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The Celtic Block

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This card position reflects where you are in your soul evolution at the time of the reading. It shows your thoughts, feelings, ambitions and desires. It also reflects that which is hidden, which could be an aspect of yourself that you have concealed from others as well as yourself. This card indicates how you personally will affect the situation that prompted you to consult the oracle. In astrological terms, this card position refers to the 1st house in the horoscope, as it depicts the true personality of the querent.

0. The Fool.

If the Fool has landed in the Self position, you have within yourself the wherewithal to break free from the old you and begin a new life for yourself. Because you are undergoing a process of change, it is highly likely that your old friends will be somewhat perplexed by your new behaviours and attitudes, and will consequently stay away from you because you no longer fit into their mould of what a friend should be like. While this can be confusing and even hurtful, it will be a good opportunity for you to mix with a new set of acquaintances; people who will be more supportive of the qualities that you are striving to develop.

1. The Magician

If The Magician has appeared in the Self position, you are a very clever, thoughtful individual. Much of the energy that you utilise is your ability to intellectualise any given situation, as you ponder the world around you. You are in awe of the universe, wondering how such a thing could have been created to work in such deep synchronisation, with only a few miner celestial mishaps occurring every several thousand years or so. As you contemplate what makes the world keep going despite insurmountable odds, you reflect upon the four elemental tools that we so easily identify with; wands for light, disks for earth, swords for air, and cups for water. What you will soon discover is that with those four archetypal tools that are so much a part of our earth, you can set about the creation process and build a universe of your own, if that is what you desire. When you begin to use your mind, focusing on the four archetypal symbols, you will enter into the realms of magic, which is merely the mind’s ability to manifest into the physical world your creative mental processes. After a few successful attempts at this, to your astonishment, you will realise that your thinking patterns can actually manifest itself into the physical realities of this world, bestowing in you the ability to create your own destiny. Therefore, if you think negatively, you will continuously be surrounded by what you perceive to be perpetual bad luck. If, conversely, if you think positively, only good things will come to you.

2. High Priestess

If The High Priestess has appeared in the Self position, you are going through a period of feminine introspection, where you are attempting to get in touch with the more receptive qualities that are an inherent part of yourself. You may decide that you would like to explore the esoteric aspects of universal awareness, which will predispose you to spending time on your own, studying astrology, tarot, numerology, the Cabala and other metaphysical subjects. While there are groups and circles that you can join that will enable you to exchange ideas with other like minded souls, the esoteric path to enlightenment is quite often a lonely one. You may find that your relationships with men do not give you the satisfaction and fulfilment that you desire for a variety of reasoning, which will consequently cause you to seek out the company of women. You feel that you can trust women because you understand them. Although you are fertile and able to live in a family environment, for reasons known only to you, you do not want to pursue such a path in this stage in your soul’s development.

3. The Empress

If The Empress has appeared in the Self position, you are seeking to utilise the receptive side of yourself. Home, family and relationships are very important to you, as you function at peak efficiency when those areas of your life are running smoothly. Your maturity gives you a calming influence over those individuals who are unruly or overbearing. Relationships are very important to you, and you are at your best when you are able to work within the confines of a stable, monogamous relationship.

4. Emperor

If The Emperor appears in the Self position, you know what you want out of life and continuously work toward that aim. You can be quite forceful, which can be somewhat off-putting to more timid souls. You are a born leader, but the problem lies in the fact that some people don’t want or need to be led, and this can cause to problems if you try to force your will on those who don’t desire it. You have a somewhat impetuous nature, which needs to be tempered if you want to amass the great abundance that is truly deserving of you. As you mature you will mellow and become proficient at expressing yourself through less aggressive means, which will possess you with more endearing qualities to others.

5. Hierophant

If the Hierophant has appeared in the Self position, you are somewhat of an orthodox person, preferring to express yourself through tried and true, socially acceptable channels. You aspire to the comfort and opulence that comes from following the path of the physical realms of our existence, and therefore seek to enter into the professional vocations that allow you to manifest your individual destiny through them. You were presented with a choice long ago in connection with your present sojourn in this Earth plane. When presented with the choice of a life of comfortable luxury or a life of struggle, you chose the more convenient way of the pursuance of your karmic obligations. It is important to realise, however, that before your ego can develop, it must experience the more frugal aspects of our existence. Because you are so firmly grounded to the Earth, you possess the qualities of a more practical, stable being, and are not that terribly concerned with the esoteric aspects of our being. Your realm of existence is the exoteric, which is where you feel most at home in the physical realms of our universe. You are not one to rock the boat, but prefer to operate within the conventional methods that have been established in our society. It is for that reason that you rarely take a stand on what you truly believe in; preferring to attune yourself with whatever system of thought is the most popular at the time.

6. Lovers

If The Lovers has appeared in the Self position, you are being presented with a choice that you must make, which will affect the entire course of your life path. You may meet a person who will influence your decision. Quite often this card indicates that you are involved in a love affair, but sometimes it refers to a love triangle of sorts. The path to true love is often littered with obstacles that need to be overcome, thereby showing you the worth of your one and only soul-mate. Sometimes another person may interfere, and his or her presence in the scenario before a true union can be made. It is for that reason that you need to think very carefully about what you are doing in relation to this one particular liaison. Your true soul-mate is of such an enduring nature that there is no room in the relationship for other people and situations to interfere with your relationship with each other.

