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The Celtic Block

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The Best Course of Action position denotes that which you must do in order to effect a positive outcome to the situation that prompted you to consult the oracle. Unfortunately, there are few things in life that are given to us, and that which we receive freely that has been unearned is usually a gift from accomplishments we have made in past, parallel and future incarnations. Just about everything else, however, we must earn through our work and other activities that we have endeavoured to accomplish. There are in actual fact few lucky breaks in this life. Most opportunities that have been presented to us are in actual fact the result of meticulously executed plans that have transpired in such an orderly fashion as to make it seem as if it were sheer luck. Therefore, if you would like your situation to be successfully be resolved, it would be in your best interests to perform the appropriate acts to manifest that success in our physical would. This card position is a suggestion to the querent as to one thing that he can do to bring about a successful outcome to his question. If he takes the advice that the universe is giving him through the key of the Tarot, he is one step closer to getting the outcome that he desires. In astrological terms, this position denotes the North Node of the Moon, as it denotes that which the querent is destined to do in order to achieve the happiness and fulfilment that is his karmic right as a universal being. It should be stressed, however, that what the querent is being beckoned to act upon is not necessarily going to be the path of least resistance, and will therefore require a fair amount of effort on his part.

0. The Fool.

If The Fool has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, the oracle is telling you that you need a fresh perspective on the situation that has prompted you to consult the oracle. This means that you will need to initiate a new start in one particular area of your life. You may need to move house, change jobs, change schools, and even change relationships, which will give you a change of scenery and therefore a new outlook on life.

1. The Magician

If The Magician has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you need to embark upon a course of learning, which could relate to either a formal classroom environment, on the job training, or self study. You would also do well to adopt a positive mental attitude because the immense power of the mind cannot be discounted when working to resolve critical issues. Even the simple act of adopting a pleasant demeanour and only allowing positive words to be uttered from your lips would be a massive step forward, as you are making yourself approachable to others and dispelling any negative forces that may latch onto you and hinder you from attaining all that you are capable of. You may want to try to re-programme your mind as a way of dispelling bad habits, such as nail biting, compulsive eating, or other unsavoury addictions. A simple method of reprogramming is a form of self-hypnosis, where you repeat positive affirmations to yourself whilst in a meditative state. And lastly, magic is implied here. You could evoke simple white magic by projecting mental images of the outcome that you would like each day whilst in meditation. You can also form a type of Sigil magic, which is merely making a drawing that is composed of all the letters of a word that accurately reflects the outcome that you seek. Alternatively, you can write in very specific detail all of the things that you would like to transpire on a sheet of paper, and hide it away, only to be looked at on a predetermined future date. You need to be careful what you ask for, however, because you just might get it.

2. High Priestess

If the High Priestess has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you need to spend some time on your own, reflecting on the hidden secrets of the universe that keep the stars in the sky and the earth revolving around the sun with apparent ease. You would also do well to stay away from men for the time being because the energy that they emanate is not necessarily what you need to advance in your soul growth at this point in time. You will know what you need to do when you have spent some time alone with yourself, utilising the aspect of yourself that needs to be further developed before you will be made aware of the secrets of the universe, as referenced in the akashic records.

3. The Empress

If The Empress has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you need to use the feminine aspects of yourself in an attempt to effect the changes that need to be made to bring about a successful resolution to any dilemmas that you may have. It is for that reason that you need to adopt a pleasant attitude because people will be more inclined to help you if you are amenable. It is important that you focus on the practicalities of life, such as taking care of your immediate physical needs, and the other areas of your life that are less than satisfactory will fall into place all by themselves. If you were thinking of starting a family, now would be a propitious time to do so.

4. Emperor

If The Emperor has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, the Tarot is telling you that you need to take control of your life. This means that you need to take proactive steps to correct any areas of your life that are less than satisfactory. If you have found yourself abusing food, cigarettes, drugs or drink, then it is time for you to face the issues that caused you to turn to those things for comfort. If you are having financial difficulties, then it is time to take proactive steps to budget your money, even if it means making a few sacrifices. If you are having relationship difficulties, then it is time to take a long hard look at the reasons why your interpersonal relationships are less than satisfactory, even if it means dissolving some liaisons that are no good for your spiritual growth. The point is that you must take proactive steps to resolve any recurrent issues because they will not correct themselves without any intervention on your part.

