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Welcome to my webpage. This site was created on 12/03/04.


29/04/04- Finally created a ShortUrl for this pages, so the new url is I have also added a Links page, although it hasn't worked out as well as I would have hoped... the banners seem to run over the page. Oh well, that will hopefully be rectified in the near future.

13/03/04- Added the about me page, also have the guestbook and counter up and running. :)

12/03/04- As you can see this website is just new, and I'd like to say a big thank you to for creating this layout, isn't it pretty? Anyway this is just starting up, so expect some disruptions, by Monday I hope to have a working guestbook and counter, create a shorturl for this website and add an About Me page... which will, of course, be about your beautiful webmistress. Anyway, That's all for now.

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