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                     Welcome To Tanner’s Home Page!!!!!


If you would like to receive my weekly news letter and weekly news send me a email to click here to e-mail me  


Hey Thanks for coming to my homepage. I bet some of you are wondering why page has been really stupid the past 5 months! Well the answer to that is I haven’t  had enough time, and I didn’t have any ideas! I decided for a while that I would make it a technical support, and then now I think that is the dumbest idea I have ever had!


Well I have been lying to you too! I am not a 30 some year old I am only 11 I have to fake it on everything because I am to young to have a e-mail! Well now you know the truth! And I am sorry about all of that! Here are some links to places I think are cool!

Free Cheat Codes

Free p2p network I am not responsible if you download illegal music, software, ECT.

Windows Update

Chat Freak


And if you need any thing click on this text to email me!


And I will try my BEST to update quick and fast 


Well any way here is some more info on me, I am eleven years old and I go to Mary Hughes School my homeroom teacher is Mrs.Mancuso and my other teacher is Mr.Penley in homeroom we have Science, Language, and Reading in Mr.Penley’s room we have Spelling, Social Studies, and Math they are nice teacher’s as long as you have your work, and behave! My favorite subjects are Science, and Math! There are 18 students in each class. Last year when I was in fourth grade instead of having 3 teachers we only had two and there were like 35 students in each class!


Well we finally had our FIRST snow day it was Tuesday 03/1/05!!!!!!!! Can you believe it was our first and I  don’t think we are going to have any more snow days!  


Click on this text to get info on copyright law!    

Sorry if it don’t give enough information!








Hey March 2, 2005 is Yahoo’s birthday! And Thanks to yahoo you are viewing this page!!! So visit yahoo on March 2, 2005!!!!! It will be 10 years old! I think they have somekind of special offer or something like that!