7. Chariot

If The Chariot has appeared in the Self position, you strive for excellence in all that you do in this life. You are not one to engage in idle pursuits, but prefer to stay active so that you do not have to think about what it is that is bothering you. Because you are very ambitious, you will in all likelihood become successful in whatever you set out achieve. The key to remember, however, is that you have the propensity to be more successful at some tasks than others, so you need to determine what you are really good at, and then go for it. It is envisaged that you will be taking a trip that relates specifically to your query in the very near future.

8. Strength

If Strength has appeared in the Self position, you possess a great deal of charm and charisma that makes you a natural leader. You have the ability to lead by example, which makes less focused souls want to follow you naturally. Even if you have not been given an official position of authority, you have found yourself in the position of informal group leader by your peers, which instils in you a great deal of confidence in your ability to relate to others. Because people look up to you, you have been vested with a great deal of responsibility whether you desire it or not. It is therefore essential that you use your gift wisely and refrain from situations where you might abuse or misuse the powers that your peers have awarded you. You also have a natural affinity with animals, as you can identify with the feralness that is so inherent in their personalities. Animals are such simple beings, who are motivated by primal instinct alone, drawing upon the collective consciousness of their species. They do not allow petty personality differences and squabbles to get in the way of their need for security, shelter and sustenance. You can sense the magesticness of animals that share this Earth with man.

9. Hermit

If The Hermit has appeared in the Self position, you are very much an old soul, possessing much wisdom through eastern philosophies. Although you enjoy the company of others, you spend a lot of time on your own, reflecting upon the laws that make up the universe. You will receive much universal knowledge through meditation or dreams, as you will be given visions and other flashes of inspiration that show you more of the grand scheme of the universal knowledge that the vast majority of us are not open to. It is also during periods of illness, when you wonder about your own mortality, that you are able to gain a greater understanding of the progression of the collective cosmic consciousness.

10. Wheel Of Fortune

If The Wheel of Fortune has entered into the Self position, it seems that you are somewhat of a risk taker. Because you are not one to take life as it comes, you tend to create your own scenario, which is manifested by the calculated risks that you take. Although you are somewhat of a gambler, you are nonetheless philosophical about what your lot in life might be. The rapid spiral of events that you are a part of is typical of the fact that the four fixed astrological signs are portrayed in this card. The friction that is inherent in the astrological grand square composed within the archetype is what drives you to heed a continuous flow of variance, thereby giving you a fluctuation of fortunes.

11. Justice

If Justice has appeared in the Self position, you have a strong sense of right and wrong, and can at times be somewhat judgmental in your assessment of others. There is very much a polarity in your way of seeing things, which presents somewhat of a dichotomy to your sensual awareness. Sometimes you only see that an individual partook of an activity that is against society’s moral and ethical codes, but you fail to take into consideration any mitigating circumstances that may be presented to you. This inability to see that in between the dualistic world of black and white that we live in, there are varying shades of grey, which differentiate the moral sense of right and wrong that we are confronted with on a daily basis. It is the grey areas that you would be wise to analyse because they define the true character of a living being’s consciousness.

12. Hanged Man

If The Hanged Man has appeared in the Self position, you tend to take life as it comes, and do not necessarily go to any great lengths to change the course of events that seem to be occurring along your journey. You have a ‘whatever will be, will be’ attitude, and allow your destiny to unfold before your very eyes. You have somewhat of a philosophical perspective on life, tending to analyse events as they occur, attempting to master your future through a dedicated application of retrospective hindsight, which will later be used as introspective forethought. You may have had to make a huge sacrifice in your more formative and ideological years, which has affected your current personality. You have so much wisdom in your essence, which is a result of having to have to give something up that was very important to you. When someone looks into your eyes, they can see the ember of life that exists within, an ember that was once a flame. If you want to carry on in such an existence, you need to re-ignite that ember so that it will burn and illuminate the glory of your soul.

13. Death

If Death has appeared in the Self position, you are going through a major change in your life that is nothing short of a total re-birth. You may not think it to be so right now, as the situation that you are in at the moment is rather extreme, but when the current situation is resolved, you will be wiser and stronger for the experience. The transformation that you are going through could be such a major life event that you may very well succumb to an illness. This illness could manifest itself physically, as you suffer from a string of conditions that are exacerbated by stress. Alternatively, you could suffer from depression, neurosis, or even psychosis, which has been euphemistically termed a ‘creative illness’. In order to come to terms with what you are experiencing, you may develop obsessions, compulsions, or phobias, which you may need outside help to overcome. Rest assured, you are not crazy, but merely going through a metaphysical re-birth, which is necessary for you to continue along your earth walk with a heightened awareness of the greater cosmobiological workings of the universe. Although we have been conditioned to believe that mental illness is a reflection of one’s weakness of mind, it is important to realise that many great thinkers in our past, such as Sigmond Frued and Carl Jung, have succumbed to mental health problems at least once in their life. It is interesting to note that these episodes of illness occurred after a period of intense mental activity, and usually occurring around their 4th decade. Perhaps these beings needed to go through a period of inner turmoil so that they could gain greater empathy and understanding for the suffering of other souls.

