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The five men and one woman tag team match has come and gone.  One team now faces off for the mere chance at becoming number one contender to the Impact Championship.  Will it be Brandon Trueblood, Tom Marrow, or PJ Blake who walks out with that privilege?

The one no one is counting on is PJ Blake.

PJ Blake showed what she was capable this past week in six-person tag team action and once again demonstrated her never say die attitude, but will it be enough when there is nobody to tag when things get too heavy?  Everyone seems to be waiting for young Priscilla Jasmine Blake to get on the next first-class plane home because she is not getting her way.

The heat just keeps coming and growing with intensity.

Chapter One
Daddy's Coming!

Whoa, so this is what a victory on the big stage feels like!  That rocked!  Now comes the real challenge though, a true test of who I am as not only a person but as a wrestler.

Not long after the six-person tag team match PJ Blake is caught backstage sitting on a large black trunk; unknowingly being in the way of the clean up and transport.  She picks up her phone after hearing "What Can I Do For You" and being appropriately startled by it.

I set you ringtone, must you startle me?!

PJ Blake - Hey daddy-pop!

Probably saw me taking falls and wants to try talking me out of this whole wrestling thing.  If it isn't mom doing it then it's daddy-pop.

PJ Blake- Nah, I'm good.  You saw that I was on the winning team right?  That means we take all the spoils and in this case that is a number one contenders-

Welp, there he goes talking about whatever he wanted to talk about, completely ignoring what I was saying or the fact I was not finished.

PJ rolls her eyes, holding the phone away from her ear until the ranting calms down.

Oh boy!  He has a set of lungs on him, that father of mine.

PJ Blake- Yeah, I am eating.  I just had a power bar and when I get back to the hotel I have a cup of noodles with my name on it.

I really do not want to explain cup of noodles to someone who sounds this disgusted that someone related to him would utter those three words together.

PJ Blake - They aren't that bad, daddy-pop.  They come with a flavor packet and everything.

You would think I would learn over time, but no... no I do not.

PJ holds the phone away from her ear and bounces her head from one-side to the other, a smile on her face and her legs kicking.

Chilvary is near... I love singing in my head at times like this.  Man, tonight was cool!  Just think, by this time next week I could be getting ready to take on Autumn Raven for the Impact Championship.

Wait... what is he saying?!

PJ places the phone to her ear.

PJ Blake - Whoa, wait a second there daddy-pop!  There is no need for you to come out to Havana.  I know you like old classic automobiles, but why?!

Nothing good can come from a parental unit coming to spend time with me.  Obstruct and destroy the plans being made at any costs, Priscilla!

PJ Blake - Uncle Tank was already coming to watch the show, so there is no reason for both of you to show up, right?  I know how much you dislike my mom's side of the family.  So yeah, just stay home and work on taxes or whatever you people do for fun.

Smooth, PJ... well done!  You just... ah shit-tickles!

PJ Blake - Seems like you're heavily invested in the idea of coming to Havana then aren't you?  What if I were to tell you someone put a bomb on the family jet, would that work?

Oh right, they have it swept for bugs and the whatever else before every take-off.  This father of mine is one crafty lil' fella.  I need a drink.

PJ Blake - So I guess I will see you in a couple days before my big triple threat match.  It's not like I was going to train and do stuff related to my job.  Anything for your daddy-o.

This is SO frustrating... where's that drink?!

PJ now has a scowl on her face.

PJ Blake - Coo, love you da-


Well that was rude... maybe he doesn't love me.  Sometimes I wonder about both mom-sicle and pop-si... I want a popsicle...

PJ leaps up off the crate she is sitting on and heads down the hallway.

Chapter Two
Taking the edge off and celebrating!

Maybe I am overreacting.  Maybe my dad coming to see me will actually be a good experience that will only motivate me in the best and most positive ways; then I win the triple threat match because of him, but I was not born last night.

That would have made the whole phone call with my daddy-pop even more impressive though, right?  A little over a day and already using a smart phone.  Darn kids are growing up so freaking fast, it's ridiculous!

PJ walks into a bar after shoving the double glass doors open, like in the movies.

Awkward and loving it baby!

PJ marches over and has a seat at the bar, placing her elbows on the counter.

PJ Blake - Hey there, barkeep!  I'll have a scotch on the rock-

Barkeep - Hold it there lady!  How about you show me some ID before we get too friendly, okay?

