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Rules for #Theblushingmermaid

Untitled Document

Before being able to participate in discussions, talks and games in the channel #blushingmermaid on irc.sorcery net be sure to read through the text of this page and send a note to one of the operators that you agree with the terms written here. Then you will get the command +v (voice) whenever you enter the channel and are able to type that other people see what you type. If you do enter the channel without agreeing to these rules, you will have one minute before getting kicked if you do not leave.You must be approved by an operator to be able to participate. Before getting approved, please state your age, sex and location.

§ This channel is under the regulation of the system of the Swedish law in the channel and while being there. That means any person participating in the channel agree to the terms set and to the law in a few issues. However aware we are that the law of sweden cannot be relevant for people living in other countries, please understand that this is a requirement.

§ It is recommended for anyone entering this channel to be 18 years or older. However for exceptions, check below. When you begin and discuss you agree to the rules of the channel and take responsibility for your actions, what you say and what you hear, however it might affect your views, thoughts and psyche.

§ This is a very sexual channel. It includes various forms of highly adult talk through games, discussion and relevations. If you are uncomfortable of this in any way, you should not enter or participate in the discussions or activities on the channel. Also, by the law of the country of Sweden you are not allowed to enter and participate if you are not 15 years old. This rule does not apply to people having their day of birth the year of 2004. Anyone 15 this year (2004) and up can freely ask and participate.

§ Anyone not being invited to participate by one of the operators, please leave or ask the operators if you can join from outside the channel.

§ The channel mainly is for people from the website However, it has nothing to do with the website. It is simply a meeting place for some of its members to play, discuss and do things we cannot do on the webpage or the pages there. None of the things done in the channel reflect status or standing on the webpage of or the boards there. We are simply here to have some fun.

§ Be polite, however sexual the channel might be. Do not take unpolite advances towards any person in the channel if she/he does not express her/his interest in you doing so. If an op decides your actions are offending or inappropriate, he/she will ask you to leave and kick/ban you if you refuse.

§ Popular topics played or discussed are truth and dare, discussing sex in general.

§ You are not allowed to discuss other peoples sex life in detail, or anything only involving only those persons.

§ Anything said in this channel will not be shared with other persons, never.

§ There are several minors promoted to be OPs. They are not be treated like minors, they have chosen to be in this channel and will be treated with respect and like any other person participating. Obey them like any other OP.

§ The operators decide punishment if given. Their decisions cannot be negotiated, nor changed without their permission.

§ The operators decide new OPs, together with the founders of the channel

§ The operators decide who to invite. Anybody not invited joining the channel will be asked to leave and kicked if not doing so.

§ Highest authority in the channel do the channels founders have, Ecarion and Asandra

§ Every bit of talk does not have to be sexual. Everything is fine, but sexuality is something common discussed and played with here.

§ If in this channel, you are subject of questioning in truth or dare. While you cannot be forced to answer the questions, we ask you to at least try to participate and not be here to lurk.Any such attempts will be met with kick.

§ Dares cannot be asked to preform on the boards of

§ Do not interrupt a truth or dare game going on in the channel with other talk, this channels purpose was to be a haven for people not old enough for playing truth and dare, and that is the main thing done here.

§ questions asked may be much more intimate and sexual than on a regular truth and dare.

§ the purpose of this channel is to have fun. So..have fun :).


If you agree to the terms then please contact one of the operators and ask them to give you voice that you can talk. Welcome to the Blushing Mermaid :).