14. Temperance

If Temperance has appeared in the Self position, this is one instance where you are being guided by the angel of time. It is important that you maintain a good sense of humour and try to maintain a sense of balance and harmony during a turbulent period in your life. You are protected in all that you do, provided that you conduct your affairs morally and honourably in this incarnation. This is a period of transition where you are going through the healing process by the passage of time. Time really does heal all wounds, and can transform a boiling rage into an inner wisdom of the injustices that are so much a part of our existences. Although wisdom and truth will not solve all of your problems, it will give you greater clarity to view the world in a different light.

15. Devil

If The Devil has appeared in the Self position, you are in the process of experiencing what is considered to be the more negative aspects of our physical existence. Instead of being happy and carefree, you are weighed down with the responsibilities of this world that effectually give you a sombre disposition. The macabre fascinates you, as you delight in exploring the unknown. You have gone beyond subtle manipulation as indicated by the magician, and have progressed into deeper realms of the magical arts, sometimes even partaking of what is known as black magic. Manifesting your own existence through the use of mental imagery and your thoughts no longer appeal to you, as you prefer to dabble in the dark arts. Lest you proclaim in righteous indignation that you would never engage in such practices, it must be emphasised that even something as tame as negative thinking can bring about malefic forces. Even if you are a regular churchgoer and consider yourself devout, if you pray to God that misfortune befall anyone of your fellow men, you are in fact guilty of dabbling in the dark arts. In addition of your predilection for the exploration of the darkness of our souls, you have a secret that you don’t want anyone to know about. Nothing remains closeted forever, and your secret will become public knowledge in time.

16. Tower

If The Tower has appeared in the Self position, you are going through a period of inner upheaval, which could manifest itself as anger. You are angry at people and organisations for what you feel are their inability to deal with you fairly. Your home life may be up in arms because you are having difficulty communicating your needs to those close to you. This failure to communicate has had the knock-on effect of causing tension, and you may feel alienated, as if you somehow are not welcome in your own home. What you need is a change of scenery – either a holiday or a new job, anything to jolt you out of the complacency that has set in. If you are not able to find a suitable outlet for the anger that is welling up inside of you, you could turn your rage inward and consequently develop any one of the many depressive illnesses. Depression is, after all, anger that is directed toward oneself rather than others.

17. Star

If The Star has appeared in the Self position, you are a person who remains hopeful even during the bleakest of times. You have a friendly disposition, which makes you quite likeable. You are also somewhat balanced, effectively harmonising your ability to reason with your intuition, which gives you an innate understanding of other individuals. Because you have so much empathy and the ability to communicate to others tactfully, many people are likely to come to you and ask for advice about their personal problems. You have a higher awareness and are in touch with celestial beings that guide you in your day to day activities and ensure that you are far from adversity. Although you have chosen to reside in the Earth plane to experience the physicalities of the universe, you are not from this world. Your true home is a place, galaxies away, where beings are composed of light, each light allocated to a star. In this world, beings cannot comprehend the concept of density and therefore cannot understand how a being on Earth could be weighed down with a cumbersome, physical body. Those beings freely exist, going anywhere they wish merely by using their thought processes. These beings are able to manifest alternate realities merely by wishing it so. These beings are what our ancestors, in awe of souls more highly advanced than ours, called Gods.

18. Moon

If The Moon appears in the Self position, you are somewhat of an illusive soul, not quite in touch with reality. You know in your heart that you have difficulties coping with the harsh realities of the here and now, but somehow you get by. Although you are intuitive, sometimes you do not exercise good judgement because you allow what you desire to overrule what really is. You are a dualistic individual because part of your is still very feral in a domestic world. Although you can be co-operative, no one can really tame you. You are so emotional that many people are able to offend you when they did not intend any malice at all. This intense sensitivity can make you appear bristly to others, which means that you have difficulties maintaining relationships. When you learn to harness the psychic abilities that are within, you will be satisfied with yourself when you use them to help others for the good of mankind.

19. The Sun

If The Sun has appeared in the Self position, you have a very happy disposition and have many childlike qualities. You have an affinity for children, animals and the outdoors. You enjoy being the centre of attention and will therefore do things to attract attention to yourself, either positively or negatively. There is an element to your personality that makes you want to be the life and soul of the party, and as a result you tend to be somewhat of an exhibitionist. You are also a very me-entered individual, which can pose difficulties in your personal relationships because any successful partnership entails give and take on both sides, something that you are not prepared to do.

20. Judgement

If Judgement has appeared in the Self position, you are going through a period of inner transformation that can only come about through a deep, inner cleansing and healing. You may have suffered an injury in this incarnation, a previous life, or even a lateral existence that occurs simultaneously to the one that you are currently conscious of. This injury must heal before you can carry on in your soul growth. If left untreated, you will behave and react in manners that can best be described as copying mechanisms, but such activities are not necessarily synchronous with how your would prefer to be. This healing process can occur in an environment of recuperation, analysis, or intense introspection, applied to retrospective thought of a certain sequence of events have transpired to bring you to your current station in this life. It all else fails, it is important to keep in mind that time really does heal all wounds. Therefore, given the right amount of time and patience, you will emerge healed and reborn, with a greater understanding of yourself and others.

