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We have heard it referred to as the “winter blues” or “cabin fever,” that sense of sadness or depression that may accompany the winter months.  Those blue feelings that so many people dismiss are recognized by health professionals and referred to as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a seasonal form of depression.

Although anyone can be affected, SAD has been found to have the greatest effect on people living in the higher latitudes (both northern and southern) where winter extremes last a longer portion of the year.  It is believed that the decreased hours of sunlight in these locations is the root cause for the disorder.

Throughout this website, you will find current fact-based information on SAD designed to educate those suffering from its symptoms or those seeking answers about this disorder.

It should be noted that the content of this site is meant to be informational and educational (see our Goal Statement).  If you believe you are suffering from SAD consult your physician or licensed health professional immediately.  If you are feeling suicidal or have thoughts of hurting yourself or someone else, please contact your local suicide hotline.  There are trained professionals ready and willing to listen to you and help you through this troubling time.


Quick Facts
  • Earliest documentation of seasonal mood changes date back to 1845

  • SAD was recognized as a clinical diagnosis in 1984

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