Geez, a girl just wants a drink... why you gotta make her work so hard for it!

PJ digs into her pocket and hands the bartender her driver's license and then up at her.

Barkeep - Well, "Melinda"... I see you lost a few wrinkles and changed your hair-

PJ Blake - "Shoot!  That's the fake one I used to use!  One second!

Well that was embarassing... oh well.. nobody saw it!  It never happened!

PJ tries to take the fake ID back, but the bartender does not fork it over.  PJ grabs another license from a different pocket and forks it over to the bartender, who just sighs.

Barkeep - You don't look like a Tom Marrow.

Heh... so I'm a bit of a prankster in the locker room.  I bet his face is red right now wondering what he did with his license!

PJ Blake - Uh, that's a co-worker's.

PJ goes to take the license back, but the bartender pulls it out of her reach.

PJ Blake - Well okay then, but fair warning the next one is probably belongs to another co-worker.  You see I work for the CWF.  We happen to be hecause of a show, so-

Barkeep - Lady, if you hand me one more form of ID that is not yours or real, I am going to turn you over to the police.

PJ Blake - Welp, then I will make sure to double-

PJ pulls out a third ID and checks it over quick before handing it over to the bartender.

PJ Blake - There we go!  Priscila Jasmine Blake, barely legal and legit driver's license!

All the creeps sitting around the bar seem to turn their attention to PJ and her rather loud presence.

Barkeep - Okay lady, this one's legit.

PJ Blake - Finally!

The bartender makes PJ a scotch on the rocks and after the first drop touches her tongue, she scrunches up her face and looks disgusted.

PJ Blake - Yucky!  Get me something lite and on tap, pwetty please!

The bartender rolls his eyes and slides the other drink down the bar to go to whoever gets it first.  The bartender returns with PJ's beer.

PJ Blake - So tell me somethin', barkeep, how often do people pour their souls to you after a few drinks and do you like that kinda thing, because I have to say when I drink I really love to get talking and you seem to be the safest bet not to try anything.

Barkeep - Lucky me.

He says sarcastically then groans.

Barkeep - To answer your question, yeah people love to talk to me after they've had a few or a few too many, but not as many as you might think.

PJ Blake - Well, Frank... can I call you Frank?

Barkeep - The name is Dillon, but sure whatever.

PJ Blake - I'm a wrestler now, loving every second of it, but I got these parents who really hate the path I have chosen for myrself so whenever they call I dread picking up because I know they are just going to go on about what kinda life I could have and how much better it would be for everyone if I would just smile and wear the pretty dress.

Barkeep - Parents think they know what's best.  Sometimes they do and sometimes they don't.

PJ Blake - Well they don't this time and now you can only imagine how I'm feeling when my daddy-pop is saying he's going to meet me in Havana for dinner!

Dillion groans.

Dillon the Barkeep - I have a feeling you're going to tell me.

PJ Blake - Thanks for askin', Tim!  My parents are rich... real rich.  They have this whole plan laid out for me.  I'll play the role of trophy wife and appreciate it!  That is not what I want, Aguilar!  I want to fly around the ring delivering head-scissor takeovers and moon-saults.  I want to challenge champions and sign autographs before and after shows.  My life means more, Greg!  Do you get what I am saying?

Dillon the Barkeep - Sure, why not?

PJ Blake - See, you get it!

Dillon the Barkeep - Sure do, tell me lady, how much have you had prior to coming in here tonight?  You seem like you might be a little drunk.

PJ Blake - This glass right here, that I have not touched-

PJ dangles the glass in front of Dillon before taking a drink.

PJ Blake - This is the first alcoholic beverage I have ever had and I am just a fun and energetic person!  Does that make me sound drunk?!

Dillon the Barkeep - Lady, are you on something?

PJ Blake - I am drug free, buddy!  The only poison to enter my body is this beer you served me.  I am just high on my first in-ring victory with CWF.  It's a huge deal to me because it is the first step into proving myself and showcasing what I am all about.

Dillon the Barkeep - Which is more than your parent's money and ideas of how you should be living your life I take it?

PJ Blake - NOPE!  Not in the slightest!  I mean, that might be part of it, but a very slim, slender, tiny, teeny-weensy part if that!  No, what I am all about is wrestling and laying my blood, sweat, and tears all over whatever building I'm wrestling in!  This is my life man and the feeling I got just being in the ring tonight was incredible!

