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Not even sure why I am going.  Who was he to me?  Just someone in a fancy suit with more money than he could spend in an eternity of lifetimes, that is who he was.  Dr. Leonard Julius Dragonali, some prestigious lawyer who could diagnose a patient and perform an operation.  Doesn't sound like he would have had much of a life, but then again what do I know?  He probably didn't, but yet here I am because... I got an invitation.  Maybe the invite was out of pity or more likely because of who I am married to.  Ever since taking over Cruiser Industries years ago, Celeste has been making all sorts of new "friends" and attaining all kinds of invites.  She is good in that world and it looks good on her.  Honestly, I wonder a lot of the times what she sees in me, but then I shake it free and realize I should not scratch that wall.

Celeste wouldn't let me drive my black van; wanting to arrive by more professional and ritzy modes of transportation.  I get that though, who in their right mind drives a black van?  That is almost as weird as driving a Hertz, right?  So she rented us a nice Cadillac Escalade and even someone to do all of the driving for us so we could hangout in the back together and not stress about traffic or (more importantly) making sure we are on the right path and going to actually arrive at our destination.  There's a lot of time to think though and that is something that I happen to be pretty good at..  There is only one thing on my mind though.  Why was I invited personally?  Why not just add a "plus one" to my wife's invitation?  Questions like this could drive a person far beyond the brink of insanity.

Dr. Leonard Julius Dragonali is well-off and very well-known.  It's hard to find a news paper where someone has not tried to right a puff piece about him and how much he has done and how many lives he has affected.  Of course there are negative pieces, aren't there always?  I believe another wrestler for CWF was trained by his brother in Seattle.  More than likely she will be here; lending her support like a good girl.  I would hate being in the spotlight all of the time.  Reporters wanting to know every little detail about my professional and personal life.  Celeste is pretty good about keeping them away from both of us.  What does she see in me?  Oh, that's right... don't question it... just appreciate you have someone so wonderful.

CWF has booked me in a match; I wonder if this would be a good excuse to get... no... if there is one positive trait that I possess it is that I do show up and do so ready to do my job.  Not sure what else I have going for me, but there is at least that.  Maybe I have the potential of a Dragonali once upon a time, but there is no way to go back in time; as far as I know.  So here I am, on the road with my wife with another networking opportunity in the form of a funeral.  I hear his brother is quite the drinker so perhaps the two of us will see who can out drink who.  Celeste does her chatty-chat and I do my drinky-drink until she is ready to call it a night and head back to whatever fancy hotel she has us staying at for the night.

On the bright side (that feels weird, even in my head), Michigan is neighboring Canada so the commute will not be bad getting to Evolution 74 for my match against Terry Gould; some old timer who is wondering if he still has what it takes.  This should be a fun one indeed.  Maybe he can say hello to Lee for his family after I cause the "heart attack" to have one for even thinking about trying to get back in the ring again... hrm... probably should leave that talk in my head for future reference.  Wouldn't it be ironic though, the man known as the "heart attack" dying to exactly that?  These... these are reasons I just find the bar and leave the whole talking thing to my lovely wife.

[Chapter One]
{January 1, 2020}~The Invitation

The news hit the media everywhere.  "Dr. Leonard Julius Dragonali found dead in his Toronto estate.  He seemed to go peacefully in his sleep, but that it happened was still a shock to the world.  Here is a large man (physically and metaphysically) who was never sick or looked weak in the slightest.  He was always the picture of perfect health, but there you have it.  There was not a field Lee Dragonali could not master and you definitely had an opinion about him.  A flawless record in the court room, operating room, and pretty much any field he felt like being part of.

Sean Fuller was in the bathroom brushing his teeth, wearing only a pair of boxer briefs when Celeste walked in with the invitation to the funeral/wake... both of them.  She sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for Sean to finish doing a few touch-ups around his goatee, brushing his teeth, etc.  Sean almost passes right by her, but puts on the brakes and turns right to his wife, who slowly looks up and lifts the letter as she points to it with her other hand.

"Have any plans this week?" -Celeste

Sean shifts his eyes from left to right.

"Yeah, just a match at Evolution 74, but I am sure it's totally fine if I call in sick.  They can put-" -Sean Fuller

Celeste lets out a sigh, causing Sean's voice to fade out until he is completely quiet.

