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Roleplay Number: Four [ 4 ]   ;   Record: 02 . 01 . 00
" Press F11 for an ankle-snapping view! "

Career Achievements: Being the World's Most Dangerous Man

Prologue: King of the Ring has since ended and a new King was crowned. That man? Diamond Dallas Page. It was quite a shock to everyone when Chris Benoit did a body slam.. only to drive DDP right out of the steel cage! What a fucking upset! Chris Benoit couldn't believe it, nor could the thousands of fans in attendance! Then, when you thought nothing could get worse, Benoit, being the savage he is, grabbed the new WWF Champion and got him in the crossface until he tapped! But enough about King of the Ring, it's probably everywhere anyway.. let's turn our attention to the second runner-ups.. Billy Kidman and Ken Shamrock. Kidman was in it for the little guy, and for himself.. from being victorious in the ring to have a secret obsession with Torrie Wilson, he's been pushed up the ladder, and has Shamrock. Ken has proven once again that he truly is the World's Most Dangerous Man.. from making the ex-Olympic Hero tap to his own move, to making the Franchise like a baby.. and now, on Raw, these two men will step into the ring to prove which underdog will prevail.

Scene: Pan out into a quiet night near a calm lake. Stars are shining, billions of miles way lighting up the dark sky with their sparkles. This place is in the middle of no where. It's very early morning and we can see a hint of dawn peeking over the horizon. There's a gentle breeze, which sways the trees a bit. And sitting by the foot of the lake is a man. Our camera zooms in closer to reveal Ken Shamrock sitting there, holding a paper bag and drinking out of it. He lies in the sand, his arms propping him up as he rests comfortably; he has working boots on, some ripped up jean shorts and is shirtless. He looks the part of a bum: dirty clothes, unshaven, and so on. He sits there, mumbling to himself softly, looking out at the tranquilizing lake as the huge full moon gleams down upon it. Truly a peaceful scene.

Ken Shamrock:  I must face facts. King of the Ring is over. In the past. History. Case closed. In the record books. I can't deny the fact that I had enjoyed myself out there.. to step back into the squared circle. It's a break from the Octagon. That night, my name was written in bright lights..

He sighs, taking another drink out of the bag, his normally hazel eyes are red now as he stares up at the dark blue sky. Squinting.

Ken Shamrock:  In the stars. But that night, I wasn't one. I didn't make it to the finals. No, I was an inch away.. a pinfall away. And I blew it. All for the best? That's what some think. DDP gets all the praises now. I hear those whispers back stage. Everyone thinks Benoit got screwed over. He didn't. I did. No one gives a fuck about me. I don't know why. Don't I prove myself by stepping into the ring? I strike fear into the hearts of grown men. I deserve a little compassion too! Fuck. DDP, Benoit, hell, even Kidman is getting acknowledged in the eyes of the world. And me? Well, they all might think I'm another psycho roaming the streets.

For the first time he laughs. But it's no ordinary happy laugh, it's a croaking laugh, coming from deep within his throat, almost a low, animalistic growl; sick and demented.

Ken Shamrock:  Hell, maybe I am. There's one thing I don't understand though.. one problem I still have; why wasn't I crowned King? Champion? My wrestling skills far surpass any man in the world today. I'm trained in the mix-martial arts, street fighting, wrestling, Muay Thai, Jiu-Jitsu, and plenty others. All those skills are there for a reason. I just hope all this alcohol doesn't drown it all away..

He takes one last swig of his drink before looking it over and chucking it out into the lake. It hits the surface with a loud splash. He lies back now, his buff arms behind his head, staring up at the sky again.

Ken Shamrock:  Speaking of my skills, there's one thing I don't have.. and that's high-flying moves. Hell, I'd try anything once or twice, but I'll admit, I'm not a master at that technique.. nor am I too fond of it. When will it ever be used? When you're walking down a deserted street or alley and some punk jumps you with a knife are you gonna jump on a dumpster, grab those stair-case ladders and do a moonsault or frog splash on the fucker? I didn't think so. See, all the fighting and wrestling moves I know are useable and practical in the real world. Billy Kidman? He's known for high-flying, death-defying moves.. because that's all he's got in this industry. Vince or any other promoter will push this kid up the ranks because he's willing to put his body on the line for the fan's enjoyment by throwing himself off the top turnbuckle, giving those stupid fans a picture opportunity. Hell, if they want a fucking Kodak moment, all they'd have to do it take a picture as I'm beating my opponent into a bloody pulp, or when I'm half a second away from breaking every bone in their ankle. AHHH!! What's wrong with Vince? Is he fucking blind? I'm willing to get beaten and battered too.. hell, I enjoy it. But in the end, I'm not losing to ANYONE! Everything I do is for a reason.

