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What is there to think? What is there to feel? There was a match, a golden opportunity, and it was not meant to be mine. It’s as simple as that, why complicate things further than that? I am sitting at a late night diner back in Seattle; my new home away from home. I have already eaten half of the stack of pancakes in front of me and now I am waiting on a refill of my orange juice. There is just something about diner food that I love-

Oh yeah!

It’s delicious as heck! No, I am not crying over a lost match. I am celebrating that once again I was able to step inside the squared circle and allowed to do what I love in front of a crowd; both live and from their homes or somewhere not in the arena. That to me is the dream that I keep getting to live. So why not celebrate? I used a lot of butter and syrup because I am on cloud-nine.

I’m getting a text?

Oh, management has released the card for the next Evolution. Hopefully I made the cut this week too because I cannot imagine going a week without stepping inside the squared circle. I’m not completely oblivious though, failure to perform adequately (win) does present a reason to keep me off for a week if not longer. Hopefully it does not-

Wait, what… is this a misprint?

Is my name really across from the current Impact Champion Autumn Raven? Let’s see how long that name sticks in my head, but dude, this is huge! I did not win and sure one can argue I was not the one pinned, but I still was not the victor. Here I am though, with a one-on-one non title match against the Impact Champion!

Where’s my phone… things need to be said. Thoughts need the light of day.


PJ Blake: Welp, this is a shocker, right? Who would have thought that despite losing the triple threat match that I would get the Impact Champion one-on-one in a non title match? Of course I am probably not even an afterthought to April Haven… that’s her name right?

*PJ shifts her eyes*

PJ Blake: It doesn’t matter, what does matter is answering the question that is on everyone’s mind. Why am I in this match? Do I even belong in the CWF? I am sure Autumn… err… I mean Abby Raisin, wow, sorry dude! Not really the best with names, but anyway I am sure you don’t care. You probably won’t even acknowledge this because who would acknowledge me? Why would I even be a blip on your radar? I’m just that lil’ former rich girl who is prancing around where she doesn’t belong. I bet you are looking right passed me and right to your match because you figure I do not matter. Poor lil’ ole PJ Blake does not matter and if everyone ignores her than she is just going to go away.

*PJ shrugs*

PJ Blake: Well think again August Harbor! I do matter and I am NOT going away. Win, lose, or draw I want to be here. Stepping into the squared circle night after night is the only way I ever want to know. If you are looking passed me at your next title against Randi Vampblood the horny vampire dude, then rest assured that will be the worst mistake you will ever make because I am not to be underestimated. I am to be taken with the utmost seriousness. I read the website, apparently you had a rough beginning too. Maybe that’s why we are thrown together in this one-on-one match, but I am going to seize this opportunity. I am going to make you take me seriously and everyone watching by proxy.

*PJ snickers*

PJ Blake: You’re a champion, I don’t anything but that about you, April. You don’t know anything but the fact I am still out for my first taste for victory here in CWF. So let’s start from this very moment and agree that both of us are going to the same ring at the same time with the same intention. I want to win, you want to win, and I am pretty sure we both want to have the best match of our lives each and every week. I mean, who amongst us does not want to have the match of their lives each and every week? We all have hall of fame with champagne dreams. We all want to be champions, or in your case, remain champion. So starting here the slate is wiped clean and the two of us are on the same page.

*PJ lets out a sigh*

PJ Blake: There is one truth to take away from each of my matches Blair Wraiven. Seeing as we have this match coming up Blair, you should make a mental note or go ahead and jot it down. In every single match, I make my presence felt. Win or lose you are going to feel that presence the next day and maybe even the next several days after. That is what it means to give it your all. Do you want to know what I am willing to do? Do you want to know what I am capable of? You are going to find out and if Evolution 57 is truly MY NIGHT, then you will have no excuses and you will be left thankful that your championship was not on the line because if it was you would not have it. That is my mindset… whatever it takes within the confines of the rules. Throw caution into the wind and make sure you leave them remembering the next day or days. I saw your name across from mine and I had to let the thoughts come out. It’s not every day you lose several matches and still get the champion, regardless of the title being on the line. Let’s do this Autumn Bottom!

::V.Log Fin.::

I don’t know if it matters and honestly I don't really care one way or the other, but they were words and I lent them my voice. The words were my thoughts come to life, at least some of them. Every single week I get to live my dream, not knowing if anything will ever come of it. Will my name become that of household legend or will I just be the girl the rest of the crew laughs at whether I am standing right there or not? These are things that do not matter, but still they are thoughts and I have them.

Championship Wrestling Federation

This is home to me for the foreseeable future. No matter which motel I’m staying at or diner I get a late night burger or stack of pancakes at. My home is my dream, my everything. Living the dream might be a sarcastic catchphrase for some, but it’s reality for me. I truly feel life could not get any better than this unless I was actually a champion, but hey there PJ don’t get ahead of yourself.

First you win the match, then you get the title shots, and then you become champion… maybe!

This is the dream though, sitting in some diner late at night the night after not winning, but still feeling like I am somehow glowing and everyone can see it no matter how far they are away from me. I will not forget where I came from. I cannot forget where I came from. I will make those who trained me and were there for me from the beginning proud.

Maybe even one-day make my own parents see beyond the tip of their noses as they look down and smile because they too are proud. The most important thing at this moment is that I am proud of who I am and what I am doing in this world. I took my life into my own hands and nothing can stop this feeling. So I will go into the fifty-seventh Evolution with my head held high and a smile on my face because I made it. It’s time to have a little fun with Abigail Ravioli… err… Autumn Raven… no, that’s not right. We’re going to do this and do this hard!