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I've been tossing in turning in my bed for months for awhile now.  You could say it has been recurring for a few years.  There are times that I think maybe it's one of those things that needs dealing with, but we all get nightmares right?  They come and they eventually pass.

Hrm...they haven't passed though.

What would be the use of going to see someone about it though?  It's not like I can remember the content in full anyway.  Just some voice whispering into my ear and trying to tempt me.

There are just a lot of things going through my mind on any day of the week.  Go ahead and pick a day and I can list at least one-hundred things I have to do and three-hundred more weird things that will happen during each of those things, but that's just the life I have chosen to live.

The glamorous life of a professional wrestler.

Who really wants to see or experience anything below the surface anyway?  Sure, people will tease being curious.  As long as these nightmares do not affect me or have an effect when I am on the clock then it's really just a "non issue" to the boys and girls tugging at the strings.

I've been hearing voices though... recently.

Not the kind of voices that tell me to be destructive or to burn things (yet?), but they're there, but we all have voices in our head.  This seems... no... this feels different though.

Nothing off-putting or troublesome, but it is a 'new' one.

This is just whatever though and I am dealing with it and managing to get by to the next day and keep moving up that proverbial ladder of success.

Scene I

The scene opens up to PJ Blake standing in front of the bathroom mirror in her hotel room, staring heavily at her own reflection, rarely blinking, but occasionally breaking her gaze to grab a glass of water nearby and drink it down.  She refills it after it's empty.

"Hey girlie, what's the matter?"

PJ flips on the water and dampens both of her hands.  She rubs her dampened hands over her face and returns to staring at her own reflection.

"They believe ya got all your marbles rolling around in order.  So you're good!"

She runs her hands under the water once again, this time splashing the water straight onto her face after leaning down towards the faucet.

"Somethin' is botherin' me though girlie, if ya don't mind...kay?"

PJ shakes her head and leaves the bathroom, slamming her hand on the wall switch to turn out the light.

"Oh sure, it's always gotta be about you!  Just let me sit on my problems!"

The voice says, louder than usual; as though it were still in the bathroom and not just in PJ's head.

PJ falls flat on the bed in her hotel room and slowly pulls the covers around her and a couple pillows under her head.

"Someone is hidin' something from us, girlie.  You know it and I definitely know it.  WE need to work together on figurin' this out!"

PJ grabs one of the extra pillows and places it on the other side of her head.

(sounding more muffled) "Do you really think that's gonna do somethin', girlie?"

She tosses and she turns, her eyes closed.

"Ya know there's somethin' and it's only hurtin' the both of us... this whole denial thing ya got goin' on.  So just put on your big girl panties and work with me on this...kay?"

PJ sits up in her bed.


She roars out, louder than she expected, but it seems to have sapped her as she just drops back down to the mattress and her eyes slowly close.

"Okay, we'll pick this up tomorrow, girlie.  We gotta little time left."

Finally, PJ is able to fade off into a deep sleep filled with a nightmare she will never be able to piece together.

Scene II

With a pitcher of unsweetened iced tea in front of her (lemon slices cut up and floating at the top) is PJ Blake on her patio with a glass in hand, full with iced tea.  She's wearing a tank top, a pair of sunglasses, and a pair of shorts.  She has one leg draped over the other and is looking out at the beautiful day and soaking it all in.  Of course she IS in cleveland and it is really cold so there is also at least three space heaters around her so she doesn't freeze and fall to pieces as a result.

"Freddie Styles, it looks like the two of us have been placed on the Evolution 75 card, right where we belong.  We are one match removed from being in the main event."

"So why not make Duce and Silas sweat a little?"

"They have the coveted main event spot, but that doesn't mean our match cannot be better.  Silas is the CWF Champion, but that doesn't mean his match is guaranteed to be the best on the card."

"So how about we make both Silas and Duce earn their spot this week?"

"How about you and I walk to that ring and we blow the roof off and get the fans so invested, so involved that topping what we do seems impossible?"

"I'm game if you are, Freddie!"

"It's hard to not get wrapped up in your own hype.  I hear what everyone is saying about me.  To be honest, part of me wants to embrace the hype and ride it like some huge wave.  Hang ten and all of that!"

