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vs. Starlight
Omega Block Match



"Whoa, it's felt like so log since I have sat here and done a video diary, blog thingy, but here I am, but life has gotten so busy sometimes it is hard to find the time.  That sounds like an excuse and I do not like making excuses, but there you have it.  I have been told that I need to take time for me and that includes sleep and some fun activities."

"I'm sorry!"

"You know I love all of my viewers out there!  I wouldn't be where I am without you and whoa since joining up with CWF a lot more of you have crawled out from the woodwork."

"I kind of wish I could have made it to the top four of the omega block tournament, but if I can defeat Starlight then that is still something pretty fantastic right?  There have been so many people who counted me out and didn't expect me to make it as far as I have, but number four?"

"So Starlight... or do you prefer Queen Slayer?"

"You know me, I have to be respectful no matter who you are or how you talk to me.  That is just who I am and how I will always be.  Sorry, not sorry!"

"Starlight, you know what this match means to me right?"

"This match has to be pretty major for you too so whether you say it or you don't.  I really want this victory though because I just... I feel like it would be the next major step.  Who knows what comes next after placing fifth?"

"The difference between fifth and sixth could be monumental!"

"That is why I am going to do whatever it takes and I am going to pull out all of the stops to put you down for the one- two- three."

"Of course there is always that promise I make each and every week I have a match.  You know the promise, right?  Well, you are about to if you don't already!  Starlight, I want every match to be the best that it can be.  I want to go the distance with each and every opponent I stand in the ring against."

"Let's treat this like the main event of the night, because to us shouldn't it be?"

"So know I not only want this, but I need this victory.  I will do whatever it takes for myself and my fans to have the most fantastic night of their lives.  So best of luck, Starlight.  The two of us are going to have a blockbuster!"

"Oh and don't worry, I'm staying away from the water here so no excuses!"

"So anyway, I have to run!  Lots of things to do and not a lot of time to do them!  Love you all, you're in my hearts!  BYE!"