21. World

If The World has appeared in the Self position, you have reached a point in your life where some important issues have come to a resolution. You have completed a major cycle in your life and are therefore ready to begin a new endeavour to preoccupy your mind. This sense of completion has given you the confidence to begin new projects. In addition, if you have been involved in any unsatisfying relationships, now may the time to either re-define or dissolve them if you feel that it would be necessary for your soul growth.



If the Ace of Wands has appeared in the Self position, you are flowing with creativity, bubbling with new ideas that can benefit yourself and others. You are also receptive to new influences, which makes you highly psychic and able to attune yourself to what is going on with other individuals. You have leadership qualities, which instils in you a great deal of self-confidence. You are probably a very popular person because people sense that there is something special in your aura, and they wish to be a part of it, hoping that some of your essence will spill over into their auras. You have some very strong healing abilities that the weak and infirm are able to intuitively pick up on, and it is for that reason that much lesser beings would like to be around you.


If the Two of Wands is in the Self position, you are a very caring person who likes to build relationships with other individuals. You prefer to form solid bonds with those people who you must work closely with, thereby instilling you with a fair amount of popularity amongst your contemporaries. Although you are quite dynamic in your own right, you prefer to operate within the confines of an established partnership, thereby doubling any prospects of success.


If the Three of Wands has landed in the Self position, you are somewhat of a team player. You prefer to work within a group, which is where your personality truly shines. In a group, you can accomplish far more than you ever could endeavour individually, which allows you to have a sense of achievement that comes only from a job well done. Money is very much a part of your life, and it is for that reason that you will find yourself engaged in various business activities, striving to earn as much financial clout as possible. You are also somewhat of a gambler, forever engaging in calculated risks in an attempt to further enhance your wealth and monetary status in this world.


If the Four of Wands appears in the Self position, you are a very solid, practical, and trustworthy person who thinks a great deal of your home, family and that which will give you a sense of stability from which to work. You are somewhat futuristic in your thinking; always making calculated moves that you hope will increase your chances of prosperity and success, which will cement your future financial security. You desire to live in a large home and partake of celebrations with your friends and family. When all is well at home, you are at your very best and are therefore more able to go out in the world and make a name for yourself.


If the Five of Wands has appeared in the Self position, you have to struggle because it seems that you are at odds with the world around you. Because there is a lack of understanding, you seem to spend a great deal of time in conflict. In metaphorical terms, you spend much of your time ‘fighting fires’, but never really pinpointing the cause of each and every crises. If you stop and analyse every conflict that you are engaging in, you will probably see that they all have one specific problem in common.


If the Six of Wands has appeared in the Self position, you are in many ways a self-righteous person. You see yourself as being very successful, which could pose a problem to your personal relationships. Because you value success and achievement as personal qualities that people should aspire to, you could collect a few undesirable elements in your milieu. You could attract hanger’s on, those individuals who do nothing but cling onto your success in the hope that some of it will rub off onto them. You may also discover that there are some secret enemies in your circle of associates, those people who are outwardly supportive of you but secretly conspire to see your downfall. The case of Julius Caesar who was assassinated by his so-called friends on the Ides of March is an apt representation of this key. It is therefore essential that you analyse your motives and behaviour, and strive to maintain an air of modesty with regard your personal achievements, thereby attracting well-wishers to your circle of friends.


If the Seven of Wands has appeared in the Self position, you appear to be under a great deal of stress, which is affecting your personality and temperament. Instead of being cheerful, happy and helpful, you are full of resentment, as you struggle to tackle forces that you have no outer comprehension of. You may have found that you have difficulty staying on top of your current situation because you do not possess all of the skills and facilities necessary to appropriately respond. It is for that reason that you may need to seek outside help to better enable you to transcend the difficult patch that you are currently experiencing.


If the Eight of Wands has appeared in the Self position, you are a forward thinker who would like to go places, especially with regard to work and career. You may feel the need to travel, so if you do not have a vocation that enables you to go to different places on a regular basis, you may go on exotic holidays if it is within your budget. You are very futuristic, as you try to keep up with the latest advances in technology. You need to be in a sunny place because that is where you will have the opportunity to achieve your true potential in this life.


If the Nine of Wands has appeared in the Self position, you are somewhat defensive. Because of your various life experiences that you have had, you tend to be on guard much of the time, fearing the worst in almost any given situation. As a result of this, you may be seen by others to be somewhat pessimistic, if not downright paranoid. An old saying, ‘just because you’re paranoid does not mean that someone isn’t out to get you’ is a good motto to live by at this point in your life.


If the Ten of Wands has appeared in the Self position, it seems that you are exhausted from overwork. It may be that you have taken on a task that you are really not ready for, but have decided to persevere nonetheless. As a result, you are being initiated into a completely new system of thought that has a steep learning curve. You have a long way to go before the goal that you have set for yourself is in sight, but if you persevere, even in the face of adversity, you will get what you desire in the end.


If the King of Wands appears in the Self position, you are being influenced in a really big way by a man who may have been considered successful at one time in his life. He has much energy in his auric make-up, which he can use to advance through his work, vocation or hobbies. While he can be quite generous and loving, he can also be somewhat self-serving, looking to meet his own needs over those of anyone else. He is always looking for ways to advance his financial standing in this world with minimal effort, and is therefore brimming over with business ideas. He quite often has an unusually high opinion of himself and naturally assumes that everyone adores him as much as he adores himself.


