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     Lok Adhikar Manch      
A movement of marginalized people for human rights and social justice


Home Profile of the Region

About  Kutch 

Kutch: a region of Gujarat

Kutch has traditionally been known for its handicrafts. The devastating earthquake in the year 2001 added a dimension of natural calamity turned into a disaster of large scale.  The relief activities in Kutch after earthquake has brought many other aspects of Kutch to the fore, such as, the caste system and marginalisation of poor and backwards castes and communities and serious problems of unequal distribution and utilization of natural resources for development. 

Kutch is the largest border district in Gujarat, even larger than a state of Kerala in India.  The present population is about one and a quarter million (13 lakhs).  The name ‘Kutch’ is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Kashyap’ meaning tortoise, describes its topography, which is varied with saline and fertile land, seawater, plains and hills, desert and grasslands.  Kutch is almost like an island and before the road entrance was made at Surajbari, it was a boat ride connection to Kathiawar and other parts of Gujarat. There is a desert in north and western side while the Gulf of Kutch on southern side.  Inside Kutch were the islands of Pachchham, Khadir and Bela, now connected by permanent roads.

Traditionally, Kutch was divided into different areas, namely, Kand, Garado, Abdaso, Pranthal, Prawar, Modaso, Banni, Khadir, Halar Chovisi, Bhuvad Chovisi, Anjar, Aani, Kantho, and Vagad.  The present administrative units are made into nine talukas, namely, Abdasa, Lakhpat, Nakhatrana, Bhuj, Mandavi, Mundra, Anjar, Bhachau and Rapar. 

The studies on Kutch as a region describe that ecology and heritage of Kutch is now under threat, unless concern transcends the local considerations.  Underground water is depleting rapidly, sucked by pumps for salt making and having no direct relation between operating costs and consumption or waste, running on heavily subsidized electricity or with illegal connections.  Salinity ingress along the coastal and Rann areas is much talked about. Kutch as a region needs deeper thinking in the context of its development of economy other than traditional pastoralism, salt industry and fishing on seacoast; its ecology; utilization of land and water; and about its inhabitants (Bhagat and Sheth: 1995).

There are very few socio-economic studies of Kutch and data are assorted.  The Census data provides demographic details and infrastructure facilities; it doesn’t provide insights for social, economic and political process and existing scenario in Kutch and situation of deprived and marginalized sections of the society.  The existing literature focus more on traditions, geographic diversities and handicraft related descriptions. 

In fact, all these problems of Kutch were in existence since long but these were aggravated by the natural disaster like the earthquake and the marginalized were further marginalized with existing discriminating practices, inequity and negligence of backward castes.    

Overall Demography

Total population – Kutch and Gujarat

Total population of Gujarat in 1991 was 4,12,09,582 while of Kutch was 12,62,507 and of Bhachau and Rapar (1,14,759 and 1,50,517 respectively). The population of Kutch in Gujarat was 3.06% and was ranked 15th in the State. Within Kutch, Bhuj had the highest population followed by Rapar, while Bhachau was the fifth in rank. The population of Bhachau and Rapar in Kutch was 9.08% and 11.92% respectively.  

Population in rural and urban areas of Kutch and Gujarat

  Total rural population of Kutch in Gujarat is 3.23%; the district ranked 16th in rural population of the State.  Bhachau stands 5th while Rapar stands 2nd among all Taluka of the district. There are 10 towns in the district.  The total urban population of the district is 3,87,857 persons which is 2.72 per cent of the total urban population of the State.  The district ranks 11th in urban population among the districts of the State.  Gandhidham and Bhuj city has the maximum urban population; Naliya town has the minimum urban population of 8,105. Bhachau stands sixth while Rapar stands eighth among all the towns.

This shows that Bhachau and Rapar have no significant pattern of habitation in rural and urban areas in comparison to other areas of Kutch.  

Population sex-wise and sex ratio in rural population (number of females per 1,000 males) – Kutch and Gujarat

In Gujarat, the ratio was 934 while in Kutch it was 964 (which is more than the State).  The sex ratio of total rural population was 987 while it was 915 of urban population of the district.  Among the talukas, Nakhatrana Taluka has the highest sex ratio of 1,029, followed by Mundra Taluka 1,027 Mandvi Taluka 1,023 and Abdasa Taluka 1,004. The overall sex ratio of the district is higher in rural areas than in the urban areas. Rapar Taluka has the lowest sex ratio of 926 while Bhachau has 988, ranks fifth among all rural Taluka. There is a narrow difference between Gujarat and Rapar in this respect. 

