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vs. Thaddeus Drake



There is a grilled cheese sandwich with the crusts cut off on a white plate sitting on top of a wooden crate.

"Who left their grilled cheese?"

Sean asks before kicking the wooden crate and then just stands there with a sledgehammer draped over his shoulder.


He says and just stands there for a moment, but then steps to one-side and looks behind him at the log cabin.

"Talk- talk- talk- that's what you like to do, but why would you talk when you can do?"

Sean walks up onto the deck of the house and breaks down the door to the cabin with a sledgehammer.

"Your daddy, your legacy, your daddy, your legacy, and oh let's make fun of Sean and his wife."

He steps through the remains of the broken door and takes a look around with a smile on his face as he sees defaced pictures of Thaddeus Drake.

"You're like a broken record, Thaddy-boy, but you're lucky."

Sean sets down the sledgehammer and has a seat in a nearby rocking chair.

"So I have a question for you, boy- okay?"

Adjusting himself in his seat, Sean eventually leans forward and rests his elbows on his knees.

"What does it matter whether you win, I win, you lose, or I lose?  What does it matter as long as someone gets hurt and questions whether they can even go on with their career?"

He leans back in his seat and shrugs he shoulders.

"You're a legacy and you have so much history flowing through your red sticky stuff and that somehow entitles you to judge and ridicule my life?"

Sean sighs, once again placing his elbows to his knees, but now his head just lowers as he lets out a sigh.  Sean slowly lifts his head up.

"Did you really have to bring my wife into this?  Is it so hard for you to grasp a loving relationship, that you have to make fun of one right in front of you?"

He runs his hands over his face.

"It's okay because I am going to fix you, but not with my words.  When the two of us are faced in the ring against one another, that is where you are going to be fixed.  It is not going to matter if your ten-times-great-grand-daddy comes back from the dead and dances the hokey pokey before yapping so much it makes me want to blow somebody's brains all of the wall."

Sean pushes up from the rocking chair and starts walking around the cabin, dragging the sledgehammer behind him.

"It's not going to matter whether you win, because you're going to be change."

He lifts the sledgehammer and drops it through a coffee table with several defaced pictures of Thaddeus Drake set on top of it.

"If you're so great, then why attack me so low?"

Pausing, he starts to snicker.

"Oh there's a darkness inside of you and we are just getting started digging in and getting to it, but let's just work with what we got and the time we are being afforded.  You're sitting so high up, but-"

Once again he pauses his speech, lifting the sledgehammer up and throwing up towards the ceiling.  Sean jumps back and starts laughing as a chair falls from the ceiling with a stuffed dummy  with a paper pinned to it reading "Hi, I'm Thaddeus, please hurt me".  Sean rips the doll from the chair and shakes it around.

"Why should I care about you, Thaddy?"

Sean drops the dummy to the floor and puts a boot against the "head" of it.

"I'm no dummy, I know it is not going to be this easy, but the intent, that is what we care about, Thaddy."

Sean picks up part of the chair that hit the floor and just stares at it.

"Your grand ole house is going to be burned down in one night.  Everything you knew is about to be rewritten and then what, boy?"

He tosses the piece of chair from his hand and takes a knee by the dummy.

"I do not care about you, your family, or what any of that means to you or what you want it to mean to me."

With one hand, Sean takes the "head" of the dummy and clinches his other hand into a fist.

"Everything you knew will be completely rewritten and what you will soon know will turn your little world upside down because you are the newcomer.  You are the newbile rookie because you have never truly experienced... anything."

Pushing the dummy down to the floor, Sean leaves the cabin and just smiles as he gets to the end of the walkway, but does not look back.  Flames rise from the cabin and Sean just continues to walk, eventually joined by his wife.

"I hope you laid out my jammies."


"Maybe cooked me a grilled cheese and-"

Celeste sighs.

"You know I don't cook."

"I know, but I'm allowed my fun."

"Yes, yes you are."

Sean places his arm around Celeste.

"You see, Thaddy... make fun of me and talk down to me all you desire, but it is not going to change anything.  YOU are not going to change anything.  Here you are thinking you are walking against the current and making such tremendous strides, but really what have you done?  You were swallowed up by that current long ago and drowned by it.  You aren't alive because you have never truly lived.  When we meet one-on-one you are going to learn what it means to be pushed to your utter limits.  You are going to learn that it is not about the 'W' or the 'L', but the 'S'.  You are going to want the 'S' because that is all any of us have.  What is the 'S'?  The 'S' is survival, boy.  That is all any of us need.  We pick ourselves up and we dust ourselves off each and everyday.  We push and we push until we can push no longer, but when you are defeated... will you be able to push on?  Will you want to get up and try again?  It's time to strip it all away and see what remains the day after.  See you soon, boy.  I'll be ready and waiting to burn everything down around you so it is just the two of us.  No distractions, no anything.  Trust Me."