5. Hierophant

If the Hierophant is found in the Best Course of Action position, you are being urged to follow the traditional path to get what you want from this life. If you are contemplating entering into a marriage, it may be a propitious time to do so because the union is more likely to withstand the test of time if it is initiated within a formalised structure, such as a wedding service. On the other hand, if your marriage has not been going so well and you are contemplating a divorce, then that may be the best course of action as well, but only you can answer that. The Hierophant augurs practicality and tradition, so you may find the answers that you seek within a church, possibly during a religious ceremony. It is best to keep your affairs open and above board because any secrets will be uncovered sooner or later.

6. Lovers

If The Lovers has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you are being presented with a choice that needs to be made before you can develop and grow as an individual. The choice will not be easy to make, as you will be presented with conflicting paths and will not be sure which one is best for you to follow. In the ancient Tarot depictions, a young man being presented with the choice of vice and virtue, which indicates that he will need to decide whether he wants to take the path of lust and avarice, which is gratifying in the short term, or the path of prudence, which will yield more long term benefits. It is not an easy decision to make, but one that you must decide upon all on your own.

7. Chariot

If The Chariot has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you will need to take proactive action to ensure a successful outcome to the situation that prompted you to consult the oracle. You may be required to travel, such as making a trip for your work. You may even need to move to another part of the country to be near certain people who play an important part in your life. If you are given an opportunity to make a trip, it would be propitious for you to do so to enhance your chances of success in this life.

8. Strength

If Strength has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you need to draw upon an inner reserve to be able to carry on carrying on in the face of adversity. Even during the most hectic of times, if you try to maintain a serene demeanour, you will be able to accomplish all that is required of you, and then some. If you have been thinking of getting a pet, it would be a wise course of action because pets can love you in a simplistic fashion that very few humans are capable of. Animals do not exhibit the same boundaries that humans tend to, and do not discriminate against sex, race, religion, age or creed. It is the pure naivety of the unconditional love that these beings present that brings them much closer to God.

9. Hermit

If The Hermit has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you need to spend some time on your own to reflect on the situation that prompted you to consult the oracle. It could be that you do not really enjoy your own company and will therefore spend time with anyone and everyone who will dull the inner voices in your head that are stirring you to pursue a certain path in this life. Perhaps the people who you have chosen to share your time with, although rather innocuous, are hindering you from embarking upon the true path that will lead you to the happiness and fulfilment that you so earnestly desire. It is for that reason that you need to spend time on your own, such as a weekend retreat or solo holiday, where you will have the quiet solitude that you need to listen to the inner voice, which will direct you on the path that you were meant for in this life.

10. Wheel Of Fortune

If the Wheel of Fortune has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, the oracle is telling you that you need to take a chance in this life. Although it would not be prudent to throw all caution to the wind and begin anew, there are some calculated risks that you can take that have the potential to improve your life circumstances significantly. If there is anything that you have been considering undertaking, but lack the self-confidence to attempt, you will never know how successful you could have been unless you give it a try.

11. Justice

If Justice has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you are being urged to make sure that all of your affairs are legal and above reproach. This is not the time to become involved in any nefarious activities because sooner or later such endeavours will be found out, much to the embarrassment of everyone involved. If you are involved in any disputes, it may be necessary to seek mediation as a means to resolve any issues amicably. You may be forced to have your problem resolved through the courts, but this is an avenue that you will need to carefully broach. It is important to keep in mind that in any legal disputes, the biggest winners will always be the lawyers.

12. Hanged Man

If The Hanged Man has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you are being urged to let go of the situation that is bothering you, and allow the higher forces of the universe to resolve the issue that prompted you to consult the oracle. The reason for this is because there are some things that are not meant for you, and this may very well be one of them. Even if you put every last bit of energy and capital in a venture that means a lot to you, it may not be the path that you should be on at this point in time. If you carry on, trying to evoke a particular course of events that you are destined for, you will just become disillusioned at your failure to make sufficient progress to see any kind of a gain. It is for that reason that you would fair better if you focused your energies in the pursuance of more worthwhile projects, which will be made apparent to you at a later time.

13. Death

If Death has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you are being urged to let go of the situation that is bothering you. The reason for this is because major forces are at work that you have little, if any, control over. While you may have free will over your own personal destiny, you do not have power over the lives and destinies of others, which will as a result have an effect on the course of your life. We are all involved in an intricate web that is of such a complex nature that there are many souls that need to work harmoniously together in order to effect a common group goal that most people are not aware of on a conscious level. It is also important to keep in mind that you may desire a relationship, job, vocation, or family setting with all your heart, but if the individuals involved do not want you, there is very little that you can do. Unfortunately, this is one of those situations where you have very little influence, so it would be prudent to sit back and allow the universal forces take effect until a more propitious time approaches that will enable you to use your influence to change the affairs of man. You would fare much better just by focusing on the things that you can improve within your own personal circumstances in this life.

