::Upadated News, Music, Movies, Rants and Games. 10/13/03::

First things first, I just want to let you all know that
almost every page has some kind of audio clip to
make your time here more enjoyable, so give the
clips a chance to download.


Wow! What an exciting place to be.....no, not really.
Doesn't the white just kill your eyes? Well, that's
too damn bad, deal with it you pansy. Some of you may
not know who I am, hell, chances are only my
friends are peeping this site. But if you are
a complete stranger visiting this site then
this will give you a chance to learn some
things about me as well as my friends, some
of my thoughts on various topics and my
reviews of cds, movies, games, and concerts (In the
Illinois area). Hope you enjoy the place.

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