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vs. Ataxia
Omega Block Match



Now that was the pick-me-up PJ Blake needed, but it did not come easily.  In the end Ataxia was put down for the count and the points went to "The Icon".  So with that victory now behind her, PJ Blake looks to stack up two more points, but this time against Ariel Shadows.

There is a lot riding on this match, but there is even more riding on PJ Blake.  She took the moniker "The Icon" from a couple old friends of her trainer Thomas "Drummer" Dragonali, which has come with un-welcomed comments from fans and fellow wrestlers alike, but she is all about honoring the past and more specifically her past.

Why "The Icon" though?  Puts out the impression that she thinks a lot of herself right out of the gate doesn't it?  Well, a few days after her match with Ataxia, PJ Blake had an interview.  Her uncle, "The Tank" Hank Gunyon has plenty of contacts from his day competing inside of the squared circle and doing things his way.

One of Tank's old friend's runs his own pod-cast in his basement and is always looking for new, budding talent to bring to light and help put their name out there into the world of professional wrestling even more than it is.

"Hey Joshy."

"Hey, Jassy."

He says with a smirk, seeing PJ wiggle with discomfort.

"Call me Joshy, I call you Jassy."

"Fair enough, but I always thought you liked the name or I would have never-"

Josh cuts PJ off, waving his hands and shaking his head.

"Don't worry about it."

He says as he walks PJ to her seat at his set-up and then walks over to his.

"Now, Jarrod isn't here.  He is off doing whatever, but like in my commentary days, I never really needed the buffoon anyway."

"I watched old tapes with you two on commentary.  You two were hilarious."

"Yeah, people loved seeing me get mad at him, but here's a little secret, we were not scripted and he was and still is very much an asshole."

PJ looks at Josh, confused.

"Then why work with him now?"

Josh shrugs.

"You said it, PJ.  People loved us together and most of the time he has nothing better to do than to come over here and hangout."

"I bet he loves your kids calling him Uncle Jarrod too."

"Oh yeah, that is definitely incentive for the bastard, but let's not get too distracted.  You came here for a reason."

PJ nods her head and slaps her knees.  Josh flips the switch to start recording live.

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen!  You know me as Josh Young and today I am a very lucky man, as I am being joined by CWF wrestler, PJ Blake."

PJ leans in towards the microphone.

"Hey Josh and his audience, it's great to be here.  Uncle Tank always talks about what great work you used to do on the microphone.  I'm honored to be here."

"Yeah and I am grateful to have you here instead of that sniveling jackass, Jarrod."

"Glad I could help...?"

She says confused; not really sure how to respond to that.

"Well first of all, congratulations on your victory over Ataxia.  Once again you managed to grip down hard and remain in the Omega-leg of the tournament."

"Oh yeah, thanks, Josh!  Let me tell you and everyone listening that it was not an easy fight and I was really taken to task by Ataxia and there were moments I thought I was completely done for, but I dug down deep and eventually was able to prevail and walk away with the victory."

"Your trainer is a good friend of mine, he speaks very highly of you whenever we talk.  So when I hear you have won a match then it really comes as no surprised.  To me, from what I have heard, you are just living up to your potential."

"That is exactly it, Josh.  Every single night I have a lot riding on me.  Every single night I want to make everyone proud, especially myself."

"That is one area he said you could improve.  Drummer always says you need to relax and just tackle and deal with each moment as it happens.  Like, you taking on the moniker 'The Icon'.  A lot of people think it's presumptuous and even downright arrogant."

"It's not, but I want to honor those who had anything to do with me being here.  Drummer and Tank were instrumental in any success I have had in this business, Josh!"

"Relax, PJ.  I understand why you did it, but I thought it would help if you explained it more to everyone listening; evening your opponent, Ariel Shadows, if she is happening to tune in as well.  You're a good kid with a bright future."

"Thanks and yeah the last thing I want is for anyone to think I am full of myself.  Sure, confidence is a great thing, but just being able to step between the ropes and have fantastic matches is a huge success to me.  Whether I lose or win every match, it doesn't matter."

"That's called heart, PJ."

"Honestly, I could have been happy just wrestling in Seattle for Uncle Thomas the rest of my life, but I felt like I somehow owed it to him the team of many names; Guy and Perry.  So I took the call from CWF and we came to terms and they sent over a contract."

"I was about to ask how the whole CWF thing came about.  I was sure a lot of wreslting promotions would have loved to sign you."

"There were a few and stop it, Josh.  You're making me blush with all the flattery."

"So why the CWF?"

"I felt I could make a home away from home out of the CWF.  The competition is amazing as well, but don't laugh, I just followed my gut and my gut said to sign on the line with CWF."

"You have been in several matches and most of them have been amazing.  Every single week you whoever you are facing that you want to have the best match on the line-up."