14. Temperance

If Temperance has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you need to adapt a calm outlook on life because it is not going to do you any good to get excited about things that you have very little control over. There are powerful forces at work, effecting a series of synchronous chain events that will transpire over a set period of time, thereby ensuring that the meagre affairs of man amazingly come to order. The only thing that you can do is wait for the time to come when your true destiny in the world is revealed to you. In the meantime, the best that you can do to ensure that the outcome occurs in the manner that you would like is to make sure that your affairs are in order. If you exercise moderation in all aspects of your life, you will thereby prepare yourself for the day that your true destiny is revealed to you.

15. Devil

If The Devil has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, the best thing that you can do is to focus on the practicalities of the issue that prompted you to consult the oracle. It is for that reason that you need to concentrate on working hard and making money because the capital that you acquire through these endeavours will come in handy for other investments that you would like to make. You may find yourself in a relationship, job or other situation that does not meet your ideals, but for the time being, the best that you can possibly hope to achieve and it would be wise to stick with it for a little while longer. Even if your personal relationships are not giving you the satisfaction that you desire, if you persevere and work through the issues that are causing you concern, they are likely to improve and eventually become more rewarding endeavours.

16. Tower

If The Tower has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you really need to slow down and exercise caution because you very well could have an accident that is brought about through your own or another’s negligence. It is for that reason that you need to slow down and exercise appropriate safety precautions. You also need to ensure that all of your financial obligations are met, otherwise, you could put your living conditions at risk. The important thing for you to do is to communicate with others to ensure that you know what they want and they know what you want, thereby ensuring that all involved parties are operating on the same wavelength.

17. Star

If The Star has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you need to adopt a friendly attitude even whenever you are under extreme stress. The reason for this advice is because many people who you meet on a day to day basis are not aware of, and cannot imagine, the personal problems that you may have. Therefore, even if you have every reason to be sad and miserable, the people around you will not necessarily be sympathetic to the situations in your life that are causing you pain. If you try to be friendly to others, even when you do not particularly feel like being sociable, you will be amazed that other people will return your amenability with kindness and will slowly develop a compassionate understanding of your dilemma. It will be the that your friends will be able to help you by showing you compassion and giving you sound advice, thereby helping you to put your problems in perspective.

18. Moon

If The Moon has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, it is best if you trust your own inner guidance on this matter because you cannot rely on other people to provide you with accurate information. You are entering into what can best be described as interesting times. Although you will not realise it for a while, those who you believe to be your friends will let you down, while those who you had never really noticed will be the ones who rally round you during difficult times. Because the veils that allow you illumination and clarity of mind have not yet been lifted, it is therefore best if you keep your own counsel and place very little trust in others until they have proven themselves as true friends.

19. The Sun

If The Sun has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, the best thing that you can do is to don a sunny disposition, even in the face of adversity. The reason for this is because it will only serve to alienate you from other people if you adopt a dour expression, even if you have every reason to be melancholy. If you try to look on the bright side of any difficult situation, you will find that you will have a greater chance of boosting your immune system and protecting you from illnesses, which often occur as a result of trauma in our lives. If you have been thinking of adding to your family, it would be a propitious time to do so. Any additions to your family are likely to bring you much joy and happiness. It may also be wise to go to a place that is sunny and warm; as such an environment has many rejuvenating qualities. After a break in a warm, sunny place, you will be refreshed so that you can again competitively resume your day to day activities.

20. Judgement

If Judgement has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you need a deep, inner cleansing to clear out the psychic debris that is the result of past traumas. You may need to see a doctor or complete medical check-up that will uncover any hidden illnesses that have not been previously diagnosed. You may also wish to try one of the many alternative therapies, which will help to uncover and heal any of the many psychosomatic illnesses that you may have adopted as a means of integrating past experiences into your psyche. You may also meet a person who will able to help you to work through any unresolved issues from your past just by the sheer nature of your relationship with him. The important thing to remember is that you do need healing and should therefore spend time on yourself to repair the wounds that have been deeply embedded in your aura for a very long time.

