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w/ Autumn Raven vs. Dauntless



[Chapter One]

Airplanes are for the wealthy and that is not PJ Blake.  She is better off now that she is working for the CWF, but gas station hot dogs and a lot of one-way bus tickets.  Although since this whole tag team with Autumn they can usually chip in on a car and enjoy one another's company and further bond, strengthening their bond with one another.  This trip is different though and it's something she has to do for a family that means a lot to her.  She bussed into Seattle and met up with her trainer Thomas Dragonali and his family because there's a funeral to attend.  Thomas does not seem too beat up about it, but he is not all too cheery and upbeat either.  PJ walks over to one of the girls.

"How's he doing, Brenda?" -PJ Blake

Brenda shrugs.

"Are you kidding me?  You know how he is about his family and they're my actual relatives." -Brenda

"Sorry, I just-" -PJ Blake

"It's alright.  Natasha and I have everything covered here while you and mom get him there and back safely." -Brenda

PJ looks at Brenda, confused.

"Wait... what?  You two aren't going?" -PJ Blake

Brenda shrugged.

"Like I said, we never really got to know our uncles and dad always said we were all the family he ever needed anymore." -Brenda

PJ rolls her eyes.

"That sounds like him alright.  If you or Nat need to talk you both know how I am here for both of you, right?  Whatever you need." -PJ Blake.

Brenda nods.

"We know, but you will have your hands full with dad over there because he is like a bloodhound for the open bar this thing will undoubtedly have." -Brenda

Once again, PJ looks confused.

"I thought he wasn't a big drinker off camera?" -PJ Blake

"It all depends, but usually he's strictly beer.  I bet he goes for whatever the top shelf whiskey is at the wake.  You know Lee was his twin brother, right?" -Brenda

PJ shakes her head.

"No, but like you know, he doesn't talk about any family except all of you and his wrestling family of course." -PJ Blake

"Just keep an eye on him, if left unsupervised he is bound to shoot off his mouth at everyone he comes across.  These are going to be some wealthy and powerful people showing up." -Brenda

"Oh joy." -PJ Blake

PJ had not thought of that as she gives Brenda a hug before both move onto different tasks.  Her mom represents some very powerful (shady) people and if she is there then more than likely she will hone in on wherever PJ Blake is and make the night all the more unpleasant, but these people took her in and gave her the training to do what she loves.  She can suck it up and deal with whatever comes her way.

[Chapter Two]

Managing to grab the keys to her old apartment, PJ lets herself in and set up a little area to record a quick V.Log because she does have a match coming up teaming with Autumn Raven.

"Hey everyone, wish I was broadcasting this under better circumstances, but there is no need to worry!  I will be there ready to do the whole tag team thing with Autumn Raven and prove why we are the number one contenders and future tag team champions here in the CWF."

"You know there are a lot of people who didn't think I would get this far, but I wouldn't have it any other way.  Everyone who says I shouldn't be here or I should just quite while I am ahead. They are motivation for me to keep pressing on.  Dauntless, this is an incredible opportunity for the two of you.  Here you are going up against the number one contenders for the tag team titles and a win here would really jumpstart your careers and get your names out there."

"That is not going to happen."

"Oh, I am sure we are going to have an incredible match, but Autumn and I have come this far and we are planning to go the distance.  Tag team after tag team have come and fallen at our feet.  We line them up and we drop them one by one."

Please forgive me, I don't mean to sound cocky, I really don't, but these are the facts.  We are not going to let a couple of brothers stand in our way and challenge our claim to what we feel is rightfully ours, but I have said it once and I will keep on saying it as long as I am around.  Bring your best and let's make this match be main event caliber.  Sure, you may not win, but if we all go out there and steal the show then all of us truly win, right?"

"So don't look passed us, look right at us.  We are right here and we are ready to take on all of the opposition."

PJ jerks her head to one-side as she hears a pounding on the door.

"Priscilla Jasmine!  Are you in there?!" -Woman's Voice

"Yes, Jenn!  Be right out!" -PJ Blake

PJ turns her attention to her phone.

