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***Chapter Two***

After defeating Bryan Reed, PJ Blake is back in her locker room enjoying a nice hot shower, but not a long one.  She just wants to rinse off the sweat and smell a little less ripe before heading back to her hotel to have a real shower or perhaps even a soak in her Jacuzzi tub.  The small, simple pleasures in life, ya'know?  PJ exits the shower after turning off the water and wrapping a towel around her.

After pulling on a pair of jeans and black sleeveless shirt, PJ zips up her roller bag, grabs her half of the tag team titles, and looks to be leaving the building for the night.  She gets to her car and tucks her roller bag in the trunk.  Once she closes her trunk a short, stocky man with a microphone is seen standing there; nervously sweating.  PJ smiles and tucks back a strand of hair behind her her ear.  She walks around to stand by the short, stocky man.

"Hey there, you are?"

"I'm Mikey... Mikey Too Tone!"

"Nice to meet you, Mikey!  I'm PJ Blake."

Mikey nods his head and pulls one hand off his microphone, slowly extending it to shake PJ's.  PJ looks down at Mikey's hand and shakes it.

"So did you have a question?"

"Oh yeah!  I gotta bunch of questions, but the top one would definitely have to be how does it feel to be one-half of the CWF tag team champions?"

PJ laughs softly, continuing to smile.

"Mikey, a lot of people want to know that and to be honest, I am not even close to being tired of answering it. "

She hoists the tag team title over her shoulder and looks at it for a few seconds and then looks back at Mikey.

"This is my first championship here in CWF and who knows maybe a single's championship will come along sooner rather than later, but I am one-half of the tag team champions with ma'girl Autumn Raven.  I'm pumped, Mikey.  That is the best way I can think to descrive how I feel."

"Oh yeah, exciting, definitely exciting times.  Congratulations on your victory tonight... I prolly shoulda opened with that."

Mikey, shamefully, looks down at his shoes.

"Don't worry about it, Mikey.  Thank you for your congratulations.  You are doing great, by the way.  Is this your first night on the job?"

Mikey lifts his head, climbing out of his shame spiral with a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"Gee you're nice and yeah, my first night.  I'm super nervous."

"Well hang in there, you're doing great.  As for my win tonight, what a match!  Bryan Reed is one heck of a competitor and everyone knows, including me, that he and Ryan won't give up thinking they will one-day become tag team champions."

"You will be ready for them every time, I just know it.  So what is next for you and Autumn?  You think she is going to take you up on your idea for the tag team name?"

PJ shrugs.

"Ya'know, Mikey, I am not sure and quite honestly that is up to her.  She either does or she doesn't.  Offering that name was merely a gesture that I hoped symbolized that I am all-in on this tag team between us."

"I hope she does, that name is pretty neat-o!"

PJ laughs.

"Yeah, I am pretty fond of it myself and as much as I would love for us to pick up the name and carry it onward and upward, our name needs approval from both Autumn and I.  We're a team, a partnership."

"That's awfully nice of you, but hey, I will let you get going.  Thanks for letting me ask you a couple of questions.  I hope I wasn't too much of a bother."

"Oh no, you weren't, Mikey!  You were really sweet and asked a few great questions.  We should really do this again sometime."

Mikey and PJ shake hands once again.  Mikey turns and rolls his eyes up as if he is having a moment with his deity of choice before heading off.  PJ shakes her head and climbs into the driver seat of her sedan as this scene cuts off to black.

*** Chapter Three ***

It is rather nice only having to work for one company and not having to worry about being halfway around the country in a matter of day, or worse, the next day.  There is a certain relief that runs through PJ Blake, but then again she also loves the hustle and bustle of having to be somewhere new everyday.  What PJ Blake really loves about her schedule is being able to show up early and get a lay of the land and take in the scenery and breath the air.  She is a simple girl with simple tastes.

The scene opens up a few days later with PJ Blake whipping the covers back and springing out of bed and having a rather large stretch for such a tiny woman.  There is nothing on the agenda today, so she just pulls on a pair of leggings and one of HER tee shirts to wear for today's adventure.  She grabs everything she will need for the day and walks out of her hotel suite.  She walks right into a man almost six-feet tall and nearly falls over on her rump.

"Whoa, I am so-"

The mean leans over and holds out his hands to make sure she does not in fact fall or even come close.

"No need to, my precious little niece."

With a squeal, PJ kicks up her feet from the ground and wraps her arms around this man's neck in joy and happiness.


Tank wraps his arms around PJ and soon finds he has to force her off because she can be quite the passionate person when she wants to be.

"Mind if I hangout with you for the day?"

"Oh you better or I'll be super mad at you dude!  What are you even doing here anyway???!!!"

Tank and PJ turn the direction of the elevators and slowly make their way towards them.