"I do indeed, Josh, because whether you're opening, somewhere in the middle, and not just the main event; your match matters.  Take Ariel Shadows, I want to go to that ring and leave the fans wanting more, because I know this might not be the last time I face Ariel Shadows one-on-one and who knows maybe we'll face off against one another in a tag team match.  I want to bring out the best in my opponents and I want them to bring it out of me."

"That is definitely something I feel you have accomplished.  Look at guys like JC and Silas, I am sure they will look back on their matches with you fondly and know you took them to task and made them really work to hold onto their spot in the omega-block of this tournament."

"Whew, now you're going to make me sweat bringing up those matches.  Those were intense and they will be up there with most memorable for me.  Autumn Raven is another opponent I love facing and will always be glad to do it week after week if needed or we just want to for the heck of it."

"So, you know Ariel Shadows will be out for blood this week, right?  The pressure has increased more than ten-fold I'd imagine with this tournament."

"I get it, Josh... focus on the task ahead and don't just drift off into and float up to cloud nine.  You're right, Ariel Shadows will be out for blood because the pressure IS on.  She wants those points, I want those points, and that to me spells main event match before the main event even happens."

"You always maintain such a positive attitude, but last week you seemed different.  I was convinced you were losing it."

"We all have our moments, Josh.  I am no different than anyone else.  We are all capable of bouncing back and overcoming even the obstacles that seem next to impossible.  Ariel Shadows is going to take me to the limit, but if I were to give an inch then she would overcome me.  Who I am is why I am here and why I have come as far as I have."

"Part of me feels near the end of your thing last week was paying homage to Drummer."

"The team name 'The Icons' was the name Drummer and Uncle Tank went by when they tagged together back in the day."

"Yeah, it's you paying homage.  We've been over this, P."

"I will drink in front of the camera, add a moniker to my name, and do whatever it takes to do right by those who brought me here and I will do even more to bring this match with Ariel Shadows to the heights of one of the all time greats.  That is who I am and that is who my opponents will see each and every week.  Ariel and I have come this far and the pressure is on, Josh.  It's time to take the next step."

"Whether you win or lose, right?"

"You need that little bit extra each and every week, Josh.  I know how good I am and once again Ariel Shadows is going to learn just how good I am."

"Of that, I have no doubt, P.  So what else do you have going on this week?"

"I might relax my body and mind with the girls because that is as important as any amount of time in the gym or sitting down for interviews like this.  I'm a simple girl though, Josh.  I am sure Uncle Drummer and Tank told you as much.  Professional wrestling is my obsession and that is pretty much what runs my life... or what ran my life until my new friends clued me in that I do need something more."

"Ah yes, Marisol and Nikki.  Tell me about your relationship with them, if you don't mind.  The three of you don't really seem-"

"We are an unlikely bunch, but we work.  They have my back and I have theirs, but honestly sometimes it feels it's more business for them then they let on."

"I know very little about them.  Unless of course you count Marisol being Sean Fuller's little sister, another CWF wrestler."

"I was wondering if there was a relation there.  To be honest, they are just there to lend an ear or get together so we can relax and mellow out."

"How much do you trust them?"

"Josh, you trust someone by their actions.  Both Marisol and Nikki have been true to their word, they just accompany me to the ring and do not get involved."

"Just be careful, P."

"Of course and I will also make a better effort in getting to know these girls.  I would also like it to go on the record that neither Marisol or Nikki will interfere.  They are to prevent interference, not to cause it.  Any match I have will be won by the better person."

"Okay, that about wraps it up, P.  So now is the time I am just going to let you talk into that microphone in front of you about your opponent to let her know that you are ready for your upcoming match, which we both know you are."

"Ariel Shadows, you might be looking passed me.  I mean, who wouldn't?  I'm not the biggest and I am definitely not the strongest, but there are things you want and things you need.  Defeating you is one of those things that I need.  Defeating you and earning a couple more points in the Omega Tournament is something I need.  So go ahead and bring everything you got, because I will get up as many times as it takes.  I will fire back with everything I have until you have nothing left.  Oh, the two of us are going to have a true classic that will put all of the other matches in the history books to shame, but there can only be one victor.  There can only be one person to claim those two points.  So again, bring everything you got because I am coming ready to take it all in and fire back with so much more and overwhelm you.  I am on the rise here in Championship Wrestling Federation.  See you at the seventieth Evolution, looking forward to it!"

Josh cuts the feed and applauds as he climbs up to his feet.

"Thanks again, P.  You did great."

"Anytime, Joshy... thanks as well!"

Josh and PJ hug and then head upstairs.

"You're welcome to stay for dinner if you want."

"No, but thanks so much.  I really should get on the road.  I want to get to Las Vegas and get checked into my hotel so I can have a little fun and relaxation."

Josh laughs, nodding his head.

"I get that, best of luck."

"Thanks, I am going to need it.  Everything is on the line and that means a whole new level to step up and take control of.  I'm not ready for it to end just yet, Joshy!"

Josh grumbles as PJ laughs.  Josh sees PJ out of his house.