If the Queen of Wands has appeared in the Self position, you are being influenced in some way by a woman who has a great deal of vibrancy and personal magnetism. She generally needs to stay active in order to be at her best, either working or pursuing hobbies and other creative activities. While she has much love to give, she can be very me-centred, which can cause her to be melodramatic when life doesn’t go the way that she desires.


If the Knight of Wands has appeared in the Self position, a young man is strongly influencing the situation, which is having an affect on your overall well being. He has a great deal of energy, which he may or may not be using to his best advantage. He has a generally sunny disposition, which makes him well liked by others. Because he lacks the maturity that is necessary to see prospects through completion, he is not yet ready for a great deal of responsibility at this time. It is for that reason that he still needs a fair amount of mentoring before he is ready to tackle the world head on as an adult would.


If the Page of Wands has appeared in the Self position, there is a person who is very close to you and has a great deal of energy at his disposal. She is somewhat egocentric because she has not yet learned to think of people other than herself. She has a lively personality and needs to be engaged in a variety of activities in order to temper the energy within her.



If the Ace of Pentacles has appeared in the Self position, you are materialistic in the fact that you would like to have enough money to enable you to aspire to a reasonable standard of living and possess nice things that you and those close to you may enjoy. You may work with your hands, which gives you the practicality necessary to live in this physical world. Sensibility and groundedness are attributes that are necessary to successfully navigate through the earth plane, so this should hold you in good stead as you go about your daily activities. The serenity and freshness of the outdoors, possibly within the confines of a well kept garden, will give you the meditative clarity of thought to work through any difficulties that you find yourself presented with.


If the Two of Pentacles has appeared in the Self position, you seem to always have difficulties managing your money. Although you know very much how much money is available to you, you tend to stretch the limits as far as possible, often committing yourself to resources that you anticipate receiving, but do not yet possess. You quite likely rely heavily on credit, which is fine, as long as you have enough money coming in to pay off your creditors. The situation that you have found yourself in, constantly worrying about your variable income, has begun to affect your mental and physical well being. You may need to seek outside assistance to enable you to better manage the money that you do have, which should give you a little more peace of mind with regard to your future security and prosperity.


If the Three of Pentacles has appeared in the Self position, you are very skilled at what you do, having learned your trade through experience. In your chosen vocation, you are well respected and are consequently paid well for the service that you provide. Because you are so valued, you may have a relatively nice standard of living and are able to enjoy many of the nice things of this world. You are a reasonable and well-balanced individual, which should help your personal relationships run smoothly.


If the Four of Pentacles has appeared in the Self position, it seems that there are many areas of your life where you keep things to yourself. You tend to hold on tightly to your money, even at the point of being miserly. In addition, you may be somewhat closed minded, refusing to open yourself up to new ideas, which will consequently close the door to many opportunities made available to you. Your reservations are not without merit, however, as you have good reason to use discretion when inviting people into your home or personal space. While you should exercise prudence in your activities, especially when dealing with finances, if you allow yourself to be a bit more receptive to others, you will find that many more good things will come to you.


If the Five of Pentacles has appeared in the Self position, it seems that you lack confidence and have a very low self-esteem. You see people around you who are more affluent than yourself, and you secretly feel that you could never aspire to their level of success. Your circumstances may be more modest than you would like, which can lead to a considerable amount of frustration on your part. You may have been made homeless or vulnerable at least once in your life, which further adds to the feelings of insecurity and anxiety that only make your situation that much worse. You may have had some severe financial difficulties at least once in your life, which were of such an extreme nature that you were not able to obtain food, clothes and adequate shelter for yourself. These rather harsh conditions that you have experienced have served to influence the attitudes that you have developed about people and life in general, which can be rather dour at times.


If the Six of Pentacles has appeared in the Self position, you need to carry an air of co-operation and mutual trust if you would like others to approach you. The reason for this is because you may be in a position to accomplish all that is necessary, and it is for that reason that you need the assistance of others. On the same token, other people may need your help from time to time in order to achieve important goals, and it would be in your best interests to make yourself available to others when they are in need. It is this feeling of philanthropy that will help you to weather the turmoil that comes to all of us from time to time, and ensure that there will be people who would like to lend a helping hand whenever you need it.


If the Seven of Pentacles has appeared in the Self position, you need to take a ‘wait and see’ attitude because there are forces at work that are beyond your control. The best you can do is to put your best foot forward at all times, get whatever qualifications you need to assure success, and prepare yourself for the time when you will be called upon to perform the role that you were destined for.


If the Eight of Pentacles has appeared in the Self position, you need to take things slow and easy, and pay particular attention to detail. The reason for this is because you are in a situation that is totally alien to you. You do not yet possess all the skills necessary to accomplish the task that is soon forthcoming. You will therefore have to learn through experience what it is that you need to do, learning by trial and error. It is likely that you will make some mistakes along the way, as you attempt to hone your skills and possibly learn a new trade. The problem is particularly perplexing because there is no suitable mentor to teach you what it is that you need to learn. As a result, you will find yourself in a position where you must accomplish this most crucial task on your own, and you will discover that there will be nobody suitable to help you overcome any obstacles that are thrown in your path. Once you have accomplished what it is that you need to do, however, you will possess a deep satisfaction, realising once and for all exactly what it is that you are capable of.