"Christy does her thing and I do my thing.  One of my things is checking in with you to make sure you're doing alright.  My sister hounds me if I don't."

PJ rolls her eyes.

"How is Debbie?"

Tank lets out a sigh.

"I think you mean, 'mom', but I will let it pass.  She is fine and wishing you would call her... I wish you would too because my ear could use the rest."

PJ folds her arms over her chest.

"Yeah, I dunno if I am up for her telling me how I am throwing my life away and how there is still time to turn my life around and come work for her.  You know, THE USUAL!"

They get to the elevators and turn to face them.  Tank hits the button to get one going down.

"I'm her brother and she didn't seem to mind me wrestling.  Hell, I would be thrilled to the moon and back if Josh grows up and says he wants to wrestle like me and all that."

"He very well might, both you and Christy both have wrestling in your blood at this point.  You better tell me IMMEDIATELY though, I wanna be there for my lil' cousin the whole way!"

Tank laughs, gesturing for PJ to get on the elevator after a couple of people step off first.

"I like hearing that, but even if he wants something ludicrous to me I still want him to be able to call me and tell me about it.  I know my sister feels the same way.  It's a parent thing."

"I'm still mad at her though!"

Tank lets out a sigh, scratching his head.

"Yeah, you and Lexi had a good thing going, but you have Autumn now and I highly doubt anything Deb said would turn her against you and this team you two seem to have formed.  You just won the tag team titles!  Congratulations, by the way."

"Thanks and I know you're right... I hate it when you're right... about HER at least, but maybe I will give her a call and MAYBE she can come see me.  I might even be willing to get her tickets for a show sometime."

Tank smiles.

"I knew there was a reason I liked coming to see you.  I live with Christy, I do not get to be right, like at all.  It's kind of a nice, unfamiliar feeling."

PJ rolls her eyes with a smile as she steps off the elevator, followed by her Uncle Tank.  The two of them head out where a 1989 grey Ford Taurus sits there parked.

"I can't believe you still drive this old eyesore or that it is even still running!"

Tank shrugs with a smile, opening the side passenger door for her.

"Oh yeah, she's an investment, but I'd never give her up.  I've driven quite a few things, but this was my first car and there's no feeling like that."

"You're crazy, Uncy."

She says while getting into the car and buckling up.  Tank sprints around and plops down into the driver's seat.

"Yeah, you get that from me."

PJ's smile drops and she just stares down at her hand down in her lap; twiddling her thumbs.  Tank takes his right hand and shakes her knee.

"Hey!  Buck up!  I meant that as a good thing!  Being who I am lead me to a championship wherever I went.  Not a lot of people can say that."

"I guess."

Tank starts off his 1989 Ford Taurus and pulls out onto the road as this scene cuts off to black.

*** Chapter Four ***

With a bag of burgers, fries, and soda both PJ and Tank pull up to the coast of the Northumberland Strait and pop a squat.

"Wow, it's so beautiful."

"She sure is!"

He says, staring at the bacon double cheeseburger in his hands.  PJ look sover and just laughs, rolling her eyes.

"I meant the view, silly!"

"Oh right, yeah... you would be talking about that.  That's why I brought us here, get it?"

PJ slurps some of her soda then goes for one of the cardboard container with fries to nibble a few.

"I just don't get  any of it, Uncy."

Tank, chews a little quicker, but still manages to nod his head to indicate he is listening to what his niece is saying.

"For over a decade you went out to the ring and people ridiculed you.  They called you crazy.  No matter what you did, it never seemed to be good enough to ever have you considered one of the top performers inside the ring."

Tank shrugs, continuing to go to town on his bacon double cheeseburger.

"You still went out to that ring and gave it your all.  You would step into the ring with anyone who wanted to test themselves.  Uncy-"

She pauses, turning to face Tank.

"You did a lot of humiliating stuff and you smiled the entire time.  You could lose for almost a year straight and make it into the most entertaining, the most watched thing out there."

Finally, Tank polishes off his bacon double cheeseburger and turns to face his niece, taking her hand into his after running a napkin over both of his hands and swallowing that final bite.

"None of it was embarrassing to me, kid.  Nothing I did I ever looked at as humiliating.  I went out to the ring and I did what I loved, that is all that mattered.  As long as I had the chance to climb into the ring, that was all that mattered.  I had everything I would ever need."

"You wore dressed, armor, and I believe there might have even been a steuff Yoda doll at one point that you may or may not have actually lost a backstage brawl to."

Tank shifts his eyes from side to side, but brings them right back to PJ and smiles right at her.

"It was all part of the magic.  Everything I did, I loved and I embraced.  If you lose for a year straight, make it work for you.  If you are not winning those titles, make it work for you.  Pretty much, make it work.  That is and always will be the moral of this tale."

PJ eats a fry.

"Ana... can you tell me about her?"

She says with her head bowed down, staring at her fries.