"PJ Blake out!"

She stops the recording and starts uploading it.  PJ walks over to the door and sees Jennifer with her hand out and in no mood.

"You know this isn't your apartment anymore, right?" -Jennifer Collins

Droping the keys in Jenn's hand, PJ shifts her eyes from left to right.

"I missed the place and I wanted to reminisce." -PJ Blake

"Uh huh, don't tell me I have to babysit you as well as Thomas." -Jennifer Colins

PJ shakes her head, stricken with a look of fear.

"No ma'am!" -PJ Blake

"Good, because Thomas loved his brother, but... well it's not important.  What is important is you back me up because there are going to be a lot of people showing up that really shouldn't try to speak with Thomas.  So I will need backup." -Jennifer Collins

"Yes ma'am!  I'm your girl, ma'am!" -PJ Blake

Of course traveling with Thomas and Jennifer does have benefits.  They have a driver and an entire tour bus so it is going to be a comfortable trip and a look into what PJ Blake might have in her future.

"Oh don't worry about getting to Detroit for Evolution, we will get you there in plenty of time to do your thing and be ready for your match." -Jennifer Collins

"Excellent, I was curious." -PJ Blake

PJ follows Jennifer down the hallway and together they pick up and walk with Thomas to a giant tour bus.

"Ah, my home on the road!" -Thomas

Thomas climbs on board the bus and locks hands with the driver and pulls in for an embrace.

"Ray Lota!  How long has it been man?" -Thomas

"I bartend for you too, Thomas." -Ray

"I know, but it's been awhile since you've driven me on this thing." -Ray

"That is true and there is no better that could stay up with you until all hours of the night party and celebrating world title wins and still wake up sober to get you where you needed to be." -Ray

Jennifer and PJ climb onboard the bus and soon they are off!

Chapter Three

From the back of the tour bus PJ Blake sets up her laptop and gets ready to finish where she left off.

"So Dauntless, you think we are going to be a walk in the park?  Oh, you are in for some kind of rude awakening when Autumn and I get our hands on you.  We are about to teach the two of you a lesson that you will never ever forget as long as you live."

"So you better train hard and you better take us seriously because yeah we are the number one contenders for the CWF tag team championships.  The two of us are going the distance, but how does the saying go?"

"Haters going to hate?"

Thomas starts yelling from the front of the bus.

"IT'S HATA's GON HATE!" -Thomas

"Damn it Thomas!" -Jennifer Collins

Laughing, PJ rolls her eyes and refocuses on her broadcast.

"Well, yeah... now that you heard all of that I am in the back of a tour bus because the man who trained me had a death in the family and I am going because that is what you do for family.  There is nothing I wouldn't do Thomas or his family and that now extends to Autumn Raven as well."

"You see Ryan and Bryan..."

She shifts her eyes from left to right.

"Wait... did your parents really only add a letter to the other's name?  Wow... okay then... I will leave that one alone because I was making a different and better point anyway.  You see, the thing that seems to fly right over your head is since day one Autumn and I have had a connection.  We have had incredible matches against each other and now we are having incredible matches against other people."

"The two of you are just a couple of boys who need educated and-"

Thomas yells from the front of the bus again.


"Thomas, let the girl do her thing and keep it down will you?!" -Jennifer

PJ rolls her eyes with a smile.

"I will be there to teach you boys a lesson and my focus will be on winning this match.  I am damn sure Autumn wants a piece of you, especially when she gets wind of the trash you two are spewing.  So I'm going to handle my personal business and then I am going to handle my in-ring business with the two of you, but let's be honest with ourselves right here and right now."

"Autumn and I are going to take extreme pleasure in bringing you down a notch and showing you that being 'Dauntless' as well as arrogant... when you are facing the two us, is pretty stupid... NOT... bold or fearless."

"See you boys at Evolution 74, we will be the ones kicking your asses!"

"Now, if you excuse me, I have to help wrangle in my trainer, he's a wiry one!"

PJ cuts the feed and jumps up to be the backup she promised she would be.