If the Nine of Pentacles has appeared in the Self position, you have reached a point in your life where your physical and material needs are being taken care of, thus enabling you to spend more time in leisure activities. This pursuit of enjoyment should not be seen as frivolous because we all need to take a break from the pressures of the world from time to time. You may receive money that you did not actually go out and earn at least once in your life, which should give you the financial security that you need to relax a little and enjoy the good things that this earth has to offer.


If the Ten of Pentacles has appeared in the Self position, you are very heavily involved with your family, particularly when dealing with property, finances and other material matters. Because you are involved with members of your family financially, social elements are likely to come into play as well. You may have received, or are expecting to receive, an inheritance from someone related to you, which further complicates the issue. It is in your best interests, therefore, to stay on good terms with other members of your family regardless of how you feel about them personally.


If the King of Pentacles has appeared in the Self position, you are being influenced in some way by a man who has a high standing in society. He may be somewhat affluent, but even if that is not the case, he is well thought of in his community. This man is a very ethical person and has a healthy respect for the lawful order of the universe. He has some practical advice to give you, if you would only listen.


If the Queen of Pentacles has appeared in the Self position, there is a very sensible woman who is influencing you in some way. This person is not prone to flights of fancy, and will therefore stabilise you during the more tumultuous periods of your life. While she can be sensitive and caring, there are times when she appears somewhat stern. Because she is so level headed, she is not likely to allow her heart to rule her head. It is for that reason that she can afford you with some very sound advice, if you chose to talk to her about what it is that is on your mind.


If the Knight of Pentacles has appeared in the Self position, you are being influenced by a young man who has a great deal of practicality about his aura. He has a very grounding influence over your and tries to see reason in every situation. Although he is slow and methodical at times, he usually accomplishes what he sets out to because he is persistent and has a very determined spirit.


If the Page of Pentacles has appeared in the Self position, the moves that you are currently making are highly dependant on the feelings of a young person who is heavily involved in he situation that prompted you to consult the oracle. This person is very grounded and therefore not easily swayed by the meagre affairs of man. There is a sense of modesty to this humble, yet stubborn individual, who can teach you much about the significance of residing here on the Earth plane.



If the Ace of Swords has appeared in the Self position, you have a great deal of information that you need to communicate to others. It is for that reason that you will be writing letters, memos, emails, faxes and other documents, trying in earnest to get your point across. Alternately, you need to take in a great deal of information from other sources, which means that you will need to read literature, attend lectures, visit galleries, and even go to concerts in order to absorb as much data as you possibly can. Legal issues figure prominently, so it is important that you and those around you ensure that any data that you are involved in disseminating is well within the boundaries of ethics and good taste.


If the Two of Swords has appeared in the Self position, you have been receiving information from separate sources that are at variance to each other. It is for that reason you are in such a quandary. It is very important that you look at the associations that you form at this time because some individuals may be feeding you incorrect information, which will only harm your prospects and reputation in the long-run.


If the Three of Swords has appeared in the Self position, your heart is breaking over one specific incident that has plagued your thinking processes for quite some time. This event has affected your whole outlook on life, and permeates through your entire being, so much so that you are not able to separate yourself from it. It is for that reason that people who you come into contact with instantly recognise that there was a deep-seated tragedy that you were forced to endure at such a critical time in your life. They can perceive the sadness that is such a part of you, a sense of melancholia that never goes away, even at times when celebrations and gaiety are at hand.


If the Four of Swords has appeared in the Self position, you are currently in a period of stasis. The situation you are in is not moving forwards, backwards, or laterally, but has entered into a standstill. It is therefore a propitious time for you to regain your energy by getting the rest that you have not been able to get previously due to a rather hectic lifestyle. It is also a good time to take stock of your existing circumstances by engaging in self-analysis by meditation and reflection.


If the Five of Swords has appeared in the Self position, you may be feeling somewhat quarrelsome because you are at odds with those around you. It seems that you do not see eye to eye with several people who you are close to, and this is affecting your quality of life. Perhaps you need to take a breather from those individuals who you are in disagreement with because it will enable you to get a fresh perspective on the situation once you have had some time apart.


If the Six of Swords has appeared in the Self position, you have some relationship issues to work on, which is having the effect of giving you a less than gay disposition. You may be going through a personal crisis for which you have little control over. Therefore, in order to improve your circumstances, you may find that you need to move away from a relationship or situation. It is a difficult decision for you to make, hence the sadness that you will feel when you make the decision to walk away from that situation that you have no ultimate control over. You will be able to make a new life for yourself and things will improve, eventually.


If the Seven of Swords has appeared in the Self position, you seem to have a rather fertile imagination and therefore can engage in a type creativity that many people are not able to readily appreciate. You have the ability to think laterally, which is in essence enables you to come up with alternatives to situations that others might perceive to be hopeless. Because you have such an active imagination, you may have a tendency to embellish far beyond the truth. It is for that reason that you will need to exercise logic and rationale in your day to day dealings with others so that you do not develop a reputation as a fantasist. You are a very clever individual who is able to turn almost any crises into an opportunity. The problem that you may find, however, is that you could take someone else’s ideas as your own, which could cause you to lose credibility if you ever get caught.


