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The Miracles In Progress Al-Anon Family Group is registered with Al-Anon's World Service Office. Our group number is #067088. Welcome to Al-Anon, We hope you enjoy your visit with us and decide to allow us to become your Online Home Group!

Al-Anon Family Group

You Can Recover Whether or Not The Alcoholic In Your Life is Recovering.

Al-Anon is a worldwide organization that offers a self-help recovery program for families and friends of alcoholics whether or not the alcoholic seeks help or even recognizes the existence of a drinking problem.  Members give and receive comfort and understanding through a mutual exchange of experiences, strength and hope.  Sharing of similar problems binds individuals and groups together in a bond that is protected by a policy of anonymity.

Al-Anon is not a religious organization or a counseling agency.  It is not a treatment center nor is it allied with any other organization offering such services.  Al-Anon Family Groups, neither expresses opinions on outside issues nor endorses outside enterprises.  No dues or fees are required, all contributions are voluntary.  Membership is voluntary, requiring only that one's own life has been adversely affected by someone else's drinking problem.


Al-Anon Meetings on Schedule
Current meeting times for Al-Anon Group. 
All Times Are Eastern. 
Mon., Tues., Wed., Thur., Fri. 9:00AM
(Nitely Meetings)
Mon.-Sat. 9:00PM
Sun. 7:00PM

All times are Eastern Standard Time
-1 hour  for central time
-2 hours for mountian time
-3 hours for pacific time
+17 hours for Sidney Australia

Room is open for general chat at all other times!  :-)

Our meetings are held on IRC (Internet Relay Chat).  There are two ways to you can join us.

1.)  Come into the chatroom from our website based Java chat using the link below or by

2.)  If you are an experienced mIRC user,  you can join us by selecting a Webnet or Webchat server from the server list on mIRC and adding #alanonchat to your channels list.

Note: More meetings will be added to the schedule as chairpersons become available and support for them indicates the need. If you would be interested in chairing a meeting for us, please contact us at

Do You Need To Talk
To Someone Right Now?

Click on the HumanClick Graphic/Icon above and a Miracles In Progress Site Operator will be with you momentarily.  You will see a "text chat" box open on your monitor which connects you to a Site Operator.  Members of Miracles In Progress 12 Step Recovery Forum monitor this site to assist you as much as possible.  *No one monitoring this site is a professional counselor. *  We are members of various 12 Step recovery programs.

Miracles In Progress 
12  Step Recovery Forums 
Needs Your Support!

In an effort to adhere to the 7th Tradition of being fully self-suporting, declining outside contributions, MIP ask that only those who are in a 12 Step program of recovery, which benefit from this forum by either the material presented on our web site or by attending our online meetings make a contribution.  A annual contribution of $25.00 is suggested, however not required.  Any more or less would be equally appreciated.  To make a contribution by credit card click the PayPal button below.

To Contribute by Check or learn more about why these funds are needed,  and how they will be regulated and used by Miracles In Progress 12 Step Recovery Forums Click Here .


Official Al-Anon- Alateen WSO Site
Al-Anon Message Board
Al-Anon Group Chatroom 
Miracles In Progress Main Page

Do you need to locate a Alcoholics Anonymous or Al-Anon meeting in your area?  We are working on providing you with a complete directory of Central Offices and Intergroups within the United States and Canada, as well as local group meeting information.  This is a big project and we need your help.  Please send us your local group meeting locations, meeting dates and times for your area, to be added to this directory.  To view our current Intergroup directory CLICK HERE
Tosee our local face-to-face Al-Anon meeting directory CLICK HERE .

Can't find a meeting in your area listed here? Call 1-888-4AL-ANON toll free for meeting schedules and locations nearest you. 

Volunteer Service Workers Needed
Opportunities to help us by providing service work are available at both the forum and group levels.  At the Forum level we are seeking committee members to help us organize a annual face-to-face roundup, where group and forum members can meet eachother for 3 days of recovery related fun and learning.  We need to establish this committee ASAP to plan and make arrangements for this years roundup.  Also needed are several more Site Operators to take chat request from visitors to our web site and provide them with the information and resources they are seeking.  We also are seeking several people to help establish a MIP Newletter Committee. 
At the Group level we are in need of several more chairpersons, room operators, greeters, email correspondents, and group officers.  If you are interested and willing, please email us at and let us know. 

Al-Anon Speaker Tapes
You Can Listen To Online!

Click Here and go to the bottom of the page the link takes you to.  You will see the Al-Anon speakers Jean K., Larcene G., and Sue D.

Click Here for Al-Anon 12 Step StudiesBy Arleen S. (Donaldson, Tn) and Beverly B. (Lewisville, Tx)
Miracles In Progress
Recovery Book Store!


In All Our Affairs Courage To Change Paths To Recovery


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your likes and dislikes, and provide you with
the information and resources most important
to the online recovery community.

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This mailing list allows the Miracles In Progress Forum to communicate "forum related" information and resources to the forum members.  As well as provide the "forum board" with accurate membership numbers and email addresses of active forum members.  Selected 12 Step Group members also post their groups related information, resources and activities here.  This List is moderated so that your email account is not slammed with unsolicted email from members of the list.  At Miracles In Progress you are a forum member when you say you'er a member, say it by signing up for the Miracles In Progress Forum mailing list!
 Join MIP ! 



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New "Step Work" Board!

How do I work the Steps? What are the Steps? Is there a place here I can learn this stuff and share my own experience with the Steps?

Yes! There sure is!

Visit our
"Step Work Board"
weekly and participate in the discussion of each step, the literature that helps us better understand them, and see what they mean to others and how they work them. Just click the link above and join us!