21. World

If The World has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, the most appropriate thing for you to do would be to tie up any loose ends that are holding you back from reaching your fullest potential. There may be several minor aspects of your life that you have let slide, convincing yourself that those little things don't matter in the grand scheme of things. The fact is, however that everything you say, do or think does matter. You may neglect a little item here, a little item there, until you have amassed a lot of little items that have not been resolved and have therefore been left dangling in thin air. The fact is, however, that all of those small, supposedly insignificant items that you have been meaning to take care of but thought that you never had the time, added up to a huge mess that will sooner or later get out of hand. All of these areas in your life that have been left unresolved will therefore leave your life in a state of disarray until you endeavour to take care of any and all unfinished business that is preventing you from moving on to other activities that can aid you in your development. What you need to do is make a list of all of the unfinished tasks that need to be concluded. You then need to go down the list and complete each and every item that you have written down. When you have completed the all of items on the list, you will have completed a major cycle of your life and will therefore be ready for new karmic assignments and dharmic gifts that will aide you in your soul growth.



If the Ace of Wands has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you need to begin thinking of things that you can do to enhance the creativity that is within your psyche. You may have allowed yourself to become lulled into an attitude of complacency by doing the same things each and every day, and seeing the same people each and every day. As a result, you may have become bored and complacent, and the creative aspects of your personality have lain dormant for quite some time. If you take up a new hobby or a sport, it will do wonders for your overall health and well-being.


If the Two of Wands has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, it would be in your best interests to enter into an enterprise with another person because you could accomplish much more as a couple or team than you can individually. You may decide to get married, accept a position, join a church, or enter into a business arrangement with another person, which is likely to yield profitable results that will serve to enhance your position in the universe and develop your ability to work co-operatively on a one to one basis.


If the Three of Wands has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you would be in a good position to try to work together with a group of people to achieve a common goal. There are some things that would be very difficult for you to accomplish on your own, such as building a house or writing one of the many elaborate computer programs used in scientific and business sectors today. It is for that reason that there are some instances where one must forego their own personal sense of independence and individuality for the sake of the common good of the universe.


If the Four of Wands has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you would be wise to make any future decisions based upon your potential security and prosperity if you are offered a position or accommodation that allows you to feel more secure in your place in this world. You would be wise to accept any such invitations even if it does not meet your ideal. It may be wise to participate in a family celebration or reunion, which will help you to reaffirm the bond that holds you together with certain people you are related to. Even if you do not see eye to eye with certain family members, it would be in your best interests to try to get along with them because the mutual co-operation that you can achieve will come in useful when times are not so affluent.


If the Five of Wands has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, it seems that you are involved with a group of people who like to bicker just for the sake of it. The reason for this is because they are bitter about many unfulfilled ambitions in their lives, but instead of working to actualise their dreams, they would rather lament their many lost opportunities to others. There is nothing that you can do to alter the behaviour of these individuals because they will only change when they are ready, and it does not appear that this is going to occur for quite some time. If you are not able to find another group of people to associate with, it would be wise if you distanced yourself as much as possible from their activities because others are likely to look on with disdain.


If the Six of Wands has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you need to adopt a positive, can-do attitude and take proactive steps to achieve your dreams. In order to get what you want out of this life, it may be necessary for you to travel. Any sacrifices that you make will be well worth it because the rewards that you will receive will be immense. It is important to remember, however, that this is one of those times when you will need to adopt an independent attitude because you cannot rely on your friends to come to your aide during times of distress. If anything, some people who you suppose to be your friends will become jealous of your good fortune, and will therefore take whatever steps they feel necessary to hinder you from achieving your objectives.


If the Seven of Wands has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you are advised to continue carrying on even in the face of adversity. This is not the time to give up, because if you persevere in your efforts, you will eventually achieve your ultimate goal. The individuals who have agendas at cross purposes to your own are not really worthy opponents, although you may not realise it right when they are competing with you.


If the Eight of Wands has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you are being advised to take a trip, as it will help you to achieve your goals in this life. This journey that you need to take may very well be a place that you consider to be far away because in the grand scheme of things, all distances are really very subjective. What may be a long journey to you may be considered a short trip by someone else, so this trip that you will make needs to be put into perspective as to what the achievable goal is. If for some reason you are not in a position to leave your immediate surroundings, you can broaden your perspective by reading books, watching television, going to movies, or using the internet. There is a wide world out there, you only need to find it.


If the Nine of Wands has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, it would be in your best interests to maintain an attitude of vigilance in your dealings with others. The reason for this is because the position that you are in is somewhat volatile and has the potential to change quite suddenly, leaving you in a rather difficult position. This is not a time to trust others because you really do not know who your friends are. It is best to maintain a pleasant disposition even amongst your enemies, thereby ensuring that your relationships will remain intact even during less prosperous times.