If the Eight of Swords has appeared in the Self position, you are in somewhat of a rut. You may be either physically or mentally incarcerated, which is affecting your ability to think clearly to resolve any issues that may arise. In addition, you may not be in possession of all the facts, which further hinders your ability to focus on the issues affecting you today. Worse yet, someone could actually be misleading you, which will in effect cause you to make totally inappropriate decisions based on the mis-information that you have received. It is for that reason that you need to analyse and critique every shred of evidence that is presented to you, thereby better enabling you to successfully navigate through many of the distractions that will inherently be a part of your earth walk.


If the Nine of Swords has appeared in the Self position, you have much to worry about, which is consequently causing you to lose sleep, and you will eventually make yourself ill if you do not get your concerns under control. Whether or not the worries that you have are legitimate is not that important because your concerns are very real to you, thereby giving them a great deal of significance in your life. As a result, you may find yourself becoming depressed, anxious or phobic, trying to cope with a situation that is becoming more and more untenable. You may need to seek outside help for your troubles, which will do a great deal to relieve the sense of foreboding that you are currently experiencing.


If the Ten of Swords has appeared in the Self position, it seems that you are at a low point in your life. You feel let down for a variety of reasons, and will need time to recover from the experience. Unfortunately, as much as you would like for someone, anyone, to help you in your hour of need, there will be no outside assistance forthcoming. It is for that reason that you will have to pick yourself up from the depths of despair all on you own. After you have recovered your composure, you will be able to see the underlying reasons behind certain incidents that you have been unsure of. With this clarified hindsight, you will be able to carry out your day to day affairs with greater confidence.


If the King of Swords has appeared in the Self position, you are being influenced in some way by a man who can be quite vociferous in his views. He is quite knowledgeable on a wide variety of subjects, but for whatever reason may not be disseminating his knowledge using the most appropriate vehicles of communication. He has something important to tell you, but he may relay this message in a less than orthodox manner. It is essential, therefore that you watch this individual carefully to glean the true meaning of his actions.


If the Queen of Swords has appeared in the Self position, you are being influenced by a woman who is has an extremely sharp intellect. Although she has a wide breadth of knowledge, she may not necessarily have had the energy necessary to put it to good use and effectively use her swaying power. As a result, she may not be as happy as she would like to be, which would have the result of affecting your personality. If you listen to her in interest, her demeanour may change more positively and she could impart some knowledge of value to you.


If the Knight of Swords has appeared in the Self position, you are being influenced by a young man who is quite vociferous when relating his opinions. Because he is so communicative, you are often in no doubt about how he feels about certain situations. He does, however, have difficulties expressing his emotions, which could pose difficulties at times. It is therefore essential that you ask probing questions of this individual in order to get a better idea of who the person behind the mask is. Once you have a greater clarity of his true feelings, you will be able to take appropriate action with the situation that prompted you to seek the advice of this oracle.


If the Page of Swords has appeared in the Self position, you are being influenced by a young person who is chatty, witty and a good communicator. She has something very important to show you or tell you, which will help you to better focus on your priorities in this life. Her innocent inquisitiveness will be refreshing to you, as you are able to relate on more simplistic terms to her and other individuals.



If the Ace of Swords has appeared in the Self position, you have a great deal of emotional depth, which makes you highly psychic and intuitive to the needs of others. You have much love to offer those who are receptive to you. You have also been blessed with an abundance of good fortune, which is something that has been awarded to you through your good deeds in past, present, future and even parallel existences. You will find that places where there is an abundance of water will leave you rejuvenated and refreshed, ready to successfully deal with the pressures ahead.


If the Two of Cups has appeared in the Self position, you have the ability to make people who you come into contact with feel special, which has the effect of endearing you to others. Because people skills are so important, it is likely that you will be successful in just about anything you set out to achieve. You have a pleasant, approachable disposition, which is a definite asset to your personal relationships. You will be shortly engaged with another individual who will enable you to experience some of the more positive feelings that are within the realm of our human existence. With this person, you will have the opportunity to experience true happiness and fulfilment, which only comes from a pure soul-mate union.


If the Three of Cups has appeared in the Self position, it seems that you are going through a period where you are engaging in more socialising than you have in the past, thereby fulfilling your need to feel part of a group. You have a need to bond with other individuals at this time, which is one of the reasons why you will be attracted to places where other people gather together to meet. You will therefore tend to accept invitations to attend parties, celebrations, and other functions that will ensure you the opportunity to blend into a crowd and meet with other like minded souls. You have a lot of be happy about and others will sense the contentment in your soul, which will have the effect of attracting them to you. At this time in your life you will find that you have no shortage of company, which should instil you with some happy memories in years to come.


If the Four of Cups has appeared in the Self position, it may be that there are some aspects of your life for which you lack confidence. You may be uncertain of where your true direction in this life lies, and fit is for that reason that you tend to waiver, reluctant to make any concrete decisions that will affect your true path in this life. This matter is further complicated by the fact that you are hearing whispers from others, which makes it all the more difficult to make your mind up. The best way to successfully navigate through a period where you are fraught with uncertainties is only place your trust in those individuals who have proven themselves to be reliable and trustworthy associates. You should also rely upon your intuition, because how you feel about he situation is often a good indicator of the best way to respond. Once you have resolved the uncertainties that you have been confronted with, you will become better equipped to deal with and escalate your future actions to bring about your desired goal.