  Geographic area and density of population in Kutch and Gujarat

The total geographic area of Gujarat is 1,96,024 sq. km. while of Kutch is 45,652 and 1,985 of Bhachau and 3,024 of Rapar Taluka.  Out of total 884 inhabited villages, maximum number of villages i.e. 288 or 32.58 % are within the density range of 21 - 50 persons per sq. km., 178 or 20.14 per cent villages within the range of 51-100 persons per sq. km., 104 or 11.76 per cent villages within the range of 101 -200 persons per sq. km., 198 villages recorded a low density up to 20 persons per sq. km. whereas only 68 villages had a high density of more than 501 persons per sq. km. Villages of Rapar and Bhachau fall into first (21-50 persons per sq. km.) and second (51-100 persons per sq. km.) category respectively.   

Proportion of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes of Kutch and Gujarat

 Scheduled castes population of Kutch district constitutes 4.91 per cent of the total SC population of the State. Except 236 villages, all the villages in the district have SC population.

The proportion of scheduled castes population to total population of the district is 11.90 per cent. This is higher than 7.41 per cent scheduled castes population of the state as a whole. Of the total rural and urban population of the district, the quantum of scheduled castes population living in the rural areas is higher than urban areas of the district (12.06 in rural areas and 11.53 per cent in urban). Rapar stands 2nd (12.60%) among all Taluka of Kutch while Bhachau ranks 5th  (9.41%) in regards to SC population in the district.  

Scheduled tribes population of Kutch was 87,723, which is only 1.42 per cent of the total ST population of the State. The proportion of scheduled tribes population is only 6.95 per cent of the total population of the district. Compared to the State’s percentage of 14.92, the percentage for the district is low.  Out of total 884 villages, 326 villages or 36.88 percent have no ST population. Rapar stands 3rd (6.35%) while Bhachau ranks 1st (7.42%) among all the talukas in the district in regards to ST population to total population.  These two talukas have higher proportion of ST population in comparison to the State’s average.  

Literacy rate in Kutch

The literacy rate for the whole district is 52.75 during 1991 Census, which is lower than the State’s literacy rate of 61.29. The male and female literacy rates are 64.26 and 40.89 respectively in the district, which is both lower than the State’s literacy rate of 73.13 and 48.61 respectively. 

The male literacy rates are much higher than the female literacy rates for both rural and urban areas as well as for the State as a whole.

The literacy rate for rural areas of the district is 44.85. The literacy rates for males and females are 56.88 and 42.82 respectively for all the villages of the district. Among the talukas of the district, Nakhatrana Taluka has the maximum literacy rate of 56.61. Out of total 9 talukas, 5 talukas have the higher literacy rates while 4 talukas have lower literacy rates than the district’s literacy rate of rural area.

Ø      Rapar Taluka has the lowest literacy rate of 30.06%.  Bhachau with 37.57% of literacy stands 7th in rank among all talukas of Kutch.

Ø      Both the talukas have lower literacy rate than the State’s average.

Ø      Female literacy rate is alarmingly lower than males in rural areas of both talukas (15.37% in Rapar and 23.82% I Bhachau).


Total workers and non-workers

 The total workforce (including main workers & marginal workers) form 36.28 per cent of the total population of the district, against 40.23 per cent in the State, which means that the workforce in Kutch is less than the State.

 The work participation rates for males and females at the district level are respectively 51.68 and 20.30 per cent, which means that female working participation rate is very low than the male working participation rate in the workforce.

 The percentage of non- workers to total population of the district is 63.72 against 59.77 for the Gujarat State. The proportion of non-workers to total population is higher in urban areas than in the rural areas of the district.  Total workers to total population in Bhachau are 39.02% out of which 52.84% are males and 21.85% are female.  This means that the male workers are more than double than female workers.  In compare to other talukas, Bhachau stands fifth in this regard. Total workers to total population in Rapar are 37.94% out of which 51.32% are males and 26.57% are female.  Like Bhachau, the male workers are more than double than female workers.  In compare to other talukas, Rapar stands seventh in this regard.


