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"Everyone needs to know something about me." - Sean Fuller

That is all Celeste finds when she wakes and stretches.  A one-line note written and left on her bedside table.  She grabs a folded robe from the bottom of the same table and slides into it.  She does not seem too concerned about the note though.

She is one of the few who never sweat Sean Fuller.

"I do not expect these words to surprise my wife.  Why do you think I chose her?  She understands and knows be better than anyone.  These cravings, these urges that I have.  They need to be sated and I think it is time the whole world-"

A door opens, wherever Sean has hidden himself off, letting in a bit of light.  The door slams shut, blacking out the room once more.  Sounds of a scuffle between Sean and whoever entered the room take place.

"I am my husband's keeper" - Celeste Cooper-Fuller

The light in the room turns on, revealing turned over furniture, broken lamps, and of course that single line dangling.

.:: One-Hour Later ::.

Sean is brought to a warehouse and shoved down onto a rickety wooden chair before the bag over his head is ripped off.  Sean shakes his head, stretching his eyes as they adjust to the light trampling to and through them.

"I take it you do not know what a good beside-"

One of the individuals deliver a stiff right across the jaw of Sean Fuller, who just stretches it and spits off to the side.

"Tell me something, do you like to just give it or do you like to take it as-"

The same person delivers another stiff right across Sean's jaw once again, who just reacts the same way.

"I've had better."

The person falls to his knees and passes out, Celeste on the other side; revealing herself to Sean, who just laughs as he rolls his head around in a circle.

"You have not been completely honest with me, honey."

"So if this is how you react when I leave you a note, how would you have reacted if I didn't?"

Celeste just smiles, staring at her husband.

"Well, mental note then, always leave a note."

Celeste walks over and straddles her husband's lap, placing her hands around his neck as she stares him directly in his eyes.

"There is one thing, above all else, that we have in common, Sean.  Do you remember what that is or do I need to remind you?"

"You remind me so well."

Pushing herself off of Sean, Celeste lets out a sigh.  She turns her back to Sean.

"We lie to everyone about everything, but never to each other."

Sean shrugs.

"I did leave a note."

"Communication, Sean.  Your note was vague and was pretty poor delivering the complete and thorough truth to the one person you swore to be nothing but true to.  I love you, Sean, but I have my lines that are not to be crossed."

"I don't see what the big deal is.  You know I am trying to be a better person, a more honest and true person in every aspect of my-"

Celeste turns around, slowly shaking her head from one-side to the other, but still keeping her smile as she once again looks at Sean.

"There are some things that belong locked away and kept between a husband and a wife, but then again this is just one of the main reasons you have and need me as part of your life."

"You got me there, I can be pretty impetuous."

"I agree, now, I take it your 'nature' is trying to bubble up to the surface?"

Sean nods his head.

"That is why I brought that idiot deliver you to me, knowing you would probably let him get the better of you because of some penance tour.  I assume that is also why you have 'come up short' in your matches as well, because you do not feel you deserve to win because what you have become?"

Once again, Sean nods his head.

"You deserve victory and even if you do not, do you not want to make me a proud spouse?  Just imagine how I would feel to see that smile on your face as you walk backstage after acquiring a victory inside of the ring?"

Sean lowers his head, but Celeste leans in and lifts it back up with her index finger just under his chin.

"You are who you are and more importantly you are the man that I love.  What you have done has made you into the man I always want to call my husband.  Now, are you going to get over yourself or are we going to have to take a sharp turn and redirect to the hard-"

Sensing the grin Sean is about to have, Celeste turns her head away and lets out a sigh before continuing.  Sean does not grin.

"Actually, I already know the answer... you masochist."

Celeste turns to walk away, but stops and turns her head back to look at Sean over her shoulder.

"Then again, if you knew the hard-way, I doubt you would be so eager and ready to agree, but the choice is yours, babe."

Sean pushes himself up to his feet and kicks the chair out from behind him.  He drops to his knees and holds out his arms, leaning his head back with his eyes closed.  Celeste just leaves and the sounds of chains rattling perk Sean back to his feet.


He calls out, but does not get a response.  Sean goes to check the door, only to find he has been locked inside of this completely vacant and empty warehouse.  Sean just lets out a laugh.

"Solitary... clever."

.:: That Night ::.

Sean is on his knees in the middle of the vacated, completely empty warehouse with his eyes closed and his hands resting on his thighs.  He does not even flinch when he hears the rattling of chains as he did when Celeste left.

"You 'look' content."

No response from Sean as Celeste re-enters the facility and approaches her husband, walking around to stand front-to-front with him.

"No lies, honey.  I know you were bouncing your body off of anything you could, because you could not stand being alone with your own thoughts."

Sean takes a deep breath in and then releases it, keeping his eyes closed.

