwhile opportunities will be coming your way.


If the Nine of Cups has appeared in the Past position, you have recently gone through a period of happiness and contentment. You may have found yourself dining out a lot or drinking at pubs, which may have had the knock-on effect of increasing your waistline. It is therefore essential, if only for your health that you return to a more frugal way of life eating and drinking in moderation. Simplicity is the key that will bring you the happiness that you desire and deserve.


If the Ten of Cups has appeared in the Past position, you have recently been through a period of harmony and well being in a sanctioned family type setting. There is nothing in this world that has given your time with your one true love and any offspring, such as pets or children that the both of you may have together. This sense of oneness with the universe, which has come about through the eternal bliss that can only be achieved with a soul-mate bond with your one true love, is what will carry you through life’s darker times.


If the King of Cups has appeared in the Past position, you have very recently come into contact with a very powerful, emotive man. He can become irate quite easily over the pettiest concerns, so it is best to tread carefully when dealing with this individual.


If the Queen of Cups has appeared in the Past position, you have recently had contact with a very emotional woman who has had a huge impact on your current situation. This woman is very sociable and therefore has a large circle of friends and acquaintances who can assist you on your path to true enlightenment. It is essential, however, that you guard your dealings with this woman because she is not averse to embellishing the truth if she feels that it will be in her best interests to do so.


If the Knight of Cups has appeared in the Past position, you have recently come in contact with a young man who has a sentimental nature and is therefore very sensitive. He can be quite thoughtful and romantic, and can therefore endear himself to his admirers. Because he is so sensitive, he can at times find that his mind is caught between fantasy and reality, and it is therefore prudent to take whatever he says with a grain of salt until other verifying factors are present.

Page/Princess If the Page of Cups has appeared in the Past position, you have recently had contact with a young person who has a very emotional nature. Even at a young age, she may suffer from mental disturbances, which will make her prone to neurosis and other depressive illnesses if she does not have a suitable outlet for situations that have disturbed her.