If the Ten of Wands has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, the best thing that you can do to resolve the situation is to carry on with your work. If you mind your own business and focus on your obligations in this world, eventually the heavy burdens you feel will begin to subside. The many pressing issues that you face will resolve themselves through your unremitting determination to carry on with your duties. If you focus on the work that needs to be accomplished, it will be completed and you will be able to relax and enjoy yourself when the situation that you will soon be involved in becomes less arduous.


If the King of Wands has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you would be wise to cultivate a relationship with a man who is quite knowledgeable on a wide variety of subjects. He is self-absorbed, however, and tends to think of his own desires above those who he claims to care about. This can pose problems, however, because those close to him may have a hard time believing that he does actually love them when they see him thinking only his own concerns.


If the Queen of Wands has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you need to develop a relationship with a woman who has a great deal of energy and possesses much insight into the ways of the world. She is very astute and directs her energy in a positive way, which enables her to achieve her heart’s desire. Because she has so much energy, she needs to maintain interests to help her to stay active and thereby dissipate any anxiety that she may feel. She has much love to give, but it is important that she gives her love to deserving people so that she can remain happy and well balanced.


If the Knight of Wands has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you would do well to spend some time with a young man. He is intuitive and uses his senses as a creative outlet, such as composing music, writing poetry, gardening, and spending time with those who he is attracted to. This person is involved in the situation that prompted you to consult the oracle, and holds the key to the successful resolution to some of your problems.


If the Page of Wands has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you will get a great deal of reward from spending time with a young person who has the ability to influence the situation just by her mere presence. She has a great deal of energy and therefore needs to channel her exuberance into activities so that she can stay focused on progressing along the path that she was destined for.



If the Ace of Pentacles has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you need to take into consideration your future material and financial prosperity. This may involve investing in yourself, which could involve purchasing property or paying tuition on a course of study. If you thoroughly research any investment that you intend to make, you will be well on your way to achieving the material prosperity that you deserve in this life.


If the Two of Pentacles has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, the best thing that you can do is to ensure that your financial affairs are in order. The reason for this is because you may have made so many financial commitments that it would be very easy for you to fall into a debt that would be very difficult for you to repay if only one small variable where to change in your financial situation. The financial strain that you have put yourself under has had the effect of making your unusually nervous and other people have noted a change in your personality. In order to resolve this problem that your really don’t need in your life, it would be in your best interests to streamline your living expenses, striving to live simply. It may mean that you must live in modest surroundings, but you will feel so much better knowing that you do not have enormous debts hanging over your head. You may also need to see a financial adviser, who will be able to help you to consolidate your debts into more affordable payments.


If the Three of Pentacles has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you would be wise to hone your skills in your present occupation. If you are very good at what you do, you will be in greater demand and will be able to command a higher income. If you have been considering moving house, it may be propitious to make the move, as you would probably be happier in a new home. Before making any major decisions with regard to such a move, however, it would be wise to check the structure of the house so that you do not uncover major problems at a later date.


If the Four of Pentacles has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you would be wise to save your money for a rainy day, because you don’t know when it will come in handy. It could be that you are being somewhat extravagant, spending your money on things that you really do not need. It could also be that you are letting certain individuals into your life who, in the long run, will only hinder your development in the physical plane that you have chosen to incarnate into. You need to think very carefully about the money you are spending and the people who you are allowing into your life. You will find that you will be able to conduct your affairs in a more efficient manner if you think about it.


If the Five of Pentacles has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you would be wise to begin living simply and cutting out any unnecessary expenses. The reason for this is because the economic climate is in a state of flux, always adhering to the ebb and flow of universal influences. It is for that reason that times may not have been as affluent as in the past, and the only way you will be able to weather the economic dry spell is to keep your expenses to a minimum. The situation will improve, but you will need to do your part to improve your financial circumstances before you can begin to live prosperously again.


If the Six of Pentacles has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you would be wise to work in an area of mutual trust and co-operation. The reason for this is because you are not in a position to do everything on your on, and it is for that reason that you need to accept help and assistance. In the same vein, there are some individuals who need your help. In order to balance out the law of cause and effect, it would be in your best interest to help others so that people will help you when you are in need.