"You forced me to embrace those thoughts and remember the true reason that I chose you."

Folding one arm over the other, Celeste tilts her head to one-side.

"What I have become is always something that I have had a hard-time with.  You know this better than anyone else does.  Since day-one, you have done nothing but accept me and look for ways to help me; whether I am aware or not."

Sean opens his eyes, finally; he lets out a sigh.

"That only made it worse at first too.  Here I was, a monster in my own head... wondering when my date with the Grim Reaper was going to come due and instead you come into my life, who was just as much a wreck, but you handled it and pulled us both up and got us out.  I'm not saying I am in the clear now, but I am going to try.  I think the world is ready to see what happens when you embrace and accept the monster within."

"You do need more work, but don't we all?  I know if I breakdown then you will be there for me to curl up next to and soak your clothes with my tears."

Sean laughs.

"Ha, you cry?  I've only ever seen you make others-"

"I am a good liar to the point you could even mistake it for being in control of my emotions, but are you ready to do this CWF thing the right way, honey?"

Sean climbs to his feet and nods to Celeste.

.:: The Next Afternoon ::.

Sean cracks his knuckles, following up with a good neck crack before turning to the camera pointed at him.  He has a smile on his face as he stands there in a red sleeveless shirt and a pair of blue jeans.

"Care to take a walk with me, Mister Jones?"

Sean brushes the side of his nose with his left-thumb.

"One, loss, two loss, but now it is time to set the record straight.  Unfortunately you are the name that was drawn out of the proverbial hat."

He shrugs, then leans in tilting his head to one side.

"Trust me or not, but it is unfortunate for you."

Sean leans back, still smiling.

"Fortunate for me though because I really have been needing someone to let out some frustrations on while taking that next step up the ladder and earning yet another title shot because that is one thing about me that everyone here will come to realize.  Championships tend to have a way to gravitate and surround me no matter where I plant my feet and decide to step between the ropes.  So, I hope you were not looking me and thinking things were going to be easy for you because in my last two matches I did not get the 'W'."

Pausing momentary and shaking his lowered head side-to-side.

"There is only one constant in all of this, boy.  Every single day I only become more dangerous to every single individual on the roster.  From Amy Jo to Zolton.  Every single day, every single week, month, year, and so on; the only constant is my appetite for hurting people never seems to go away.  Whether I am hurting myself or someone else, it is that one constant.  I'm a mess, boy.  That is what you are stepping inside of the ring with though; someone who understands and knows that everyday I need to figure out how to take that mess and channel it into the next championship."

Sean slides his hands into the side-pockets of his jeans.

"This is where you come in, boy... and don't get me wrong... I know you are not just going to stand there and let me pound on you.  I don't even want you to if that WAS an option because your fight, your struggle... it helps.  When you are on your knees, blood running down your face, and that sliver of hope still there screaming at you not to give up because there is still a chance... that is what helps.  When your bones are popping, your muscles are tearing, and your brain is telling you to submit and try again later, that little sliver will be there that you will listen to.  I would never want to take that sliver away from you or anybody, but it is going to be damaged."

He pauses momentarily and runs his hands over his face and back through his hair.  Sean rests his hands on his sides.

"I want to take you beyond your limits and have you questioning everything about yourself and everything you have ever done in your entire life, but you will still have sliver of hope to hold onto and keep you soldiering on to the next week.  Sorry to say, boy, but realizations have come out and once again it is time for the truth to set one more person free.  So bring your best, bring your everything, and most importantly bury down deep those thoughts that try to creep out about what could and will happen when I have my way.  This will not be your last match though, so you can take solace in that, boy.  You simply will be struck with the truth that you have not been challenged as I am about to challenge you because now is the time to hurt others for the right reasons.  Now is the time to pull back the curtain and unleash the truth that from this moment on things only get worse for each person who gets in my way"

Sean takes a step back, making room for Celeste, who stands in front of her husband with a smile to match his.

"Mister Duce Jones, you will be the first testimony here in CWF.  You will be able to spread the word to everyone you come across about what it means to step inside of the ring against an un-caged and hyper-focused Sean Fuller.  So in a way you are lucky, but the road is bloody and it is going to hurt immensely.  None of what happens is your fault, we want you to know that, but we also want you to know it is your problem.  Mister Duce Jones, Sean Fuller will respectfully dismantle your body and your mind.  He will take great pleasure in doing so and the best part is, you might just have the opportunity to hear the fans sitting around the ring cheering on the brutality and egging Sean Fuller on because at the end of the day the fans appreciate when a wrestler is being honest with who they are in this business.  The truth shall change you, Mister Duce Jones and open your eyes to a whole new world order of violence and utter decimation."

Sean and Celeste turn away from the camera and leave as the feed fades out on them.