If the Five of Cups has appeared in the Self position, you have somewhat of a melancholy disposition because you do not feel that you have all that you would like out of a certain situation. It is for that reason that you feel let down. People around you are able to instantly pick up on your feelings because they are able to read your body language quite easily. While it is important to allow yourself to grieve and ultimately heal yourself of the disappointment that you have faced, little by little, the pep in your step will pick up and the smile on your face will return. You will also be able to see with clarity that the circumstances that led certain avenues to have been closed to you, there are other opportunities that you may never have previously considered exploring. Things will definitely pick up because the universal flow indicates that the wheels of change must forever be in the motion.


If the Six of Cups has appeared in the Self position, you are heavily linked to situations that have occurred in the past. You may be thinking about childhood experiences, which are affecting you as an adult. Children figure prominently, and you may have chosen a vocation that enables you to have contact with young people. Your childhood home means a great deal to you, as you try to think about the good times that you have had. You may have contact with people who influence you in your more formative years, which could be a rewarding experience for the both of you.


If the Seven of Cups has appeared in the Self position, you seem to be unsure of which path that you would like to be on. There are many opportunities that are being made available to you, but it seems that you are not being presented with all of the pertinent facts. It is for that reason that it is essential that you take it upon yourself to properly research any choices that you are considering undertaking. While some of the options that you are considering are viable and will give you the sense of fulfilment that you desire, other alternatives will lead you nowhere, and you would consequently be wasting your time. If you are unsure, perhaps you should seek counsel from someone you trust. Above all, you should rely upon your intuitive processes because your higher self will never let you down.


If the Eight of Cups has appeared in the Self position, you are somewhat unsure of what the future has in store for your. The reason for your uncertainty is because you have vested a great deal of your emotional energy into one particular situation and you have received nothing in return. Having carried on like this for quite some time, you have finally had to face the fact that there is nothing that you can do to alter the situation in your favour. If the situation changes in a positive direction, then it will be as a result of forces that you have no control over. It is for that reason that for your own emotional well being, it would be best if you stand back and observe the situation with impartiality. This objective watching, however, will reveal to you insights that you had been previously unaware of, insights that will reveal to you certain factors that you had previously been blind to. Although you are somewhat disquieted at the moment, the situation will improve, and you will be given other more propitious opportunities that are far more advantageous to your soul growth. The situation that you are so preoccupied with may very well rectify itself, but only if you stand back and let the universal flow work in the manner that is was destined for.


If the Nine of Cups has appeared in the Self position, you have very good reason to be pleased with yourself. You may enjoy the culinary pursuits, which involves cooking for others and entertaining. If you have no one to dine with, you do not mind eating and drinking on your on. The fact that you enjoy the pleasurable oral sensations that you experience when eating good food and drinking fine wine, you may develop somewhat of a weight problem. It is for that reason that you may need to stick to a healthy eating plan and only indulge in the more fattening foods and drinks during special occasions. If you only treat yourself occasionally to the sinful indulgences that we all enjoy, your health will be significantly improved as you minimise the effects of arthritis, diabetes, hypoglycaemia, heart problems and other physical ailments that are exacerbated by excess weight.


If the Ten of Cups has appeared in the Self position, you are very happy and content with yourself, but need a partner in order to feel completely fulfilled. What would give you he greatest amount of happiness would be to be involved in a loving relationship with another person, and possibly a family.


If the King of Cups has appeared in the Self position, you are being strongly influenced by a man who, although he may try to hide it, is quite emotional. He is very perceptive to the feelings around him and often tries to adapt this behaviour to the needs of others. He can be stern, when he has to be, but this is merely a façade for a soft, inner core that is wounded very easily. He can be quite petty, however, and may seek retribution for any wrongs that may have been inflicted upon him. His home and family are very important to his self-identity, so he will try to maintain ties with family members, even if they are not worthy of his affection.


If the Queen of Cups has appeared in the Self position, you are being influenced by a highly perceptive woman. This person has a very high degree of emotional intelligence and therefore uses her intuition with a much greater capacity than her reasoning ability. This person is very visual, and therefore relies on the symbolism of pictures to a much greater degree than the written word or numeracy. She is highly imaginative and may be able to see auras, and may even be clairvoyant at times. She has something to show you that is highly significant to the current situation that you are involved in.


If the Knight of Cups has appeared in the Self position, you are being influenced by a young, emotive man in some way. He is highly articulate and has the ability to motivate others into his way of thinking, and it is for that reason that he usually gets what he wants. He is somewhat emotional and can easily become hurt by the words and actions of others when none was intended. It is for this reason that he will often become embroiled in petty squabbles when more enlightened souls would simply walk away. In order to maximise your relationship with this individual, it is important to watch him carefully. Quite often, his actions will speak louder than his words.


If the Page of Cups has appeared in the Self position, there is a young person around you who is influencing certain aspects of you life in some way. This individual is very emotional and has a vivid imagination, which she uses to occupy her active mind. She may have had imaginary playmates when she was growing up, as she found them to be more amenable than real ones. She is also very perceptive and is therefore able to suss out people’s true intentions with very little effort. The downside is that this individual is not averse to making up stories and telling the odd white lie, especially if she thinks it will help her to achieve her goals.