"Okay- not the time I see, so-" -Sean Fuller

Sean sits down next to his wife on the bed and places an arm around her, rubbing her far shoulder with his hand.  Sean goes to grab the mail from his wife's hand.

"So let's see what function you are being dragged into this wee-" -Sean Fuller

Skimming what he took from his wife, Sean quiets down and shifts his eyes over towards her.

"So... are we glad or sad this person is dead first of all?" -Sean Fuller

Rolling her eyes with a smile, Celeste leans into Sean bumping him back.

"What this is, is something we must attend and my not being there will be noticeable and frowned upon.  You do not have to come, but we are a team right?  So I figured you would tag along." -Celeste

Sean shrugs his shoulders.

"There's usually always a bar so I'll at least have something to keep these devilish idle hands busy." -Sean Fuller

Once again Celeste rolls her eyes with a smile.

"Yes, there will be an open bar so you will not have to say inappropriate things to the exact wrong person, babe.  You also have to put on a monkey---erm---a tuxedo." -Celeste

"Aw, you saved yourself a headache, I was about to-" -Sean Fuller

Placing two fingers over Sean's lips, Celeste closes her eyes and nods her head.

"Oh I know hun, I know." -Celeste

Sean gets up, setting the invite down on the bed.  He kisses his wife on top of her head before leaving for the next room.  Celeste picks up the invitation and looks it over once more.

"Babe, I don't think you can come." -Celeste

Celeste calls out.

"I am not seeing anywhere on this invite about a plus one and this is definitely an event you do not want to just show up and crash." -Celeste

Sean walks into their bedroom holding up another envelope, this one addressed to him.

"Oh as much fun as it would be to be the chaos-factor, it looks like for once I have an invite of my own.  Looks like you are not the only one moving themselves up in this world." -Sean Fuller

Sounding a little more boastful than he should, Sean lowers the envelope for Celeste to snatch it away and make sure it really is a personal invite for him.

"Wow, did you know the Dragonali?" -Celeste

Sean shrugs.

"Some of the richest, most successful families, but no... not personally." -Sean Fuller

Celeste gets up from the bed and heads into their walk-in closet.

"Well then I guess we better get packed and ready... well me... you should just do whatever it is you do since you always have to be packed and ready to head out everyday." -Celeste

Taking a look around, Sean soon leaves the room after a shrug of his shoulders and realizing he had to find something to occupy his time for however long it takes his wife to get ready and pack up, but is stopped right at the door to the bedroom as his wife calls out to him.

"Oh by the way, Sean!  I am going to rent us a car and a driver just for convenience sake.  As much as I love your cargo van, I doubt it's what we should show up in for this kind of event." -Celeste

"You're probably not wrong, but I would have anyway!" -Sean Fuller

"I know you would have, that's why I said something now!" -Celeste

She calls out, laughing after.  Sean proceeds to occupy his time with something while she gets ready and makes all the needed preparations.  Really, what does she see in Sean?  She's organized and driven and he's... well he's Sean Fuller.

[Chapter Two]
{January 3, 2020}~Brothers in Booze

Managing to dress himself and do a good job, Sean Fuller finds himself staring into a mirror, admiring just how good he looks all dressed up in all black while Celeste is making herself presentable for the occasion.  Sean is correct, there is an open bar  and makes himself cozy with a beer (to start).

"Remember Sean-" -Celeste

Sean waves his hand a few times.

"Yeah, I know babe... don't talk to anyone and just sit here until you are ready to go.  I get it, make chaos now... deal with your wrath later." -Sean Fuller

"These functions were more fun when I could create the chaos with you and not have to do any of the clean-up afterwards." -Celeste

Sean shrugs.

"Yup and you love it, Mrs. Bossy-Boots and it looks good on you." -Sean Fuller

They share a "see you later" kiss.

"Only person you might see is Leonard's twin brother, Thomas." -Celeste

"Celeste, I'm at the bar for a rich dead dude's wake.  I'm going to see a lot of people and I am very good at ignoring them and focusing on my drinking while making them think I am paying attention.  They really only like to hear themselves preach anyway so pretty easy actually." -Sean Fuller

Celeste rolls her eyes and walks around to mingle and do her thing.  She wasn't wrong though, Thomas definitely has a radar for the bar and sits down almost next to Sean, one stool between them.