"Humility is what keeps me strong and keeps me resilient though."

"Sure, I could sit here and talk about how I am the fastest rising star in CWF history and how it is only a matter of time before I am holding the CWF Championship for myself and even less time before I am holding up the CWF Tag Team Championships with Autumn Raven."

"That's not me though."

"I was trained better than that."

"I am here because I love stepping into the ring and having the best matches that I possibly can.  That means bringing out the very best in my opponents."

"You are one of the best, Freddie.  You know this and I know this, but I am going to say it anyway.  You are a former Impact Champion.  That's pretty cool!  That makes you one of the best in my book."

"Maybe they will look back on this match between the two of us and say that is when I truly took off and made everyone believe that I was the future of Championship Wrestling Federation.  Maybe they will look back and say this is the match where Freddie Styles built up the steam he needed to walk into his next match with Silas and take the CWF Championship for himself."

"There are a lot of maybes, but the only thing we can control is what everyone sees.  Do you know what they are going to see from me?  Everyone watching Evolution 75 is going to see me giving my best one more time for one more week because it's what I was born to do."

"Inside of the squared circle, I find my peace and I find what makes me complete.  That is what everyone watching Evolution 75 is going to witness for themselves."

"They are not going to see some little girl who is in over her head.  They are not going to see big-bad Freddie Styles getting ready to step over lil' ole me.  No, they see me getting ready to put up with the fight of her life because this is her life."

"Evolution 75, 76, and all of the way to 100 and beyond, Freddie!  Every single match is sink or swim to me.  Every single match I have means the world to me and is just one more chance to prove that I belong."

"THAT, Freddie!  THAT right there is what you have to look forward to at Evolution 75.  You better believe I will be on my knees hugging each and every title I manage to win to my chest with tears in my eyes and running down my cheek drying in the process, but all of my matches I aim to make THE BEST OF SHOW!"

"So are you in or are you out, Freddie Styles?"

"If you just want to walk into this match and think you are going to pull off an easy victory, then you will lose.  If you do not try, you will lose.  I am here and I am playing for keeps."

"So bring your best and let's make OUR MATCH the MAIN EVENT!"

"GOT IT?!"

Leaning back, PJ sips her iced tea after leaning in to cut the feed.

Scene III

It doesn't matter what you experience outside of the ring, as long as you can pull it together and deliver once the lights shine down and everyone is watching.  So PJ finds her methods in which to deal.  After sitting on her hotel room's patio, PJ collects her things and enjoys a few minutes of centralized heat that keeps the room nice and toasty, but then walked out to head off for the day.

"I can help you, girlie... with Freddie Smiles."

PJ shakes her head and heads to the elevator and down to the main lobby.  She leaves the hotel and walks over to her bright yellow sedan and heads a mile or so down the road to a little bar and helps herself to a seat at the counter with a smile on her face.

"This place is sticky, girlie."

She shakes her head as the bartender approaches.  PJ flashes her ID.

"What can I get ya?"

"Do you have Miller Lite on tap?"

"Yes, we do."

"That'll be fine, thanks."

The bartender walks away to make the drink as PJ just sits there, looking around from one place to the next.

"We're better than this.  WE have more important things to deal with than this."

PJ runs her hands over her face and after there is a tall glass of beer placed in front of her.  She takes a sip and looks up at whatever sports ball game is on the television in front of her.

"Ya shouldn't try drowning me out, girlie.  You'll feel better if you just listen and keep an open mind."

PJ takes another drink of her beer, continuing to stare at the sports ball happening on the television above and in front of her.

"I wouldn't do anything to hurt ya!  I AM YOU!  Why would I wanna hurt myself?  Doesn't make a lot of sense, does it now?"

Letting out a sigh, PJ has another drink of her beer.  A familiar red head takes the barstool next to her.  The bartender approaches and the red head flashes her ID.

"Killians', bottle is fine."

"Can do."

The bartender walks off to get her a Killian's.

"What's up, Pris?"

PJ smiles big and turns to see who is speaking.

"Serena Ransolver... it's been awhile."

Serena holds out her hands and nods her head.

"Well, I just missed you too much and had to pay you a little visit."