Unbeknownst to PJ Blake, Dillon has been turning away potential predators.

PJ Blake - Grant, thank you so much for being my sounding board.  I don't really have a lot of friends yet on the road and I really needed this on the night where I wanted to feel good and celebrate my team's win.  I mean I guess I coulda ran with Tom and Brandon, but that seemed weird.  We had a match together, doesn't mean we should hangout immediately in our personal lives, right?

Dillon the Barkeep - That and you apparently have a match with them in a week.

PJ Blake - Right you are, buddy!  See, Troy!

She points at Dillon and back at herself rapidly.

PJ Blake - We got da bond tonight and I will always appreciate you!  I think I am going to finish this beer and get back to my hotel though.  I have some friends back home to hound to watch the match if they haven't already and obsess about.  By the way, this isn't my first beer ever, I definitely have had a few in my day... not all of them legal!

Dillon the Barkeep - The fake and stole licenses were a hint.

PJ pulls out a ten from her pocket and slides it to Dillon the Barkeep and goes about drinking her beer and staring up at the television playing some sport she pretends to look interested in while beer is still in her glass.  Dillon goes about his shift.

Chapter Three
Turn that frown upside- oh look a promo!

Not sure what to expect other than condescension and doubletalk, PJ Blake arrives for dinner with her father.  The entire restaurant has been cleared out.  This is La Guarida and it is empty and only one table for two is set and ready.  PJ takes a look around, dressed in a CWF tee shirt and a pair of blue jeans; a backpack hanging off her right shoulder by one of its straps.  Not long passes before a server escorts PJ to her seat and presents her with a letter.  Letting out a sigh, PJ hands the letter back to the server.

PJ Blake - You can go ahead and keep the excuses he had his assistant type up all nice and neat.  I would love a bacon cheeseburger and a beer if you wouldn't mind though.

The server smiles and heads back to the kitchen as PJ pulls her backpack around and pulls out a laptop and sets it up in front of her after making space on the table.  She connects to the wifi and brings up her YouTube channel.

Nothing like a V. Log to take the sting out of being stood up by your own father, who figures it's okay because he's still picking up the tab.

PJ Blake - Why hello there PJ-Verse!  It's good to be back and you know what, something you probably figured about me is I make any situation a positive situation.  No matter what is going on in my life, I channel it all into what I deliver inside of the squared circle.  Whether my dad stands me up for dinner or my mother tries to set me up with Reginald the billionth... it does not matter.  I am going to climb between the ropes with my game face on ready to shock and amazing everyone watching; especially my opponents.  This past week, it was amazing.  My first win here with Championship Wrestling Federation in the form of a six-person tag team match.  That was incredible to me.  Every aspect.

The goal is simple though.  I do not care if you're Brandon Trueblood or Tom Marrow... ha- ha- I get it... TOMORROW... that's funny!  Anyway, the goal is simple fellas!  This match starts, we throw everything we have at each other, and I wind up walking out as the number one contender because there is nothing else beyond this to me.  Nothing else matters than earning the opportunity to go one-on-one with Autumn Raven with the Impact Championship on the line.  No matter what either of you throw my way, it's not going to matter.  No matter how many times I eat concrete or metal, that will not matter either.  Nothing else matters because this is my time, my moment, and my place to prove to the world that I belong in this business.  Nothing else matters but emerging victorious in my first ever triple threat match.

Do not look beyond me or scoff when my name crosses your minds.  That is the biggest mistake either of you could possibly make.  I am ready to lay it all on the line like last week, two weeks before that, and every week after.  Sure, people could say I gave it all up for this, but what was I giving up really?  I gained everything the day I decided to step between the ropes and leave the cookie cutter life my parents had set out for me.  I turned up my nose at ordering servants and became the servant in a restaurant, because that is what this business means to me.  My parents do not support me.  My parents are seconds away from acknowledging they have ever heard my name because becoming a professional wrestler is a humiliation on the family, but I do not care.  I am here and I am going to lay it all on the line.  To quote my trainer-

That's A Damn Fact~!

PJ sets her laptop to one-side as a server brings out a double bacon cheeseburger and an ice cold beer.  PJ winks to the camera and looks at the server.

PJ Blake - Send a copy of the receipt to my daddy and tell him I covered this one.  His money is no good with me.

PJ picks up her burger and takes a huge bite before the feed is cut.
