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Welcome to ShadowX5403's l33t paige! I threw this little site together for the hell of it using my own color scheme and style sheet. Bein a tech student allows me to be much more creative and have my own personal look, rather than just reuse some damn template with just a different color scheme like on myspace. Theres stuff about me, my car, and just other random stuff im interested in. Theyll be updates every once in awhile.....if i feel like it, or get around to it. Either way check back soon

Site Calender

2/25/04 - Main index page complete
2/25/04 - Menu items added to index
2/25/04 - Added favorite links to index
2/25/04 - Added "last modified" javascript to index
2/26/04 - About me style sheet page works
2/28/04 - Mustang Specs style sheet works
5/05/04 - Mustang Mods style sheet works
5/05/04 - Mustang Pics style sheet page works
5/05/04 - Pictures on Mustang Pics page open correctly
5/05/04 - Site is Complete!
8/07/04 - Site is under construction...
8/07/04 - Changing color themes and site structure
8/20/04 - Accidently deleted picture gallery
8/20/04 - New pictures in progress...
8/27/04 - New picture gallery complete
8/20/04 - Car Links page complete
9/01/04 - Computer Links page complete
10/23/05 - Picture gallery under construction

Check For Updates Soon!