"Ana was you... uninhibited.   We all have our inner Ana Archia, kid.  I know that I sure as Hell do."

"Why does it feel like everyone stopped short of telling me about her and how she took over for a large chunk of my life so far?"

Tank shrugs with a smile.

"You never asked... so there was nothing to tell.  I am not saying Ana was perfect or that I am perfect.  You just gotta suck it up and put your all into whatever it is you're doing."

"Ana... how successful was she?"

Once again, Tank shrugs.

"She could pull out a win when she needed to and she was a lot of fun to watch, but so are you, kid.  Don't be afraid to put yourself out there and show the world that Ana is just one part of who you are."

"What if SHE is who I am and I'm just the-"

Tank shakes his head, taking a hand and placing it on PJ's shoulder.

"No, your name is Priscilla Jasmine Blake.  You are one-half of the CWF tag team champions.  Ana was just a sign that you needed to follow and a part of you that you needed to listen to and heed more often."

"I'm scared."

Tank leans back, holding out his arms, looking flabbergasted!

"Kid, please!  We are all afraid... some of us fear a certain red-head that is the mother of their child, but we are all afraid. "

PJ laughs an the two scoot in closer.  PJ rests her head on Tank's shoulder/chest and Tank places a comforting arm around her.

"Also... it wasn't a dress... it was a Kilt and I am not really liked in Scotland for reasons that involved that particular point in my wrestling career."

PJ laughs as the two just sit ther eand enjoy the view.  Tank peeks into the sack, but quickly is denied by his niece because that is HER burger and NOT his.

*** Chapter Five ***

Flanked by her friends Serena Ransolver and Natasha Dragonali, PJ Blake steps up onto a stage with a few cameras right on her and catches a microphone coming right at her.  She points to the stagehand who tossed the microphone with a smile and then turns, holding up the microphone.

"Freddy, it comes down to the two of us once again.  You and me.  One-on-one.  Maybe someone else will saunter down to the ring and cause the disqualification for one of us.  Maybe I will beat you straight up this time.  OR... THE BIG 'OR'... you might just realize that your name might be on the marquee as CWF Champion, but that is just because you have not had to put it up against me!"

She shrugs her shoulders.

"I am not going to lie, Freddy!  I really don't like to, trust me on that one dude!"

She slowly shakes her head from left-to-right a few times.

"I am not the biggest fan of how things ended between us because WHOA what a match we put on and you wind up disqualified.  I do not like winning that way.  Those wins just do not feel right whatsoever."

Once again she shakes her head from left-to-right.

"So hopefully the seventy-seventh Evolution things will go a little bit differently.  Hopefully we can settle this and find out who truly has whose number inside of the squared circle."

Her smile grows from one ear to the other, clutching the microphone into both hands and leaning in close.

"Do you wanna start placing bets, because you know as much as I wanna make every match main event caliver and be the best on the card every single night... I do want to win.  I know I am capable of winning."

She pulls back, bowing down her head and letting out a sigh as she stares at the tip of her left foot twisting against the stage beneath her.

"Of course I am just lil' ole PJ Blake and nobody ever expects me to win.  Nobody ever expects me to do more than win here and there.  I'm pretty sure I will forever be the underdog that gets a pity cheer whenever she does manage to pick herself up one of those big ole fancy victories."

Her foot stops twisting and is now pressed flat on the stage next to her other one.  She clutches the microphone into both of her hands and slowly lifts up her head and leans in once more.

"Sorry to disappoint you, buddy!"

She says, now smiling ear-to-ear once more.

"I am not the underdog and I have never been the underdog.  Everyone can say stuff, but that is all it will ever be.  Stuff people say, stuff people don't say.  Who really cares?  What matters are the end result and oh my buddy Freddy of Styles, I have this feelin' you are NOT going to like the end result of the seventy-seventh Evolution."

Shooting up her left-hand, closing her eyes, and bowing down her head as she wags/waves her hand with her index finger the only one pointing up.

"Nah, I really do not tink you are goin' to like the end result.  NOT.  ONE.  BIT.  BUDDY.  BOY!"

She brings down her hand and clutches the microphone with both.  She raises up her head and opens her eyes smiling ear-to-ear.

"We got ourselves a second chance, partner and now I have a championship to carry down to the ring and hold up to the fans too!  So, oh buddy do I hope nobody interferes and we find out who has the others number.  Oh nothing would please me more.  The stage is set, we have a better idea of what to expect against each other so the match is going to be even more intense.  Everyone thought we put on a clicnic before has not seen anything yet because WHOA BABY is it going to get hot in here.  WHOA BABY... I'm..."

She hoists up the microphone as the line "I'm comin' in hot" blast through the air.  PJ drops the microphone and rejoins her friends.  They take off to the sounds of "I'm Comin' In Hot" by Diamante.  The transmission cuts to black.