"Whiskey, no ice, and leave the bottle." -Thomas Dragonali

Sean just goes on drinking his beer.  Thomas eventually turns to look at him.

"So how did you know'im?" -Thomas Dragonali

Sean jumps, eventually figuring he is the only one Thomas could be talking to.

"Me?" -Sean Fuller

"No, the other idiot drinking next to me!  Yes, of course you, stop pissing me off!" -Thomas Dragonali

"Well aren't you the pleasant one." -Sean Fuller

Thomas turns on his seat and leans in.

"Well aren't you the one not answerin' my question!" -Thomas Dragonali

"I got an invite, not sure why.  My wife is over there doing her social thing because she took over Cruiser Indust-" -Sean Fuller

Thomas turns back facing the bar and fills up his glass with more whiskey.

"Your wife a scumbag like the rest of'em then?" -Thomas Dragonali

Tapping his foot anxiously, not liking someone talking negatively about his wife, Sean just picks up his beer and takes another drink before responding.

"No, my wife is NOT a scumbag, she just---has to deal with them." -Sean Fuller

"So why are you here?  I don't see a purse you need to be holdin'... you just here for the free booze?" -Thomas Draognali

Sean shrugs then goes to take another drink of his beer.  Thomas gets a second glass and pours some whiskey in it before sliding it in front of Sean.

"Not that I could blame you, this is a day to drink and do it on all our money." - Thomas Dragnoali

"No, like I said, I got my own invite.  I'm not sure why, but-" -Sean Fuller

Thomas clinks Sean's glass of whiskey and downs his.

"Oh there's a reason, these assholes always have a fucking reason.  So what do you do?  Maybe that will enlighten me as to why you were invited." -Thomas Dragonali

Picking up his glass of whiskey, he clings it to Thomas's glass before drinking it down.  Thomas fills Sean's glass up!

"I'm a wrestler for CWF, just something to do to let out a little anger and frustration." -Sean Fuller

"No kiddin'... I was a wrestler years ago.  Won some world titles and a lot of alcohol.  There wasn't an arena my name on the marquee could not fill.  That doesn't quite connect though, except Lee used to wrestle himself, but hey I'm confident there IS a reason and it's probably some backdoor dealing blood sacrifice of a reason to.  Believe me on that one!" -Thomas Dragonali

Sean shrugs and clinks and drinks whiskey with Thomas yet again.

"Hey wait a minute-" -Thomas Dragonali

Thomas perks up, interrupting Sean, who seems about ready to say something.

"You said your wife runs Cruiser Industries now?  I know the idiot who used to run that place into the ground and flaunt all of his daddy's blood money wherever he could!  A lot of people wanted to see that pretty boy fall from that penthouse above it all too.  So that makes your wife, Celisse?  Catalina?  Catty?  Kit-" -Thomas Dragonali

Sean clinks glasses with Thomas once again.

"Celeste actually and she loves it.  Putting these other wealthy patrons to task and getting them to spend their precious money rather than just horde it.  A real powerhouse that one." -Sean Fuller

"Good for her, a lot of people hated that whole takeover at the time.  Mainly because they wanted to do it themselves.  David Cruiser was a bastard of a man, but he was charming and rich, that'll get you pretty far wherever you are... hey... that rhymed." -Thomas Dragonali

"You've been drinking for awhile haven't you, Mister Dragonali?" -Sean Fuller

Thomas lift shis glass, getting a clink that means he drinks!

"Sure have, but my brother kicked the bucket, so at least there's a reason to..." (muttering) "That I can talk about at least..." -Thomas Dragonali

"What was that?  I didn't quite-" -Sean Fuller

"Don't you worry about it!  Just know Lee is better off where he's at now then where he was here.  Things haven't been so great with my... HEY!  I said don't worry about it, bub!" -Thomas Dragonali

Sean takes the bottle of whiskey, almost deeply offending Thomas, who is looking ready to fight, but then smiles and tapes his head with his index finger as Sean pours the next round.

"Relax, I'm not the kind of person to cut anyone off.  Besides, like you pointed out your brother 'kicked the bucket' so you have an excuse to pretty much do whatever you want, right?" -Sean Fuller

Thomas wags his finger at Sean.