Serena and PJ place an arm around the other with a half-hug.  The bartender slides Serena's beer to her, which she immediately takes a drink from.

"So how'd you find me?"

Serena shrugs her shoulders and PJ just raises an eyebrow.  Serena lets out a sigh.

"I had Tank track you with your phone."

"Tank always did have a high creep factor, didn't he?"

Serena and PJ laugh.

"Yeah, he still does, but somehow it's charming and works for him.  So what are you doing in a place like this anyway?  This is somewhere I'd hangout, not you."

PJ shrugs her shoulders.

"Don't give me that, Pris.  Let's talk... I mean... haven't we always been able to talk?"

Taking a drink of her beer, PJ just turns to look at Serena... eventually nodding her head.

"So come on, talk to me."

PJ just shrugs her shoulders.

"What do you want me to say?  I just needed a drink, nothing fancy, just a drink."

Serena lifts up her bottle and clinks it to PJ's glass.

"I get that, but there's a reason drink and think sound alike, girlie."

PJ's eyes widen and quickly shakes her head; not going unnoticed by Serena.

"...They usually go hand-in-hand with one another... so...?"

"I'm fine, just nerves going into my match with Freddie Styles."

Looking over at her friend, Serena is unconvinced.

"...Sure... I am sure that is all it is."

"Hey, since you're here, how about we play some pool?  I got a little extra cash and I'd love to take whatever you have on-"

Smiling big, Serena pulls up slowly from the bar stool and pushes away from the counter.

"Oh, I see you trying to change the subject, but I can pry and take your money in a pool game at the same time, girlie."

PJ lets out a sigh, taking another drink of her beer.

"When did you start using the word 'girlie'?"

Serena shrugs her shoulders.  The two ladies walk over to an unused pool table.  Serena racks up the balls as PJ looks for a couple sticks for the two of them.

Scene IV

Once again PJ Blake is in her hotel room, but not under the covers and her legs are hung over the foot of the bed.

"Ya seem to listen to everyone but me, girlie."

PJ flips over on her stomach and buries her face into the comforter.

"Uh, we need to breathe, girlie!"

PJ pushes off the bed and walks into the bathroom to stare herself in the mirror.

"See, doesn't that feel better?  Ya'know, it's funny how ya don't even let yourself see what's right in front of ya, girlie."

Flipping on the faucet, she runs her hands under the water to check the temperature and dampen her hands.

"It's almost like nobody trusts ya and they feel like they have to keep an eye on ya."

Grabbing a washcloth, PJ runs it under the warm water and then over her face.

"I don't think she wants to get together for just dinner, girlie.  Ya ever think others think that you're a time bomb?  I tink you gotta ask yourself some questions and start figurin' out who is the best person to answer dem questions."


"Hey girlie, it's me, Serena!"

PJ grabs a towel to dry her hands and face after looking up to see herself staring back at her in the mirror.

"Are you ready to go?  Need any-"

"Yeah, I'm good!  I'll be right out!"

PJ walks out of the bathroom and grabs whatever she needs.

"Oh yeah, she definitely wants to 'help' us, girlie.  Try to ask some questions, ya'know it'll make you feel better!"

PJ shakes her head and opens her hotel room door.  Serena tosses her arms around Ana with a hug before the two head off down the hallway.

Scene V

"Freddie Styles, I have some final thoughts for you before we step inside the squared circle.  Now, I know you are going to be looking to hit me with the 'BallGame' or maybe lock me in a little 'Addiction', but have you ever thought about what happens if this fire you're looking at starts to get going and you feel 'The Sizzle'?  Maybe you have me reeling, but I feel a comeback and I 'Rise' up and you go down after I kick you to the face!  Oh, I am sure you have thought about both of these things and that is why our match is going to be one of the greatest the CWF has ever seen.  I just want to be sure because every match I have has to be a spectacle.  Every match I have has to be the very best that it can be.  I want to bring the best out of you and I know you will bring the very best out of me.  So let's go to that ring and let's blow the roof off of the Quicken Loans Arena!  Just think about when you start to feel that fire building up and really starting to take off.  Your little 'BallGame" or 'Addiction'... will not be able to save you."