If the Seven of Pentacles has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you would be wise to wait to see how the situation that you are currently involved in develops. The universe is in the process of balancing and harmonising any inequalities that may exist, and it is for that reason that a certain sequence of events must occur before all is revealed to be true. You may not feel that what you are engaged in at this point in time is worthwhile, but you will eventually be able to see the relevance of recent course of events with a renewed clarity.


If the Eight of Pentacles has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you would be wise to stay active. If you keep your mind on your work, it will be easier for you to weather the more difficult emotional and material crises that will come your way. You may also need to upgrade your existing skills in some way, and this will serve to improve your employment prospects if you find yourself needing to change jobs. The important thing to remember is to keep your hands busy, and the other problems that arise will sort themselves out automatically.


If the Nine of Pentacles has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you would be wise to take a much needed rest from your day to day activities. A spell in the countryside would do you a world of good, as you would be put in touch with the natural forces that make-up our earth. Your material needs will be taken care of, so it would therefore be a propitious time to take care of you emotional and mental needs.


If the Ten of Pentacles has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you would be wise to enter into an arrangement with other family members so that your future prosperity and success can be assured. Because there is much more that a group of people can achieve together than you personally could hope to accomplish on your own, a union to accomplish one specific task would be appropriate to help ensure your material security and prosperity in future years.


If the King of Pentacles has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you need to communicate with a man who has a great deal of common sense and much insight into the practical aspects of life. Because he is not one to act impulsively, he has been able to amass much in his many years of experience. This individual can offer you some good advice and steer you on the straight and narrow.


If the Queen of Pentacles has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you need to approach a woman who is stable and can offer some practical advice. She is very level headed and it is for that reason that she is able to maintain a grounded perspective, even when it appears that her world is falling down around her. Her no-nonsense approach to life will help you to maintain equilibrium during those more turbulent times.


If the Knight of Pentacles has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you would be wise to develop a relationship with a young man who is very down to earth in his dealings with others. He is practical and methodical, and tends to keep his long range goals in mind when conducting his affairs. He is analytical and can provide you with sound advice on a matter that is important to you, but you need to exercise caution when approaching him, ensuring that you do not engage in conversation with him when he is under stress.


If the Page of Pentacles has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you would be wise to develop a relationship with a young person who is quite methodical in her approach to life. She avidly pursues the physicalities of this world and therefore enjoys eating, sleeping and drinking, not particularly worrying about other more esoteric aspects of our existence. She knows that the physical universe is her destiny, and therefore pursues materiality to make her living circumstances more pleasant during this incarnation.



If the Ace of Swords has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, it would be in your best interests to keep accurate documentation on those matters that are very important to you. You may need to generate certain items of correspondence of your own, but you need to ensure that everything that you produce is accurate and relevant. Because this card is representative of our karmic obligations in this life, you will need to be prepared for the fact that anything that you say or do to come back and haunt you.


If the Two of Swords has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, there are some issues in this life that you will simply have to agree to disagree on. The problem will arise that you are not aware of all of the facts, which will make it difficult for you to make an accurate decision on the matter. It is for that reason that it would therefore be prudent for you to refrain from making any important decisions until the true facts of the situation are made known to you. You may find it necessary to part company with one person who means a great deal to you, but this separation is necessary for your spiritual development, so you should not dwell too deeply on this separation.


If the Three of Swords has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you would be wise to cut one particular relationship or aspect of your life out. The reason for this is because you are involved in a situation that can be very destructive, and it is for that reason that in order for you to progress along your spiritual evolution, you must forego something that is hindering your growth. Although you will inevitably suffer from the very difficult decision that you will have to make, newer, better opportunities will open up to you.


If the Four of Swords has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you are being urged to rest your mind and wait for higher guidance that will come to you during your meditations and reflections. At the moment there is nothing that you can do to sway the situation in your favour, so it would be propitious for you to wait for the higher forces of nature to act. During dreams or meditation, you will know what is right for you to do.


If the Five of Swords has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, it seems highly unlikely that there is anything that you can say or do to affect a successful resolution to the situation that prompted you to consult the oracle. Because you can’t win, the best that you can possibly do is to walk away from the person or situation that is causing you so much angst. It will be a difficult decision for you to make because there is much that you would like to say and do with regard to the situation. You would be wise, however, to save your breath because those individuals who you would like to speak to are not interested in listening.


If the Six of Swords has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you are leaving a situation that has caused you to become bitter about the world. You feel let down because circumstances have not transpired in your favour. The best that you can do with regard to this situation that has caused you so much unhappiness is to walk away from it. Although there are many misplaced emotions that you will be forced to deal with, those who you would like to relate to are not interested in anything that you have to relate. Time will heal all wounds, but in the meantime, you need to concentrate on improving your own circumstances in this life.


