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     Lok Adhikar Manch      
A movement of marginalized people for human rights and social justice


Home Memorandum by single women

Important Issues raised by  Lok Adhikar Manch 

·     Lok Adhikar Manch raised the issues of housing compensation and for that matter the members of Lok Adhikar Manch protested before Bhachau, Anjar and Rapar taluka development offices for more than two months. 

·           In another case where 162 families of village Satapar of Anjar taluka were being forced to go for adoption rather than the owner driven housing. Since they were not ready for the adoption package they were denied of the housing compensation. Lok Adhikar Manch strongly opposed and protested against that. As a result of which both the packages of rehabilitation were allowed in the same village and these families received housing compensation. 

·           Lok Adhikar Manch raised the issue of water scarcity for housing construction as result of which a coordination committee of officials of water supply department and members of Lok Adhikar Manch was constituted and services of water tanker were provided to the affected   villages. 

·           The eleven Dalit families of Shivgarh, who had to reside with their relatives for two years due to caste oppression, were able to settle down in their own village with the support extended by Lok Adhikar Manch. 

·           The Centre Government through an ordinance recently moved out Koli, Paradhi and Vaghri caste groups from the Schedule Tribe list. Viewing the implications of this step of government Lok Adhikar Manch actively initiated awareness campaigns and is mobilizing the affected mass. 

Apart from this Lok Adhikar Manch is involved in the empowerment of most vulnerables including single women and people with disabilities for their participation in decision making in gram Panchayats and other local bodies and is actively raising the issues of education, food-security, basic amenities, barrier-free environment for PWDs (people with disabilities), domestic violence and violence against women.

 Lok Adhikar Manch is a non-party peoples movement where the oppressed, marginalized, discriminated women, men girls and boys can join together to fight for justice and their rights.




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