This shows that there are a large number of workers who do not have enough work or employment; the female workers constitute only one-fourth of total workforce and a tenth of main workers. 

  i.                     Cultivators – Bhachau and Rapar (43.63% and 39.41%), both has reported higher number of cultivators that District (26.57%) and the State (33.37%).  This also means that more number of people cultivates land in compare to the district and the State in these talukas.

ii.                   Agricultural labourers - Bhachau and Rapar (30.23% and 33.65%), both has reported higher number of cultivators that District (25.85) and the State (22.92).  This also means that more number of people work as agricultural labourers in compare to the district and the State in these talukas.

iii.                  Livestock, forestry, fishing, plantation and allied activities – In these activities, the participation in Rapar (5.61) is marginally higher than the District (5.26) but significantly higher than the State (2.40) while in Bhachau (4.51), it is lower than the district but higher than the State, which reflects the area specificity for work opportunities.  The participation of female in these activities is as low as 1 and 0.95 (Bhachau and Rapar respectively), which means males mainly perform these activities.

iv.                 Mining and quarrying – Both Bhachau (0.19) and Rapar (0.082) has much lower percentage of these workers than the District (0.94) and the State (0.42).  This confirms with the geographic location of these Taluka and possibilities of these activities to be performed.

v.                   Household industries - Both Bhachau (1.72) and Rapar (2.00) has marginally lower percentage of these workers than the District (2.13) but higher than the State (1.39).  Among these, female participation is much higher with 3.13 and 3.17 in Bhachau and Rapar respectively.  This indicates that when there is lower participation in other sectors, the house-based industry with higher female participation is observed.

vi.                 Other services like construction, trade & commerce, transport, storage and communications – In all these activities, both Bhachau and Rapar Taluka have much lower workforce in comparison to the District and the State.  This indicates lack of opportunities for development of these activities. 

The statistics indicate that more than a third of workforce is engaged in cultivation, about a third engaged in agricultural labor and the rest is engaged in other activities, which is higher than the State average, such as, forestry, fishing, and household industries, which could mean that there is a lack of opportunities of very little opportunities for getting work and earning wages or livelihood.


Availability of different amenities – This category includes amenities like education, medical, drinking water, post & telegraph, communications, approach road and power supply.


i.                     Education – Both talukas have >97% facilities for education, much higher in comparison to other talukas in the District.  Unfortunately, Rapar despite having good facility, shows very low literacy rate and alarmingly low in female.

ii.                   Medical – The range of this facility is between 33 to 82 percent in the district in different villages of different talukas.  Bhachau (65.22) stands third while Rapar (51.55) stands sixth.

iii.                  Drinking water – Other than Lakhpat and Mandavi taluka, all other Taluka reported villages having facility of drinking water.

iv.                 Post & telegraph - The range of this facility is between 30 to 76 percent in the district in different villages of different talukas.  Bhachau (65.22) stands fifth while Rapar (65.98) stands fourth.  Lakhpat is the lowest in range.

v.                   Communications – Other than Lakhpat (86.9), all other Taluka has this facility for >90%.  Bhachau stands third while Rapar stands sixth in this regard.

vi.                 Approach road - The range of this facility is between 36 to 88 percent in the district in different villages of different talukas.  Bhachau (53.62) stands fourth while Rapar (38.14) stands eighth.  Lakhpat is the lowest in range.

vii.                Power supply - Other than Lakhpat (80.95), all other Taluka has this facility for >90%.  Bhachau stands fifth while Rapar stands seventh in this regard.

  Land use

Among other Taluka s of Kutch, percentage of cultivable area to total area varies from 18 to 61.  Bhachau (58.10) stands second while Rapar (46.95) stands fifth in this regard.  Out of this cultivable land, percentage of irrigated area varies between 2 to 22 and Bhachau has the lowest among them and Rapar (4.34) is the second lowest.  This indicates that despite having more than half the cultivable land of the total area, the irrigation facility is considerable low and thus the participation in agriculture and agricultural labour is much higher.



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