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I'm building this site for my online 3e D&D game, hosted by Macray's Keep.
It is a work in progress ... please bare with me!

Finding Solace ...

Welcome to Urien


History of Solace





Finding Solace ...

Enter the Gates and Explore

Welcome to the city that will shape your destiny and twist your fate to its will. Most that enter Solace remain there in hopes of escaping a life of redundancy and boredome. There is no lack of activity in the hub of the human Empire as it is indeed the center of trade and the seat of the Empress herself. The city draws all races to its hearth, not only humans, and is quickly becoming larger than just a city of men.

Evania and Grigorach have sent their best to Solace and each race has developed their own corners of the great city. The "Elven" and "Dwarven" Quarters are part of the newest expansion of the growing city. They are part of the "New City" as expanded from the original center around the port at Solace.

Around the new expansion, as well as the entire bulk of the "City Between the Cliffs," is the New Wall of Solace. This amazing feat, accomplished by cooperation between all races, stands an impressive 30 feet high and is 20 feet wide at most points. The Dwarves provided most of the engeneering and labor forces, accompanied by human laborers and technicians. The Elves were on hand to offer more magical support and advice in spanning the River Ninian which runs directly through the center of the city from its source at the heart of Evania itself.


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