If the Seven of Swords has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you would be wise to keep a very low profile. It would be in your best interests to reveal very little to those people around you. The less they know, the better, because that will enable you to carry out your affairs with the least opposition. An element of stealth is indicated here, which means that it really would be in your best interest to be more secretive about your activities to those who really do not need to know.


If the Eight of Swords has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you are in a situation that you are not easily able to extricate yourself from. There are many factors that keep you tied to a less than satisfactory situation, which includes financial, geographical, emotional, and physical, just to name a few. Because you are not in a situation that you are free to move around in the manner that you would like, the best that you can do is to stay where you are. In time your circumstances will change to allow you more freedom to do as you wish.


If the Nine of Swords has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you may very well find yourself in a tense situation that is leaving you feeling very stressed. As a result of this, you may find yourself losing sleep or falling prey to one of the many stress related illnesses. There really is not a great deal that you can do to effect any positive changes at this time, so there is no point in endlessly worrying,. As difficult as it may seem, you really do need to try not to suffer about things that you have no control over, because you will just make yourself ill in the process. If you are not able to calm down using one of the many relaxation techniques, you may need to consult outside help to ease some of your many anxieties.


If the Ten of Swords has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, it appears that you are in what can best be described as a no-win situation. There really isn’t anything positive that you can do to make any positive influence to this situation. Anything that you do endeavour may only make matters worse, so you need to think very carefully about any actions that you intend on taking. Since anything that you do may only wreck more havoc on an already precarious situation, the best that you can do is to do nothing at all. Instead of focusing your energies in an outward direction, you would be wise take care of you own interests. The reason why you need to take on such a selfish attitude is because you will soon discover that the only person who you can really count on in your hour of need is yourself.


If the King of Swords has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you need to consult a knowledgeable man about the situation that prompted you to consult the oracle. He is very intelligent, and for that reason may be in one of the professional disciplines, a cleric or an academian. While he is in a position to provide sound advice, he may not necessarily relate it in a sympathetic fashion. This individual does have a sentimental side however, but it is shrouded in logic and reason, thereby making it difficult to perceive.


If the Queen of Swords has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you need to liase with a woman who is very knowledgeable in many subjects. She has a quick mind and uses it to relate to others on a wise variety of topics of conversation. She is very interested in higher education, and it is for that reason that she is will read on the subject of her interest. Because she has experienced much in the years since her birth, she has sound advice to impart. Whether or not you choose to listen is up to you.


If the Knight of Swords has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you need to speak to a young man. It may, however, be difficult to relate to this person at times because he has a rather high opinion of himself. Because he has not yet matured to the point where he has the relevant communicative skills to express himself thoroughly, he may lose his temper when he is not able to effectively relate his thoughts to others. This loss of rationality is merely a frustrated attempt to get his message across the only way that he knows, which is by using brute force. When he has matured and is further educated, those outbursts will become less conspicuous because he will be able to relate in an adequate fashion so that people will know his thoughts through discussion.


If the Page of Swords has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you need to incorporate a young person into your sphere of awareness because such contact will be beneficial to you. This individual is very talkative and is an imaginative thinker, thereby coming up with unusual answers to usual everyday problems. Although she is quick-witted, she may have some emotional difficulties that need to be addressed so that she can use her personality holistically and not fragmentally, which is so often the case when individuals become unbalanced through life’s more tragic experiences.



If the Ace of Cups has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you need to put on a happy face and try not to worry about those things that you have no control over. If you send out love and harmony to others, the universe will pay you back tenfold. In every dark cloud lies a silver lining, so you do have something to look forward to even during what may appear to be dismal times.


If the Two of Cups has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you need to work to cultivate happy and harmonious relationships with others. You will be much happier with yourself and with the world at large if you are able to live within the confines of a stable relationship. Even if you do not believe that the person who you are with at this point in time is what you would consider to be a soul-mate, if you work at getting along better with this person, you will see just how much happier you can be with your life circumstances.


If the Three of Cups has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you are being urged to go out and socialise because you will be rewarded for your efforts to meet other people. When you go out and meet different people, your sphere of awareness will increase and new opportunities will open up to you. You will have the opportunity to make new friends, develop business contacts, or even meet your one true love in this world through your social contacts. None of this will happen, however, if you are content to stay home.


