Only One For Me

You say you've seen too many things,

that turn out to be too good to be true.

Against your better judgment, opened up your heart,

'til you found the joke was on you.

Looking out on the rest of our lives,

If we're gonna be together or apart.

About the only way I know how to come,

is right straight from my heart.

I just stood there listening to Avery talk to the sky. Her brown hair blowing in the breezy as it pasted by. I saw the empty Diet Coke can beside her. She was laid back against the banister with her beautifully legs stretched out. Totally oblivious to me standing there watching her. I knew I had been a ass to her but I had to protect myself. I mean I know she loves me. But every time I love someone I get hurt. The thing is I love her in away I never have loved anybody. She takes my shit over and over until last night. When she stood up to me it made me want her more that ever. No one had every stood up to me. I watched her as she played with the lid to her can. All I want was to take her in my arms make her promise me that she would never leave. When I moved the porch creaked causing Avery to look over at me. Her eyes were that of someone whose heart was being broken. She searched me for answers then turned around.

“Avery.. I” she looked over at me with a little bit of hope as I got closer to her. She moved her legs so I could sit down.

“June baby. You miss me” I heard Courtney yell as she walked from the back door. I never heard her drive up before I could stop her she was jumping in my arms wrapping her arms around me and slamming her lips down on mine. Before I was able to break apart I heard Avery slam the door to the house. If I hadn’t broke her heart all together yet I did then. I wished Courtney was Avery as she stayed in my arms. I wanted to tell her I loved her. Maybe my plan was working to good. cause she was starting to break my heart.

I want you now,

I'll show you how

I can be the man you need me to be

I've been around,

but now I've found

that you're the only one for me.

I didn’t see Avery at all for the next 3 weeks she made is so every time I would be home she would be asleep or gone out with my sister or Delana. I was feeling like shit more and more each day. Which the DMP point blank told me I should. Courtney was enjoying the ride as my girlfriend when really the only person I wanted on that ride was Avery because she was my all. I walked in to another dark house. This time I new Avery was home I didn’t care I was going to see her no matter if I had to wait outside her bedroom we need to talk or just yell at each other for a good while. I saw some empty boxes out in the hallway beside her room. Bud was following me up the stairs I threw one of his toys in her room so he would open the door more as he went after them that gave me a excuse for going in. When I walked in she was sound asleep to the radio the light of the computer monitor lighting up the room. I walked over to her desk where Bud had found his toy. I sat down to pet him when I noticed more boxes and some information on a house for rent on down the road. When I picked up the paper to read it Avery rolled over. She was sleeping in one of my shirts. I read the paper. Moving. Avery can’t move I need her here with me. I can’t let her go.

“Ow” Something hit me in the arm as I jumped up from my sleep.

“What are you doing why are you in my room” Avery was sitting up in her bed her hair everywhere looking sexier than ever but pissed as hell.

“I umm umm..” she just looked at me as I stumbled over my words.

“Nice answer there Dale” She no longer called me June she only called me Dale. I knew she was pissed off she never called me Dale unless she was mad.

“Avery I love you honestly I love you” a said in one quick breathe. It wasn’t so hard until I looked at her sitting there looking at me with no emotion. I watched as she got up to move and started walking to me. Maybe she was going to kiss me and tell me she forgave me and understood totally.

“Don’t say things you don’t mean especially to me anymore. I am not taking it.” Bam right in my face she walked by me heading to her bathroom closing the door. I heard her lock it knowing I would walk in their after her. If I felt like shit last night. Then I was shit on shit today.

Say you'll never fall again

You won't subject yourself to such pain

If you give me half a chance I will

I'll never leave you standing out in the rain

But if you think that i could look you in your face and lie right

through my teeth

then turn around and walk away

Cross my heart, girl I care for you and when I look into your eyes i must say..

“Where are you going” I asked Avery as she cared a box out to her truck adding it to the pile of boxes already there.

“I am leaving” she didn’t look at me as she walked by me back into the house. I followed her like a lost puppy.

“You can’t leave I need you” I heard let out a big sigh as she stop on the top step and looked down at me waiting for her at the bottom.

“What about me Dale. Did you every think I might need you or I might love you. No you didn’t you thought about what piece of ass you could get the come home to Avery the girl who would always be there for you no matter how much you hurt her. I can’t do it anymore. I just can’t” I sprinted up the steps. I need to show her how much I loved her how much I need her.

I want you now

I'll show you how

I can be the man you need me to be

I've been around

but now I've found

that you're the only one for me

I need you so

I can't let go

Gonna be all that I can be

I want you still

I always will

cause you're the only one for me

Her back was turned to me as I walked into her room. She was working on getting a picture of the wall. I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into my arms. Without a breath I kissed her. I felt her tense up and then relax her arms going around my neck as I lift her up and laid her back on her bed. She just looked at me as I went back to kissing her.

“Av I need you” she never answered me probably cause I never gave her time. I felt her hands on my back. She was trying to hold back until I ran my hand up her leg to the top of her jeans then under her shirt making her squirm. My mouth left hers long enough to take my shirt off and send it across the room. Her shirt soon went off and joined mine. I had never seen her with anything not on. Her body was toned and fair skinned like mine. She had a little belly ring that I never knew about. I moved my kisses down her chest to her stomach and traced the outline of her belly button with my tongue. I heard her moan a little as her hands went into my hair. I felt her pull my head up to look dead in my eyes.

“June. I never have done this.” her eyes had that love back. Her hands went to my belt undoing it. I stopped her I need her to know that it was all about her. This was the only way I knew how to show my love. I slide her jeans down and let my hands and lips play over her body. She was more beautiful than anything I have ever seen. She was laying there in only her panties. I towered over her wanting to take her all of her and have her as mine. I knew it was her first time and that I would have that claim over her. I kicked my jeans off as I laid back down over her. She was responding to all of my kisses and touches. She had her eyes closed as I kissed her and whispered.

“This is going to show you how much I want you and need you.” Her eyes shot open and burned into mine. I felt her push me up and off her. Damn smooth move there Junior.

“Av what....” she moved off the bed grabbing her shirt and underclothes then went searching for her jeans.

“June. God you sleeping with me is not what I want you to do to show me you need me or love me. I am not like those other girls that doesn’t mean anything big with me.” I just watched her as she slide on my jeans instead of her not caring as the slide down and rested dangerously on her hips.

“I didn’t mean it like that” I was laying back on her bed just not worrying about her looking at me with no clothes on turn on more than anything.

“I am sorry June” she walked out just like that. I heard her pull her truck out of the garage and then she was gone with me wanting her more than ever.

I want you now

I'll show you how

I can be the man you need me to be

I've been around

but now I've found

that you're the only one for me

I need you so

I can't let go

Gonna be all that I can be

I want you still

I always will

cause you're the only one for me