He doesn't acknowledge that the camera is there as he shuts his eyes, almost going to a dream world, wanting to escape reality. But his mouth opens, he continues talking, eyes still shut.

Ken Shamrock:  That reason? I fight to win. I wouldn't say I was screwed during my match with DDP, it was won, almost fair and square.. what is fair and square though, is the fact that Kidman and I both.. [ sighs ] failed to win in the semi-finals. So Vinnie Mac, the fucked up, ego-tistical asshole that he is, decided to put us in a match together. Isn't that fuckin' wonderful? He wants us to prove who's the better wrestler. Geez, Vince, if you wanted to know, just ask. But nah, that wouldn't be any fun, now would it?

He begins blinking slowly, his breathing steadying also.

Ken Shamrock:  I guess Vince isn't out to screw me after all. He knows I like challenges, but it's the same old feeling I get everytime I step out from behind the curtain. I feel like it's my JOB to go out and prove myself to everyone. When everyone should already FUCKING KNOW that I'm not to be taken lightly. This lake here, it seems to be peaceful as ever. Quiet and relaxed. Kidman reminds me of this lake. The shy, quiet loner in the corner of the room, watching everyone as if he were a fly on the wall. Personally, I've never been that guy and I never plan to.. what's the reason for fucking living if you're going to sit by and watch the world pass you by? I thought I'd die young, then I found my calling in fighting; wrestling. That led onto more things.. bloodshed, violence, broken bones, shattered dreams. Then it clicked..

Outta no where, he begins pounding on his head, delievering hard left and rights, knocking even more screws loose in the already more than unstable mind of the World's Most Dangerous Man. Ken calms down a bit, his body shaking, face beet red, but it's still clear he's in a fit of rage.

Ken Shamrock:  Why not have a career where I can shatter the every whimsical dream a man can imagine? I get great pleasure from knowing that I can cripple my opponents; both mentally and PHYSICALLY! I am a sadist. I'm a masochist. I confess, my ENTIRE LIFE is based on INFLICTING PAIN. And that's something I do all too well. From Johnathan Reed, the kid I got into a knife fight with at age 10, to Tito Ortiz, that mother fucking punk in UFC.. all the way down to Kurt Angle, Christian and Shane Douglas, they've all had a taste of what I'm capable of, so guess what? Billy Kidman's next.

In the near distance, we hear an owl hoot and screech as the leaves rustle in a tree. Then we see the night-predator glide across the lake, swooping down to catch it's night meal, a trout swimming idly in the waters. Meanwhile, Ken smirks, watching the scene.

Ken Shamrock:  Genius, Pure fucking genius! The night owl, a deadly predator, lurking in the shadows, waiting for the precise moment to strike; and when he does, it's a FUCKING MASSACRE! I, too, am a predator, always out on the hunt for a new victim, something to quench my thirst. Feed my everlasting appetite. Out for blood. I'm a bloodthirsty animal. Cold and heartless.

He stands up, grabbing a shirt in his back pocket and putting it on.. he kicks around the sand, as if to try and erase the evidence that he was here. His gaze turns towards the camera, but not quite.

Ken Shamrock:  I might be erasing my tracks here, but don't think much of it. Because I'm going to leave a lasting impression in the WWF. It's just a matter of time, and I've got all the fucking time in the world. One by fucking one they will all fall. Until I am left standing, looking out at the destruction I have caused. Monday Night is soon approaching and when it does, another victim to the Ankle Lock.. to Ken Shamrock, will be selected.

A huge, sickening grin sprawled on his face as he stares right into the camera, the neck veins nearly popping out of this man's neck..

Ken Shamrock:  Kidman, whether you like it or not, you're next in line for an ankle-snappin' good time, MOTHER FUCKER! That'll fucking teach you to walk into a MAN'S RING, LITTLE BOY! AHHH!!

He starts running up a small hill, screaming into the desolate street before disappearing another region of forest. This man has disturbed the peace in this quiet, calming scene. Nonetheless, lets see if Ken will live up to his words. The cameras fade out on one of the craters of the gigantic, glowing full moon.

Tapped & Snapped: Kurt Angle ; Christian ; Shane Douglas

Handler Information: © Linda Roditis    E-mail: feedback    Aim: xX L d T Xx