"You know She-ON... whatever your name was... is... I like you.  You gotta good head on your shoulder.  That's probably why your name made the list with all these entitled wealthy bitches and bastards.  They're just here because it's the whole standard protocol bullshit." -Thomas Dragonali

"So did you come here alone?" -Sean Fuller

"Fuck no... my partner Jenn is around here somewhere... probably with my protégé, Priscilla.  They doing the whole social thing so I can do what I do best in times like these." -Thomas Dragonali

Sean lifts his head slowly and then lowers it.

"Ah... I see." -Sean Fuller

Once again Sean clinks his glass with Thomas and downs another whiskey with his new friend of the evening; then pours them another round.

"I am right there with you, Thomas.  I'm not much for these fake conversations and smiles." -Sean Fuller

"That's because you're real, man... a real man!  A real person!  Like me!  You see through the bullshit and are starting to figure it all out like I already have." -Thomas Dragonali

"Alcohol and fighting... pretty much all I was raised to know, so that is all I really am." -Sean Fuller

"I've known a few people like that... they're probably here because they in someway worked for my brother or some part of his massively evil Dragonali empire." -Thomas Dragonali

"Celeste and I worked for David Cruiser and slowly climbed the ladder until she found just the right vantage point to take her shot." -Sean Fuller

Thomas and Sean clink and drink then refill once again.

"I left all that bullshit behind... they'll drag you in man.  The Tisch family, Dragonali, Nikolai... every last fucking one of them, man." -Thomas Dragonali

Sean's eyes widen hearing that last surname.

"Did you just say... Nikolai?" -Sean Fuller

Thomas nods before another clink, drink, and refill.  Sean just kind of sits there staring off, but going through the clink, drink, and refill motions.

"What the Hell is the matter with you, son?" -Thomas Dragonali

Sean shakes his head.

"Nothing, I just know the Nikolai from the time I spent in Moscow.  Their father was a real piece of work, but he tolerated me well enough to keep me around doing some odd jobs." -Sean Fuller

"Yeah he was a piece of work... scumbag despised his daughtered and doted on that cock-sucking son of his.  You ever meet Kevin?  Great guy who appreciated other guys a lot." -Thomas Dragonali

Sean smiles, doing another clink, drink, and refill as he leans back and grabs his slightly neglected, but somehow refilled glass of beeer.

"Oh yeah, Kevin was a great guy and yeah... definitely fancied men much to his father's chagrin." -Sean Fuller

"Hey, did you ever-" - Thomas Dragonali

Thomas holds up his hand and makes a teetertotter motion, that at first catches Sean off-guard, but he gets it eventually.

"Wha... oh... no... I watched over his sisters though and dated the oldest one for awhile until she died.  Then I thought I was in love with the second oldest, but-" -Sean Fuller

"Playa gonna--- nah, not going to say that.  That's lame as fuck. Yeah, they were good girls, but that youngest, she was something special.  She could walk into a room and have an army of everyone willing to stand up and protect her.  Their daddy hated that." -Thomas dragonali

Sean nods his head.

"Yup, he did..." -Sean Fuller

Sean says, drinking more beer.

"The men were given free reign on'em... some bastard chucked one out a window once and sparked some bullshit that got Kira... Kim.. whatever the oldest one's name is... she wound up dead." -Thomas Dragonali

Sean runs a hand over his face before doing another clink, drink, and refill with Thomas.

"Yeah, she was the best.  Reminded me a lot of Celeste." -Sean Fuller

"I got out man... best decision of my fucking life." -Thomas Dragonali

"Yeah, I'll never get..." -Sean Fuller

Sean takes a look around at all of his surroundings.

"I will never get all of this, ever.  Guys like us though, we march on and find our place wherever we are and find a calming feeling of content bliss." -Sean Fuller

"I found fucking happiness, I don't know what the fuck you're babbling about, son.  Whatever though, another fancy funeral and mine will probably be next." -Thomas Dragonali

Sean shrugs and does another clink, drink, and refill round with Thomas before a sip of his beer.

