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-Aug- -03- -04-
I hope you had the time of your life.

~3 sketches. The last one was, actually, only two because when I renamed the Shay one I hit enter instead of clicking rename. *shrug* Who knew?
~Shinola has new pens for inking fun. It makes my sketches look a lot cleaner when I'm done with them.
~"Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one conciousness experiencing themselves subjectively. There is such thing as death -- life is only a dream and we're the imagination of ourselves.
Here's Tom with the weather."

-Jul- -30- -04-
Die eier von satan.

~Seems I'm suddenly able to upload from my hard drive once again. Woopie?
~3 crappy pictures of wonderness.
~I don't know what it is. I feel extremely down lately. Heh. Maybe I need anti-depressants. I'm sure they'll give it to me. All I have to do is go to the bloody walk-in and say "DEPRESSED" and they'll say "Here you go, take these and be happy" and send me on my way.

Getting damn sick of crap.

-Jul- -08- -04-
Drawn outside the lines of reason. Push the envelope. Watch it bend.

~Hahaha. I finally update. Hah. Hah. Hrm. I found a way to upload, but it takes a lot of effort. I need to put the image on a disk then put it up, that way I'm not uploading from my hard drive. I still don't know why it doesn't work. My mum's as bad a procrastinator as I am.
~SO -- 2 Sketches
~I know, it's not much, and they're both pretty much exactly the same. I'll gradually scan my newest stuff and search for stuff I already scanned and somehow lost on my computer somewhere.

-APR- -24- -04-
Is this what you want, is this what you're struggling to be?

~I'm a Shoe Polish.
Neat-o, eh? I make names with random letters thrown together. Shinola is a, like, eight-year-old name, from the days of my first RP ever. o_o Fun, no?
~I'll update after my mum does a system thing or whatever with the computer. We installed something and uninstalled it, and we think that's why I can't upload....

-APR- -15- -04-
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. All good children go to heaven...

~Uhm. Erm. Ah. I'm trying to update, I am. But... Angelfire is messing up. Jist a little bit. I think. o_o Everything new in my files isn't showing up when I go to upload... Erm. I'll... try to... fix... o_o...

-MAR- -25- -04-
All I want to do is be more like me and be less like you...

~New layout! I'll have to finish updating all the other pages, but this is what it'll look like. As one Jon Stewart would say, "Mmmmee likey Photoshop."
~I'll upload my new sketches when I do that.

-MAR- -16- -04-
Mother says you'll go there but wings for her, and I

~1 Sketch
~Been playing Kingdom Hearts. It's the first game I've played that I've liked as much as Zelda. It rocks. WHAHA! Sora is a girl's name.

-FEB- -25- -04-
If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends...

~*shudders* This is what twelve year olds listen to? Nice life lesson.
~8[?] new sketches. I'm not sure about the number.
~I got lost downtown on monday. I didn't know what bus to take. I had to phone my mum. "Mommy? I'm downtown..." "What are you doing downtown?!" ...Field trip with the Anime Club.

-JAN- -26- -04-
He knew his life was incomplete for he had yet to suffer!

~I haven't updated. Not my fault. I didn't have a scanner, because I got a new computer and it wasn't hooked up.
~I'm back now, though.
~1 new sketch

-DEC- -19- -03-
Mr. city, policemen sitting, pretty little policemen in a row...

~I'm feeling better, really. Still crappy, but the better sort of crappy.
~Again, 4 new sketchies.
~I seem to favour having my drawings face to the right...

-DEC- -17- -03-
December promise you gave unto me...

~Whoa. It's been forever since update. o_o; That's what happens, I guess. I like to draw and upload and show off my pictures, but I don't like the time it takes to scan.
~4 new sketches for looking at.
~I wonder if I'll ever get over this flu....?

-DEC- -4- -03-
Forty-two is the answer!

~Once again, no real update. I just wanted to say: THE HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY MAY JUST BE THE BEST BOOK IN THE UNIVERSE.
~Oh, and I have about six frames drawn of a comic I plan to work on... It's hard to draw for a long time with a faulty hand.
~Don't forget your towel.

-DEC- -2- -03-
As you sit around feeling sorry for yourself...

~3 happy sketches.
~I can't believe I never drew Shinola before.

-NOV- -24- -03-
I'm all lost in the supermarket...

~Again, not a real update. Just two things I'd like to put up.
~This Random Thing
~Rant: We're driving down multiple roads, right? Lights, like nuts. Christmas lights at the beginning of November. This is an old rant, but I feel like putting it up because me and my mother were ranting about it again yesterday. Burn the coal, guys! Go home and put on your pretty lights two months before Christmas! We have a power shortage, but that's all right! Our house looks pretty until we all lose power and die in the cold. Well. We won't. We have money; only the poor people will stop being able to afford heat and freeze to death. Thank you, democracy. Or whatever it is that's letting the rich lead the world.

-NOV- -21- -03-
Radical, liberal, oh fanatical, criminal...

~Love that song.
~1 new Sketch.

-NOV- -15- -03-
Have you ever wanted to leave a long trail of destruction?

~Not a real update, I just want to rant:
You know, I went to Neo Tokyo today...
They said that to rent any Anime from them, I needed a credit card. OR. Fifty bucks deposit. I don't - or, ranther, my mother doesn't - have a credit card.
It is becoming a world of Credit cards. We left; we hate them now. But I'm going to use my cousin's card instead; We can't give them a fifty dollar deposit! We NEED that money!

-NOV- -13- -03-
When you are born you're afraid of the darkness...

~Why does Art Class have to always include a million paintings and sculptures of nude people?
~It's freakin' FREEZING.
~4 new sketches.

-NOV- -06- -03-
Career oppourtunities are the ones that never knock.

~I need a damn printer to print my resume.
~But first I need things to PUT on my resume.
~I added a hit counter. It's all pretty and stuff with a wee little text ad under it. Stoopid ads. 'least it's small.
~I also added a guestbook. Go sign it, I say!
~I'll do a real update soon, I promise. Scanning is a little difficult; it's just so slow...

-NOV- -02- -03-
Just remember that it's a grand illusion...

~Link to me or something. I don't know. It's all I got.

-OCT- -30- -03-
Give me a chance to survive...

~McSquinty[Dalton Mcguinty(premier of Ontario) or however you spell his name] has announced that he's going to raise the price of Hydro.
~It seems that we're going to have to move or... Die, or something.
~Happy Eves went and left a huge deficit or whatever.
~If I made a fraud a fraction as much as the Conservatives did, I would be in jail.
~Politics: Poli, meaning many, and Tics, being bloodsucking creatures.
~17 images transferred under Sketches.

-OCT- -27- -03-
Come sail away with me!

~Nothing much on here yet, but there will be. I'm cleaning out my big pile of random sketches. I'll only have mainly recent stuff here. My old stuff is just mostly crap, but I'll leave it on the Geocities page.
A new page will feature all of my brother's recent work. *grin* Why? Because he's getting good, methinks. Yeh. HAHA! Enjoy.