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Lady I)iablos

Name: Lady I)iablos

Nickname(s): Lady I), I)i, Mistress

Sex: Female.

Name of guild and clan (if applicable): None....yet

Job: Necromancer/Illusionist--Ability of Telekenesis

Titles(s) Held: Arch General of Baator's Legions

Date of Birth: 10,000 years ago (give or take a century or two)

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Race or Species: Human

True Form: Human, at least from what anyone can sense or see.

Other Form(s): None

Eyes: Grey

Hair: Light brown/Silver

Skin: Light tan

What do you look like: See above pic

Describe your attitude: Evil...simple enough

Biggest Character Flaw: Letting herself get caught by the "Nameless Ones"

Personal Quotes: Usstan uil yvalm a uoi'nota, lueth uss tangi; vel'drav plynnet a ussta erl'elee, ji zhal dos tlu.

Parent(s): None....she was created.

Sibling(s): None

Husband: None/Deceased

Children: None/Deceased

Close Friends: None

Worst Enemie(s): All who oppose her.

Pet(s) and their names: Do men count?

Favorite Color(s): Crimson Red, Hell's Flame Purple, Void Black

Favorite Animal(s): Nightmares

Favorite Drink(s): Great Worm Black Dragon Blood Wyne

Favorite Food(s): Souls

Favorite Belonging(s): Her Soul

Favorite thing(s) to wear: Black or Red Lace dresses(No material other than lace), no shoes and her Crimson or Black cloak

Things you collect: Bodies and far, would you like to be her next peice of collection?

A Dream or Goal you have: To not go insane from the voices in her head.

Hobbie(s): I have no time for hobbies

Something you're good at: Oh please, why even ask. I am good at everything.

Favorite Body parts on/in you: All of me of course

Favorite Body Part on the opposite sex: Their's the doors to their souls

Any Tattoos or Birthmarks, Where and of what: I have none.

Deities you worship: Myself

Best place to hang out: The cemetary or Nocturnia Keep

What do you sleep in, and where do you sleep: In a bed..the location is none of your concern

Important lesson(s) you've learned: What ever you think is hell, isn't. It's much much worse.

Best Advice: Don't underestimate me.

Words and Phrases you over use: I overuse none that I can recall.

Most Awesome experience of your life: Surviving in my own hell while being tortured by the "Nameless Ones"

Scariest thing you've ever done: Read above

Stupidest thing you ever heard someone say: Did you know your head is worth 90293322983 Marks? Oh, and I shall be collecting it today.

Funniest Experience: I have none to date.

Links to go to

Dragon Court RPG
Clan Evil Uprising
Darksyn's Profile
Uoi'nota Rothe's Profile
Alaskian Gorauth's Profile