"Maybe I was invited just to keep you company here at the bar." -Sean Fuller

"Hey, if that's not the reason it should be because that's... that's a hero's work kind of deal, let me tell you right now, son.  Then again, nobody could blame me if they knew what I knew... you know... being the way I am right now." -Thomas Dragonali

Sean shrugs and clinks, drinks, and refill with Thomas once again.

"I'm not here to judge, I'm just here to drink until it's time to go." -Sean Fuller

"I'm here to drink and avoid all the wealthy bastards who fear spending any money they don't fucking have to, but hey... to each their own.  We both have our blockers and they are doing great." -Thomas Dragonali

Sean smiles and does another clink, drink, and refill with his new booze brother.  He is definitely much more inebriated than he was before he arrived, but not quite on Thomas's level... how that bastard is still going has to be one of the greatest unsolved mysteries or at least it should be.

[Chapter Three]
{January 5, 2020}~When the dust settles and the sun rises.

There were still a few tasks left to do, but nothing she could not do herself.  Celeste woke up and readied herself for a few things she had left to tie up from last night.  Sean did an excellent job keeping the other drunk at the party occupied and keeping the commotion contained; so he deserves his rest.  Then again, he never experiences hangovers no matter how drunk he gets, but it was a long night.  Some people have all the luck, right?  Sean rises from his slumber around mid-afternoon sometime and throws on the nice black dress pants from last night and the sleeveless undershirt that went with all of it, but was not seen.  He leaves his room, shoving his keycard into his back pocket and once in the lobby immediately begins rubbing his eyes and staring off at the bar.  He approaches the bar and a blonde haired woman looks at him with a smile on her face.

"Tan-" -Sean Fuller

The woman rolls her eyes.

"Yes, you are not hallucinating and I would be hurt if you actually thought you would not see me here.  You know who my family is, right?"

Sean takes the stool next to this woman, trying to wrap his mind around all of this.

"I guess, but Tanya, I thought-" -Sean Fuller

Tanya shakes her head with a smile, one hand on the stem of her martini glass.

"Sean, I know and it's okay.  That is what all of this is about." -Tanya Nikolai

"Yes Sean, everything is okay and you are in the free and clear.  You can actually live your life and do whatever you want with whoever you want" -Celeste

Celeste walks over and takes one of Sean's hands into both of hers.

"I'm confused." -Sean Fuller

"Okay, first of all you do-" -Tanya Nikolai

Sean interrupts her with sudden laughter as he stands up and both women turn to look at him, side-by-side.

"First of all what?  Do I know Celeste and Keira Nikolai are the same person or that there was never a Keira Nikolai and she was just a plant as part of someone's sick training regiment?" -Sean Fuller

"I told you he'd be-" -Celeste

Sean shakes his head, cutting off his wife.

"No, I am not mad.  I recognized you a long time ago, babe.  That was just our lives though.  You head a head start on me, sure, but I get things.  The problem with me is, I'm simple.  I think about a lot, I figure out a lot more, and I just want to live a simple and modest lifestyle.  I figured you had your reasons as we all did.  We are far passed any of this actually mattering though." -Sean Fuller

Sean signals for the bartender.

"Whiskey, leave the bottle please." -Sean Fuller

Celeste and Tanya look at one another and shrug.  They turn to face Sean, who is now sitting at yet another bar.

"You fell for me, I fell for you, and that meant you appeared compromised- blah, blah, blah- I probably should have come clean, but you know me, I love a good chaotic and dramatic stir." -Sean Fuller

"Yes, well... I figured this would take a lot more whiskey and even more yelling, so do you have anything, Celeste?" -Tanya Nikolai

"You sneaky bastard, now I should be mad at you!" -Celeste

Sean, smacking the bar-top.

"You probably should, babe.  We were dealt a rotten hand, you a lot younger.  We were brought up to be pawns pushed around the proverbial chess board, never questioning and always just doing.  Somehow we found each other and found each other again and rose up to become more than we were ever expected to be.  Like I told Keira, you cannot break what we have." -Sean Fuller

"You're crazy!" (she looks at Celeste) "He's crazy!" -Tanya Nikolai

Tanya throws her hands up and walks off to do anything but be around these two crazies.  Sean takes Celeste into his arms and shares a kiss with her.

"You are pretty crazy yourself." -Sean Fuller

Celeste places her arms around Sean's neck.

