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A touch of the poets corner

and some art...


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A dragon over heard a young queen read:

the eye sees
the ear hears
the heart beats
and also finds love..

do I dare how to care
for this beloved beauty
eyes that see the earth and skies
a bust to simply lust after
I'm going to steal a kiss right now
O h thank you is what I said as I grabbed a handful
of your butt and turned to avoid a slap if it was going to happen
cause we just met, You didn't notice my other hand did you?
its falling out of your hair right now
yes I plant a rose there just now
you know I want more times like that to play
I have this little boy in me and he wants to love some one today


The Dragon stated its views of “you wanted to slapped him didn’t you?”
In the startled stare gaze she looked about to see the voice and saw the awe and wonderment of that voice. She went on to read the rest:

to the eyes I just saw, I plant a Kiss of lips to lips
not covered with paint just flesh to flesh
Lovers first, note to fantasy and pleasures they lead
treasures to be one only in each others arms abound
giving of self to compromise do not hold back to the lies
truth of heart is first and is then the thirst
prize is the windows of the eyes to the soul
joined in peace to strive of the lover decent they arise
to highest no one can despise the reign of love to be found in us bound
I paint in both words and pictures of beauty and flesh
yes sitting naked in each others arm and aware of the charms

a painted life it is not - the heart is the lead so we plead
children to bare if the truth is there of the sincerity of care
dreams unfolded to each others arms to be reached
more to share and be said of the past as yet it is not over
the glimpse of ghostly remains in the heart so not to forget
learn as the day we share the heart to heart
Balance is desired but harmony is the rule
other halves of one soul be true
more stories to come if the days allow
opss I just been the grabbed butt again
I have a dumb look on my face as I await your response
cause I just grab a hand full of butt yup yours for the pleasure
I wanted to know it was yours and I took it

She looked to the dragon on baited breath!

The dragon replied “have you heard of the story about a warrior dragon that had to change its life because of a cat?” And saw a look from her of what are you talking about!

It was part of my stories of youth of an ancestor. Yes there once lived this gigantic dragon that had no fears or qualms about anything. I came, I conquered, I won and moved on was the credo it lived by. Then came a day when it was followed by this pesky cat.

That darn cat went everywhere the dragon did. It lived quite well feasting on the pillaging remains. Then it came the day that dragon was so annoyed by the constant response of seeing it always there. It was ready to destroy that pest and the cat with its proverbial 9 lives replied with call out to the dragon. Yeh, you can take me out, you can devour me, fry me and I’d be gone in blink. But that doesn’t change any.. The cat’s friend just happened by with its bantery of wings in flight, fluttering up and down as it would. The cat stopped the conversation just to watch the flight of the friend.

“I got some ideas!” The cat burst out as the dragon was puffing up ready to torch the flight. A billow of smoke puffed out the nostrils as there was a beginning of a vocal response. “What?" Is what came out.

“Yea, yea, yea!” the cat went on, “sure you could take use all out and we’d be gone to the next life but you’d miss out on the rest of the story.”

“What are you babbling on?” the dragon insisted. The cat aired its lungs and began:
you are the terror of this day
I live on the remains behind
I use to be like you destroying all that there was for me to destroy
Till the day I woke to see in front of me
this cocoon open up and you just saw him flutter about
I went on my way that day being the cat that I always was
But no matter what I kept seeing that butterfly
Wondering around not a care in the world
It went on for a week, 2 and so many more
I began to remember my youth
And just all the playful times
I soon forgot the terror cause I saw more
with others destroying then what I ever could
I saw you and there was more going to waist
I survived off the wake of you
you’ve seen it and watched me

dazed, the dragon spoke “ and life goes on! that is what you are driving at..."

So you see my dear...
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