If the Four of Cups has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you are being urged to proceed with caution. You have a few inner reservations that are keeping you from forging ahead with regard to one specific venture, and you are right to trust your intuition and to be wary of what you feel could be a dubious situation. There are some hidden pitfalls that have not been revealed to you, but your subconscious is well aware of what is going on. If you are in doubt, it is perfectly acceptable to wait until you feel more secure and ready to move in a positive direction. If something is meant for you, it will come to you.


If the Five of Cups has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you need to go through a period of grieving before you can go forward in your life. You have every reason to be unhappy, and to try to cover up your feelings of despair with a false sense of bravado will only result in you repressing or denying such a sad time in your life. It is important that you allow yourself to be sad and go through the grieving process so that you can continue to grow and evolve in the direction that was meant for you. Better times will come to you when you have let go of the emotional anguish from your past unpleasant experiences.


If the Six of Cups has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you are being urged to return to a time when life was much simpler. While you may have conned yourself into believing that you must have a fast-paced, hectic lifestyle, the fact is that the path that you have chosen is one of your own creation. It is for that reason that you have within yourself the capability to streamline your activities. You may find it beneficial to spend some time with children because their innocence can rekindle a genuine aspect of trusting that has lied dormant in your mind for quite some time. If you know children who are feeling neglected, you might want to pay attention to their needs because the children of today are the adults of tomorrow.


If the Seven of Cups has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you are being urged to think carefully about all the options available to you. The reason for this is because some opportunities will be presented to you, but not all of them are viable for your own personal life circumstances. It is therefore essential that you research every available option thoroughly before deciding upon the correct course of action. You should also not allow your heart to rule any decisions that you make because what you want at this point in time is not necessarily what is best for you. If in doubt, you may want to ask someone you trust for advice in order to help you make this very important decision that will be coming your way.


If the Eight of Cups has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, the best thing that you can possibly do is to walk away from a situation that is causing you at least a fair amount of discomfort. The reason for this is because not all relationships and opportunities are for you to pursue in this life. You will learn through trial and error what you are good at and what you are not. It is therefore pointless to try and pursue a relationship, job or vocation that you have struggled with only fail to make any success. Rather than waste any more of your valuable time, energy and emotion on a situation that is leading you nowhere, you would be wise to withdraw from it and focus your energies on those areas that you have an aptitude for. If you use your inner guidance, you will know what path you need to follow.


If the Nine of Cups has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you need to try to be happy with yourself, even if you find that you are on your own. It is also important that you save your money and other material possessions for a time when there is not so much wealth and abundance available to you. You need to get out and about, even if it is on your own, because you do not want to miss memorable events just because you do not have anyone to share the moment with.


If the Ten of Cups has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you have the opportunity to achieve happiness and fulfilment through one particular person or situation. Perhaps you have come into contact with your one mate in this life, and you are being invited to grasp the opportunity and unite with this person who will come to know you better than any other person in this world. Perhaps your one true partner is not who you think he is, but in time you will come to understand the part he or she played in your life to assist in the unfoldment of the most positive aspects of your personality.


If the King of Cups has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you need to cultivate a relationship with a caring man who can help you to solve some of your problems. He is compassionate and thoughtful of others, but at the same time has enough self-centredness to ensure that his needs are met before he even begins to consider the needs of others.


If the Queen of Cups has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you need to cultivate a relationship with a woman who will be of assistance in resolving the situation that prompted you to consult the oracle. She is quite sensitive, so you should therefore be careful of how you speak to her, ensuring that you do not inadvertently upset her in some way. Because she holds the key to the answers that you seek, you need to ensure that she is interested in helping you. The problem may arise if, for whatever reason, she has taken a dislike to you, because she may be inclined to embellish the truth so that no one will be interested in coming to our aid in a time of need.


If the Knight of Cups has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, there is a young woman who holds the key to the successful resolution to the situation that prompted you to consult the oracle. He is quite sensitive and is even psychic, although loathe to admit it. Most of the time he would prefer to rely on his logical perceptions and therefore uses rational terminology to describe the intuitive hunches that he periodically receives. He has a strong desire to belong, and it is for that reason that he will be reluctant to show the more sensitive side of himself.


If the Page of Cups has appeared in the Best Course of Action position, you need to spend some time with a young person who will help you to grow and evolve in your present path in this life. She is quite emotive and therefore has not learned how to mask her true feelings in a socially acceptable façade that the world at large is prepared to accept. If she has been raised in a mutually healthy environment, she can be quite giving and considerate of others.