"Yup, guess we kinda found each other." -Celeste

"Yup and now I think it is time that we become the power couple we always should have been." -Sean Fuller

"Yeah, that's not frightening coming from you, but sounds like fun.  I am curious though, when you started putting the pieces together and figuring all of this out?" -Celeste

"I throw fists, I drink the alcohol, and I drift... it never really crossed my mind for the longest time, but probably seeing you again and I figured why not just play along and see what kinda chaotic fun that brought." -Sean Fuller

Smiling, Celeste pushes on Sean's chest and takes the stool Tanya was sitting in and gets herself a glass to share in the whiskey drinking with her husband, her love.

"Do you mind?" -Celeste

Sean shrugs.

"Go right ahead, you're buying it Mrs. Moneybags!" -Sean Fuller

Celeste rolls her eyes and tops off both their glasses.

[Chapter Four]
{January 9, 2020}~The fun continues and spills over.

Finding himself in front of a green screen that some audio/video person will have fun with later is Sean Fuller and.  Sean is shirtless, because why not?  Celeste is in a form fitting leather jacket and a pair of jeans.

"Oh what happy holidays the wife and I had, but then again what is Christmas to us because if we want something we go and get it.  So to us the holidays are not about presents, but you could maybe argue it is about family.  I saw my sister, she saw her sister.  Truthfully the holidays is about doing whatever we want to whoever we want, and whenever we want to do it.  Now, unfortunately CWF was on holiday so I did not exactly get to tear into any fresh meat and make them regret ever hearing the name Sean Fuller, but-"

Shaking his head.

"No, I probably shouldn't get into what Celeste and I do behind closed doors, but it's sweaty and a little frightening if I am being entirely honest, but I digress.  The CWF is back with another Evolution, but not just any Evolution, the seventy-fourth Evolution.  Now, that is pretty impressive.  It is not quite one-hundred, but they are getting there and maybe will see that later this year.  On the seventy-fourth Evolution though is a match that is of great interest to me and it is pretty easy to guess which one that is."

Pausing momentarily, shifting his eyes from left to right.

"That's correct, it's MY match and guess what I am going to say next?"

Pausing momentarily once again for dramatic effect.

"You are right again, I am going to really enjoy hearing the snap, crackle, and pop of some guy wanting to know if he still has what it takes and I am going to cherish making him scream, cry, bleed, and whatever else I want because it is the simple things in life that really make it truly great.  Terry Gould, oh the things I have in store of you.  Have you ever heard of a Colombian Necktie?"

For a third time, once again, Sean pauses.  Sean waves his hands out in front of him, shaking his head before continuing.

"Don't worry about it, that's not important.  Did you cringe a little though?  Whatever you did or did not do, whatever, it's your life.  As far as you and I, we only have this match and that is all either one of us should care about.  You should not be interested in who I am, what I've done, who I've done, or-"

Celeste knife-hand jabs Sean  in the side.  Sean places a hand over the jabbed spot on his side before continuing.

"Whew, right in the kidneys with that one, but as I was saying we will meet in the ring, have this match, you will regret having this match, and you will probably be in the hospital trying to figure out where you went wrong in your life.  Agreeing to this one-on-one match would be one error and yeah I know you can look at my string of losses towering over my victories and cackle.  You probably think I am now threat and you will have one final hurray before you drop that elbow that sends you into the Heavens or the Hades.  I really don't know or care, that's on you and your whatever."

Sean waves his hands out in front of him once again.

"This match is not going to be easy on you though, boy.  Oh I am going to do much worse than bruise you and tear through your flesh.  You see, if I have my way, I am going to look to finish you because as my grand pappy used to say, you shouldn't do a job if you cannot finish a job."

Sean shifts his eyes from left to right.

"I never knew my grand pappy actually, but I like to think if I did he would of said something like that.  So to honor my grand pappy and the things he might of, could of, probably-maybe said if I knew him--- I am going to end you.  There is probably a small part in there, that is not so small, where I actually am doing it just because I want to and enjoy doing stuff like this, but gloss over it.  It's not important.  What is important is you are going to need to kiss your family and hug them nice and tight because you probably will not be doing that after.  Arms are usually the first thing I like to break.  It stops the whole punching thing of someone fighting back.  Then of course your legs will need taken care of because you know of that whole kicking thing, but hey, after that it's just semantics.  Do you think you are able to kick-out with broken arms and legs?  I'm willing to help you find out if you're game.  We can do this and figure it out together."

He throws his arms up and out.

"You are probably listening to all of this and wondering what is that guy babbling about?  Does he think about anything before he speaks?"

Sean tilts his head to one-side.

"The answer is no, no I do not."

He shakes his head.

"I can think one way, talk another, think and talk the same way, but really that is just the long way of saying I do whatever I want to whomever I want, whenever I want.  Is someone like you going to put a stop to me?  I highly doubt it.  There's some motivation for you though, you might just want to shut me up.  A lot of people want to do that when I really get going.  Standard operating procedure for me though, only care about hurting people and eventually move onto obnoxious ranting that hopefully lights a fire under someone and they just wanna punch me in the jaw to get it to stop.  Oh do I love a good fight though and an opponent who is fired up.  Makes the crunchy parts a lot more satisfying.  So let me go ahead and save a lot of people some time and some effort this is all just a game the wife and I play because you can count on us for one thing and one thing only and that is to pleasure ourselves.  You may not get it and that's fine.  Nobody really-scratch that-the two of us do not really care.  I am not going to apologize, Terr-Terr.  You  wanted a return and you are going to have a return.  I am going to help you find all the answers you seek and you are not going to like any of them coming from me, Trust Me.  That is something else you can count on, I am going to enjoy everything I do to anyone I face inside the squared circle.  No matter who or what, the means will justify the means.  The wife and I have a lot of catching up to do as far as this whole living your life to the fullest and doing what makes you happy.  So good morning, good afternoon, and-or good0night, wherever you are tuning in from and welcome to our world of happy-fun-playtime."

Celeste and Sean turn and hug one another then turn their faces towards the camera, smushed together with big grins and their eyes squished closed as the camera cuts to black.

[Chapter Five]
{January 10, 2020}~Always and forever.

It's always fun in the lives of Celeste and Sean because they make it that way.  You lose, you make it fun.  You win, you make it fun. Sitting up in bed Celeste is on her laptop going over some things for work while Sean is playing some stupid/pointless game on his phone.

"So here's a question for you." -Sean Fuller

Celeste looks up from her laptop's screen and looks over at Sean.

"Hm, what's that?" -Celeste

"The name Keira, why that name?" -Sean Fuller

Celeste pulls off her glasses and places one of the spokes against her bottom lip, pondering the question for a moment and shrugs her shoulders.

"Probably not, it was not my place to ask questions.  They told me the job and I did the job." -Celeste

"Yeah, that sounds about right and here we are broken free of that life.  How fun for us." -Sean Fuller

Celeste smirks.

"Excuse me?  I believe one of us broke away and rose above that life, but last I checked you still took orders from me, boy." -Celeste

Celeste sets her laptop on the night stand next to her side of the bed and pulls a leg over Sean; now straddling his him.

"I have a few more freedoms under you." -Sean Fuller

"The illusion of more freedoms, but you are correct.  It is better under me." -Celeste

Celeste leans in, kissing Sean.

"No arguments from this peanut gallery." -Sean Fuller

Celeste kisses Sean once again.

"Better not be, boy.  Now, about this match of yours." -Celeste

Sean shrugs his shoulders.

"What about it?" -Sean Fuller

Celeste pulls herself off of her husband and just lays up next to him.

"You are going to do more than just try to end him, right?" -Celeste

"Not sure I catch your meaning, babe.  You mean like do something like grind up his ashes and put them in the pepper shaker of someone who cares for him or what? -Sean Fuller

Letting out a sigh, Celeste smacks Sean's bare chest, causing him to laugh softly.

"Behave, you will get your fun." -Celeste

"You have not cared about me winning matches in awhile.  Would it really mean that much to you?" -Sean Fuller

"The way you were talking about finally taking our place as the dominant couple for everyone to look up towards in admiration kind of sounded nice.  Imagine holding the CWF Championship up in your hand while your boot is pressed against Silas Artoia's chest?" -Celeste

Taking a hand, Sean runs it over his goatee, pondering and imagining.

"Could it be his head or does it have to be his title?" -Sean Fuller

Celeste laughs softly.

"Whatever you want, but you have to start winning matches and taking things seriously if you are going to even have the option." -Celeste

"That is an excellent and unfortunate point, but the chance to make you happier is never something I would dare shy away from doing, but I am curious who wonan made the other break?" -Sean Fuller

Celeste look up into Sean's eyes, confused.

"You wanted me to confess about the Keira thing andI wanted you to tell me." -Sean Fuller

"Well, we were going to tell you and it was Tanya's idea to meet up with you at that hotel bar.  Can we just blame her?" -Celeste

Sean shrugs.

"Where did she run off to after calling me crazy anyway?" -Sean Fuller

"Well first of all, you are a little crazy, but probably to make a little fun for herself elsewhere." -Celeste

"What game are we going to play now that this one has run its course?" -Sean Fuller

"I have a company to run and the lives of the wealthiest to twist and make suffer.  I don't know what you are going to do other than wrestle matches for CWF and try to build yourself up to where you rightfully belong." -Celeste

"There's always drinking too much.  I'm good at that and it's enjoyable." -Sean Fuller

"You could be drinking buddies with Thomas.  You two had people looking over at you at the wake quite often." -Celeste

Sean shrugs.

"That idiot was Lee's twin brother, why would I want to hangout with him?  Despise that whole family." -Sean Fuller

"We despise a lot of people." -Celeste

"Makes it more pleasurable to tear them down into tiny bits and pieces." -Sean Fuller

"That's true.  It's fun redistributing their wealth too when they have it.  Oh the amount of people I make cry doing that is excellent." -Celeste

Sean and Celeste share a laugh, realizing tomorrow is another day and they will need their rest to be at their best to take it all on.

[Chapter Six]
{January 11, 2020}~Down The Alley.

"Hey, Terry Goud, you want to know something?  I'm going to tell you something and you're going to listen regardless.  Everyone always asks me about my finisher.  Everyone always asks me 'why call it down the alley?' and I just blow them off usually.  You though, you Terry seem like a special little crumpet."

Sean shakes his head, laughing.

"No, I did not think that, Terry.  Nobody has ever thought that about you.  I do not care who you think you might have been or what you are trying to do, but I am getting ahead of myself.  I was in the middle of story time.  You know the ole tale, right?  The legend of the finisher's name, it's a good one.  It's not a very long tale, but I can only work with what I got.  You see, awhile back there was this man and he had to work with what he had been given too, which wasn't a lot.  He knew how to throw some fists and drink alcohol.  You know where he would often throw their fists?  That's right, boy.  You see, I knew you were a special lil' crumpet.  I would throw them in an alley.  Not a lot of people walked out of those alleys.  You could almost say it was a lot of people's final moment.  So when I catch your arm and drop you face first into the canvas, you know you will have just walked 'Down The Alley', but I suppose you can call it DTA for short.  Taking this match with me, you are essentially doing exactly what all the rest have done, boy.  The ring is my alley and I plan to finish each and every person off to the point they will not be able to walkout or be heard from ever again.  Cheer up, boy.  You get to be the messenger.  You get to climb in between the ropes and be the first of many to come until I am looking Silas himself in the face and challenging for his championship."

Sean tosses back some water.

"I am going to beat you and now I am going to pin you.  What's with the change of heart?  Love can make a man do anything and making that love happy is kind of what I live for.  So you and me are going to dance until you are bloody, but hey I am a team player.  I am sure I might bleed too.  Camaraderie and all of that jazz, get it?  You will get it so much worse than you give it though, boy.  That is something I can guarantee you.  With my wife standing ringside, you know I am going to be aiming to keep that radiating smile she has on her face.  It's a new year, Terry.  You're a new face...... to me.  So we are going to dance.  My wife is going to smile and applaud.  So be happy because you get to help me show the world what I can really do to an opponent inside of the squared circle, boy when properly motivated.  It's all well and good to be a dog chasing cars, but to have focus and drive, to be given purpose, boy?  I have a goal now.  I have a purpose.  You see Celeste and I will be known as the dominant couple around the CWF and wherever we dare show our faces.  That means I break you, but it also means there is a reason behind it.  See you soon, boy.  It's going to be fun, Trust Me."
